Jo Ann Perry
Associate Professor Emeritus
- Email joannperry742@gmail.com
- Address
UBC School of Nursing
T201 2211 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver BC V6T2B5
Educational Background
BSN , Adelphi University
MSN , University of British Columbia
PhD , University of Washington
Clinical Teaching and Research Unit in the Purdy Pavilion Extended Care Unit. Faculty Associate at Vancouver Hospital.
Alzheimer Society of BC Research Policy Committee
Caregivers Association of BC Board member
Graduate Council (1999 - Dec. 2000)
Graduate Council Policy Committee
UBC Senate: Applied Science Representative (1999 - 2002)
Senate Committee on Student Awards
Senate Committee on Appeals on Academic Standing
University Graduate Fellowship Review Committee
Faculty of Medicine, Department of Family Practice, Division of Community Geriatrics Advisory Goard for the Royal Canadian Legion/University of British Columbia Community Geritric Research partnership (1998-)
UBC Women’s Resource Center: Counseling and Working with an Aging Population Certificate program - Advisory Board Current Research
Area of Research
Completed Projects
Michael Smith Foundation; Centre for Research on Personhood in Dementia Care. PI: D. O’Connor. Co-Investigators: L. Beattie, H. Chaudhury, M. Donnelly, P. Graff, A., Martin-Matthews, J. Perry, A. Phinney, J. Small, A. Smith.
Alzheimer Society of Canada: Reliability and Validity Testing of the Perception of Conversation Index – Alzheimer’s Type (PCI-DAT). PI: J. B. Orange. Co-Investigators: R. Lubinski, B. Purves, J. Perry, J. Small & A. Johnson.
Alzheimer Society of Canada: Communication Intervention for Family Caregivers. PI: J. Small. Co-Investigators: J. Perry, J. Bottorff.
B.C. Medical Services Foundation: Caregivers’ Psychosocial Behaviour and Communication. PI: J. Small. Co-Investigator: J. Perry.
Alzheimer Society of B.C: Developing an Intervention Model to Promote Socialization for People with Dementia who Reside in Long Term Care Facilities. PI: J.Perry. Co-Investigators: J. Bottorff, J. Small, S. Galloway.
Developing an intervention model to promote socialization for people with dementia who reside in long term care. (J. Perry, J. Bottorff & S. Galloway) Alzheimer Society of B.C.
Reconceptualizing Family Support Groups: How do they Work? (D. O’Connor, J.A. Perry & K. Kobyashi),SSHRC
Dementia Caregiving in the Japanese-Canadian Community (J.A. Perry, K. Kobyashi & D. O’Connor). Alzheimer Society of B.C.
Matters of the Heart and Mind: Negotiating and Assessing Personhood Among Elderly Canadians with Dementia. (J. Graham and:A. Carswell, N. Keating, A. Martin Matthews, D. O’Connor, J.A. Perry, B. Purves, J. Segal), CIHR TriCouncil Workshop Program
Interacting with People with Dementia: An Interdisciplinary CD-ROM Learning Module (B. Purves, J. Perry & D.O’Connor) UBC Teaching -Learning Enhancement Fund
Selected Publications not Indexed in PubMed
Perry, J. & Paterson, B. (2005). An innovative approach to nursing rounds for teaching undergraduate students. Nurse Education in Practice,5, 63-69.
Perry, J., Galloway, S., Bottorff, J. & Nixon, S. (2005). Communicating with people who have dementia and live in nursing homes: Improving the odds. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 31 (4), 3-52.
Perry, J. (2005). Expanding the dialogue on dementia: (Re)positioning the diagnosis and the narrative. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 37, 166-180.
Small, J.A. & Perry, J. (2005). "Do you remember?" How caregivers question their spouses with Alzheimer’s disease and the impact on communication. Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research, 48.
Perry, J. (2004). Daughters giving care to mothers who have dementia: Mastering the 3 R’s of (re)calling, (re)learning and (re)adjusting.Journal of Family Nursing, 10(1), 50-69.
Perry, J. (2003). from Wives, Daughters, Husbands and Sons Giving Care to Kin with Dementia. Canadian Gerontological Nurses Association Kelowna, B.C.
Anderson, J., Perry, J., Blue, C. Browne, A. Henderson, A., Basu Khan K., Reimer Kirkham, S., Lynam, J., Semenieuk, P. Smye, V. (2003). ‘Re-writing’ cultural safety within the postcolonial and postnational feminist project: Towards new epistemologies of healing. Advances in Nursing Science, 26(9), 196-214.
