The Clinical Simulation Lab (CSL) supports the teaching and learning of the required skills and competencies for professional nursing practice. The CSL is where students come to learn and practice a range of nursing skills and procedures in an environment that provides the realism of the clinical setting without the risks to patient safety. Practice lab activities are designed to foster the application of critical thinking and integration of knowledge along with the psychomotor practice of skills.
Simulation Based Learning
Simulation based learning in nursing education takes the form of role play, case studies, demonstrations, computer-based learning modules, online activities, standardized patients, virtual reality applications, and full mannequins or task trainers. Simulation based learning is identified in the literature as an effective and supportive tool to enhance student transition into the clinical environment as it provides the opportunity for students to practice patient care situations in a safe environment that simulates ‘real life’ situations without risks to the patient.
Simulation based learning provides students the opportunity to gain experience with common and uncommon events that may be encountered in clinical practice. Students can practice nursing assessments, learn to prioritize care, practice interventions and apply communication concepts within the safety of the simulation lab. It allows students to put classroom learning into the context of a clinical situation and to ‘think and act like a nurse’ in a safe environment.
High Fidelity Simulation (HFS) technology is used in many learning activities in the CSL to simulate ‘real world’ situations and patient encounters. These life size mannequins replicate clinical patients and add a greater sense of physical, conceptual and emotional realism. You will encounter a variety of simulators including HFS in the clinical simulation lab.
Practicing skills in the lab prior to going into the clinical practice setting allows students to handle the supplies and equipment in order to develop the requisite skills and competencies to perform procedures for patients. Students need to prepare by watching appropriate skills videos and completing assigned readings and other preparation outlined in the lab modules.
Students then practice in the lab to gain familiarity and comfort with skills in order to perform either on a performance test or in the practice setting with real clients. Additional practice time is available during open lab times. Teaching assistants are available during class time and open lab time to guide and debrief practice.
Extra Practice Lab Schedule
Extra practice outside of scheduled class time is encouraged. Students may sign up and attend scheduled extra practice lab times (posted on Canvas). Students should contact the course leader for teaching support outside of regular lab classes and may arrange additional practice times with a lab educator.
It is recommended that students arranging extra practice give a minimum of 2 days prior notice for any requests and notifying the lab educator and/or lab personnel for any cancellations.
Conduct and Safety in the CSL
The Clinical Skills Lab is a simulated clinical environment as well as a shared learning space. Everyone working the CSL has a responsibility to foster a culture of safety. This means you take responsibility and accountability to reduce the risk of harm to yourself and others in the labs. To ensure the safety of and respect for everyone please observe the conduct and safety guidelines when working and practicing in the clinical simulation lab.
Please abide by these important conduct and safety guidelines when working and practicing in the CSL.
- No food or drink (except water) permitted in the lab.
- Wipe up spills immediately.
- Arrive and leave lab on time.
- Dress in comfortable clothes (uniforms are not required), wear closed toe shoes.
- Personal items should be stored in the room out of the way and not blocking walkways.
- Do not use pens or markers around the mannequins or task trainers.
- Mannequins and their parts are only to be removed by lab personnel.
- If you put anything on a mannequin (tape, topical meds, etc.) clean off the mannequin at the end of class.
- Keep ‘patients’ clothed and covered for times that don’t necessitate exposure.
- Take care to not damage equipment when raising and lowering beds.
- At the end of class, reset the beds to flat position, straighten the bed linens and tidy area around the bed.
- All items that can be reused should be returned to the recycle bins provided (used gloves are not recycled; dispose of sharps in sharps containers).
- No equipment or supplies should leave the lab unless properly checked out.
- Report any damage to equipment or operating problems to lab staff.
- Personal items left in the lab are put in the CSL lost and found and can be collected during normal lab hours of operation.
Emergency Protocols
Hospital Codes and what they mean:
Red = Fire
Blue = Cardiac Arrest/Medical Emergency
White = Violence/Aggressive Behaviour
Yellow = Missing Patient/Resident
Green = Evacuation
Orange = Mass Casualty/Disaster
Black = Bomb Threat
Brown = Hazardous Spill
Grey = System Failure
Pink = Obstetric/Neonatal Emergency
Amber = Missing or Abducted Infant/Child
Silver = Active Attacker
Overhead speakers occasionally announce certain codes or alarms.
In case of fire, a continuous ringing of bells at 20 strokes per minute will sound. Code Red and the location of the fire will be announced on the overhead speakers in the hallway.
- Locate the appropriate stairway exits.
- Remain in the area and continue normal activities until instructed otherwise, or until the “Code Red – All Clear,” for example, is announced.
- Do not use elevators unless “Code Red – All Clear” is announced.
- If the fire is in your area, leave for the closest safety zone by moving behind fire doors. It is not necessary to evacuate the building at this point. Whenever possible, redirect people away from the area of the fire. Check for signs of smoke or flames. Turn off any electrical equipment. Close doors behind you.
- Should the ringing of bells increase in frequency to 120 strokes per minute, immediately evacuate to the closest safe stairway exit and leave the building. A buddy system is recommended. Close doors behind you. Do not use elevators. Regroup in the Parking Lot outside the MacDonald building (Dentistry) in the front parking lot of UBC Hospital (Koerner Pavilion). Stay in a group with a faculty member and wait for further instructions.
Lab Equipment Loans

With the exception of needles and sharps, students and faculty may sign out some equipment from the lab for extra practice, projects or teaching purposes. Authorization and sign-out records are monitored by lab personnel. Please present your student UBC identification card for photo and student number verification.
Return all borrowed equipment directly to the CSL and ensure the items are received by lab personnel to maintain accurate tracking records and prevent loss. The cost to repair or replace damaged or lost equipment will be charged to the borrower, including full current market price, taxes, shipping and handling fees.
Loan extensions are subject to equipment availability and authorized only by lab personnel. This requires a refilling of the sign-out agreement form. Late return of equipment will hinder the student’s future requests to borrow equipment.
Contact Information
The Clinical Skills and Simulation Lab team works collaboratively to ensure the labs function effectively to meet teaching and student learning objectives.
Kymberley Bontinen
Lecturer, Simulation Program Coordinator
Jon Mislang
Clinical Simulation Educator/Clinical Associate
Alii Askarzadeh
Clinical Simulation Educator
Tricia Ueda
Clinical Education Technician
Andre Naval
Clinical Simulation Lab Technician
Irene Chen
Clinical Simulation Lab Technician
Hours of operation
Monday through Friday
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Closed weekends and statutory holidays