Welcome to the Graduate Student in Nursing Association (GSNA). The GSNA is the official organization representing the collective interests of graduate students in the School of Nursing. The GSNA executive is elected by the student body and can include MSN, MN, MPH/MSN and PhD students.
Visit our website.
Important Links
- GSNA Constitution & By-laws
- UBC Graduate Student Society
- UBC Alma Mater Society
- CUPE 2278 (Collective Bargaining Union for teaching assistants, markers, and tutors)
- CUPE 2278 at UBC Blog
What does the GSNA do?
GSNA organizes activities with the goal of enriching students’ experiences of graduate education and achieving academic scholarship in Graduate Programs associated with the UBC School of Nursing. The GSNA communicates the needs and views of graduate students to School of Nursing faculty through involvement in faculty committees. GSNA also promotes engagement and collegiality among graduate students with faculty, staff, and the broader community. We abide by a constitution and by-laws developed by the 2013 executive.
Who can be a member?
All graduate students actively registered in one of UBC's graduate programs under the auspices of the School of Nursing (MSN, MN, PhD) and paying tuition and fees are members of the GSNA. Beginning September 2014, annual fees will be collected with tuition installments to support GSNA events and activities that promote academic scholarship for graduate and professional students. Additional membership criteria are outlined in GSNA bylaws to accommodate individuals who share mutual goals and interests with the GSNA but who are not actively enrolled in graduate courses at UBC.
Students in the MHLP Program are currently non-voting members, and welcome to participate in all events, activities, and projects.
Grad Student Mailboxes
Personalized mailboxes are available for doctoral students. Non-specific alphabetized mailboxes are available for graduate students in all other School of Nursing Graduate & Professional Programs (MSN, MN, MHLP).
Please note: Mail received at the School of Nursing must be related to your work as a graduate student. Mail of a confidential or sensitive nature (i.e. Tax Forms) will not be left in mailboxes, and will be available for pickup at the Student Support Office. You will receive email notification of this mail.
To learn more about the GSNA, please email us. GSNA events are also promoted in the Graduate Student Newsletter.
GSNA Meetings
GSNA meetings are open to all voting & non-voting members. Meetings involve, discussing, planning, and organizing GSNA activities. As well, we consider issues at the School of Nursing (SoN) and UBC levels that pertain to graduate students in nursing. GSNA represents the nursing graduate students in a variety of committees in the School of Nursing and the larger university community, such as the Graduate Student Society, SoN Faculty Caucus, SoN Graduate Programs Committee, and SoN Scholarship of Teaching and Research (STaR) Committee. If you would like to attend a GSNA meeting or are looking for a way to be involved, contact us to receive information about our next meeting.
GSNA Research Symposium
In partnership with the School of Nursing, in 2013, the GSNA held its first research symposium, which featured presentations from UBC students as well as students from around the province. The Graduate Student Symposium provides an opportunity for nursing students to share innovative projects, scholarship, and research in a dynamic, interactive, and supportive setting. This forum provides an opportunity for students to gain experience with presentations early in their careers. If you have questions about or are interested in participating in the symposium, please email us for additional information.
Graduate Orientation
The GSNA partners with the School of Nursing to bring Graduate Student Orientation to all doctoral and masters students. GSNA members are an integral part of the planning committee, and along with Graduate Program Advisors, Faculty and Student Support Office organize and deliver Graduate Orientation in August or September of each year.
The GSNA gratefully acknowledges the generous and ongoing contributions of the School of Nursing towards our efforts. The encouragement, advice, workshops, and partnerships offered by various faculty members, staff, and the SoN leadership have been instrumental to our success. We look forward to the continuation of the ongoing collaboration!
GSNA organizes activities with the goal of enriching students’ experiences of graduate education and achieving academic scholarship in Graduate Programs associated with the UBC School of Nursing. The GSNA communicates the needs and views of graduate students to School of Nursing faculty through involvement in faculty committees. GSNA also promotes engagement and collegiality among graduate students with faculty, staff, and the broader community. We abide by a constitution and by-laws developed by the 2013 executive.
All graduate students actively registered in one of UBC's graduate programs under the auspices of the School of Nursing (MSN, MN, PhD) and paying tuition and fees are members of the GSNA. Beginning September 2014, annual fees will be collected with tuition installments to support GSNA events and activities that promote academic scholarship for graduate and professional students. Additional membership criteria are outlined in GSNA bylaws to accommodate individuals who share mutual goals and interests with the GSNA but who are not actively enrolled in graduate courses at UBC.
Students in the MHLP Program are currently non-voting members, and welcome to participate in all events, activities, and projects.