Kirkham, S. R., Smye, V., Tang, S., Anderson, J., Blue, C., Brown,, A., Coles, R., Dyck, I., Henderson, A., Lynam, M. J., Perry, J., Semeniuk, P., Shapera, L. (2002). Rethinking cultural safety while waiting for fieldwork; Methodological implications for nursing research. Research in Nursing & Health, 25, 222-232.
*Perry, J. & O’Connor, D. (2002). Preserving personhood: (Re)membering the spouse with dementia. Family Relations, 5, 55-62.
*Perry, J. (2002). Wives giving care to husbands with Alzheimer’s disease: A process of interpretive caring. Research in Nursing & Health,25, 307-316.
Perry, J. & O’Connor, D. (2002). Preserving personhood:(Re)membering the spouse with dementia. Family Relations. 51, 55-62.
Carswell, N. Keating, A. Martin Matthews, D. O’Connor, J. Perry, B. Purves, J. Sega. (2001). Matters of the Heart and Mind: Negotiating and Assessing Personhood Among Elderly Canadians with Dementia. Alzheimer Society of Canada Halifax, N.S.
Perry, J., Galloway, S. & Bottorff, J. (2001). Nurse-patient Interaction for patients with dementia: Exploring Strategies. Fifth International Conference on Communication, Aging, and Health Vancouver, B.C.
Purves, B., O’Connor, D. & Perry, J. (2001). Teaching Interdisciplinary Dementia Care: Challenges and Opportunities in Program Development. 17th Congress of the International Association of Gerontology Vancouver.
Purves, B., O’Connor, D. & Perry, J. (2001). Teaching interdisciplinary dementia care: Challenges and opportunities in program development.Gerontology (pp. 47, S1 01, 125).
McGilton, K., Pringle, D., Dobbs, B., Keating; N., Tuokko, H., MacCourt,P., Smith, A., Kobayashi, K., Stephenson, P., Graham J., Carswell, A., Martin-Matthews, A., O’Connor, D., J. Perry,, J. & Purves, B. (2001). Dementia and personhood: Matters of the Heart and Mind. Gerontology(pp. 47, S1, 01, 422).
*Perry, J. & Bontinen, K. (2001). Evaluation of a weekend respite program for persons with Alzheimer disease. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 33, 81-95.
Perry, J. & Bontinen, K. (2001). Evaluation of a weekend respite program for persons with Alzheimer disease. (At request of the journal, one page summary with commentary). Evidence-Based Mental Health, 5, 32.
Perry, J. & Bontinen, K. (2001). Evaluation of a weekend respite program for persons with Alzheimer disease. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 33, 81-95.
UBC Dementia Research Collaborative Working Group. (2000). . Matters of the heart and mind: Negotiating and assessing personhood and dignity among elderly Canadians with dementia. ... view publication
Thorne, S. & Perry, J. (2000). Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice. In J.C. Ross-Kerr and M.Wood (Ed.), Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing. Toronto: Harcourt.
Purves, B., Perry, J. & O’Connor, D. (2000). From Patient to Person: Changing the Lens in Dementia Care. An Interactive CD ROM for Interdisciplinary learning.
Thorne, S. & Perry, J.A. (2000). Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice. In J.C. Ross-Kerr and M.Wood (Ed.), Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing. Toronto: Harcourt.
Perry, J. & Galloway, S. (1999). Conversational therapy in a group setting with older adults who have dementia. Canadian Gerontological Nurses Association Edmonton, Alberta.
Perry, J. & Bottorf, J. (1999). The use of videotape to study communication in patients with Alzheimer disease. Advances in Qualitative Methods Edmonton, Alberta.
Perry, J. & O’Connor, D. (1999). Preserving personhood as a spousal undertaking in dementia care. Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting San Francisco.
Perry, J. (1998). The evaluation of a weekend respite program for persons with dementia. Qualitative Health Research ConferenceVancouver, B.C.
Perry, J. & Hale B. (1998). Culture tales: A pilot project designed to facilitate reminiscing in the elderly. Alzheimer Society of CanadaVancouver, B.C.
Perry, J. & Bontinen, K. (1998). Caregiver’s view of the respite experience. Alzheimer Society of Canada Vancouver, B.C.
Perry, J. (1997). Caregiving activities and coping strategies in dementia. Ethyl Johns Rresearch Day Vancouver, B.C.
Perry, J. (1996). Wives caregiving to husbands who have dementia. Interdisciplinary Health Research Conference Ottawa, Ontario.
Perry, J. (1996). Family Know-How as a process of interpretive caring: A study of wives caring for husbands who have Alzheimer’s Disease.Western Institute For Nursing Research Denver, Colorado.
Perry, J. & Olshansky, E.F. (1996). family’s coming to terms with Alzheimer’s Disease. Western Journal Of Nursing Research, 18(1), 12-28.
Perry, J. & Olshansky, E.F. (1996). A family’s coming to terms with Alzheimer’s Disease. Western Journal Of Nursing Research, 18(1), 12-28.
Perry, J. (1995). Spouse caregivers and Alzheimer’s Disease - A Pilot Study. Western Institute for Nursing Research San Diego, CA.
Perry, J. & Woods, N.F. (1995). Older women and their images of health. Advances in Nursing Science, 18(1), 51-61.
Perry, J.A. & Woods, N.F. (1995). Older women and their images of health. Advances in Nursing Science, 18(1), 51-61.
Perry, J., & Olshansky E. (1994). Shoring up the structure: Preserving the family experiencing Alzheimer’s Disease. The Third International Family Nursing Conference Montreal, Quebec.
Perry, J., & Woods, N.F. (1994). A pilot study of wellness in older women. International Nursing Research Conference Vancouver, B.C.
Perry, J., & Woods, N.F. (1994). Exploring Wellness in Older Women. Western Institute For Nursing Research Phoenix, Arizona.
Thorne, S., Jillings, C., Ellis, D., & Perry, J. (1993). Application of a behavioral system model: The University of British Columbia Experience.Journal of Advanced Nursing, 13, 782-789.
Thorne, S., Jillings, C., Ellis, D., & Perry, J.A. (1993). Application of a behavioral system model: The University of British Columbia Experience. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 13, 782-789.
Perry, J. and Ericksen, J. (1992). Legal and ethical issues. In A.C. Beckingham & B.W. DuGas (Eds.), Promoting Healthy Aging. Toronto: Mosby.
Perry, J.A. and Ericksen, J. (1992). Legal and ethical issues. In A.C. Beckingham & B.W. DuGas (Eds.), Promoting Healthy Aging. Toronto: Mosby.
Petty, B., & Perry, J. (1985). Making contact: A step towards meeting the challenge of maintaining compassionate care in times of financial restraint. A three-hour workshop. 13th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology Vancouver.
Perry, J., & Murphy, M. (1985). Confusion in the elderly: A scale to measure abilities. XIII International Congress of Gerontology New York.
Perry, J., Murphy, M., & Starr, M.D. (1984). Confusion in the older adult: A needs-based assessment. The Third International Conference on Systems Science in Health Care Berlin.
Murphy, M.M., Perry, J., & Starr, M.D. (1984). The confused institutionalized elderly: Refining a needs-based assessment tool. 13th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology Vancouver.
Perry, J., Murphy, M.M., & Starr, M.D. (1983). in the older adult: An assessment of its impact. First National Conference in Gerontological Nursing Victoria, B.C.
Cruise, M., Murphy, M., Perry, J., & Varoglu, G. (1981). A pilot study evaluating the effectiveness of nursing interventions and reducing confusion in elderly patients. Proceedings of XII International Congress of Gerontology (pp. 12-17, July). Hamburg, Germany.
Cruise, M., Murphy, M., & Perry, J. (1981). Group work in long-term care settings. A two-hour workshop. Western Gerontological Society Annual Conference
Perry, J. (1981). A study on the effectiveness of teaching in the rehabilitation of patients with chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Nursing Research, 30, 219-222.
Perry, J., Murphy, M., Cruise, M., & Varoglu, G. (1980). A pilot study evaluating the effectiveness of Nursing Interventions and reducing confusion in elderly patients. Presented at the Canadian Association on Gerontology, 9th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting
Smith, J.P., Yandoc, C., Falk, G.A., & Perry J. (1971). Acute respiratory failure in scoliosis. . Annals of Internal Medicine, 74, 840.
Smith, J.P., Stone, R.W., Falk, G.A., Perry, J., & Muschenheim, C.M. (1971). Acute respiratory failure: Five year experience with a conservative treatment plan. American Review of Respiratory Disease, 103-903.
Perry J., Lyman J. & Anderson, J. (in press). Resisting Vulnerability: The experience of families who have kin in hospital; A feminist ethnography. The International Journal of Nursing Studies.