
The required coursework comprises nine credits (NURS580, NURS581, and NURS554), plus two terms enrolled in the doctoral seminars (0 credits). Students are also encouraged to seek suitable electives with guidance from their supervisor.
To be prepared to assume leadership as a nursing scholar, students will develop a portfolio of relevant experiences that show how they have achieved the following set of competencies. These will be accomplished through a range of learning experiences that each student will plan (with guidance from their supervisor) according to their individual needs.
Writing for peer-reviewed publication
Writing competitive research funding proposals (e.g. SoN Internal Research Grants)
Conducting peer reviews (e.g. manuscripts, grant proposals)
Conference & seminar participation (e.g. presentations, networking, planning)
Research teamwork (e.g. participation, management)
Interdisciplinary collaboration (e.g. committee work, project leadership)
Knowledge application (e.g. KT planning, implementation, policy innovation)
Community engagement (e.g. leading a clinical research team)
Teaching (e.g. planning, leading)
Mentoring & consulting skills (e.g. advising a clinical research team)
Students must complete their comprehensive exam within the first 24 months in the doctoral program. After completing required coursework (plus electives as determined in collaboration with the supervisor), students prepare an annotated bibliography. This serves as the foundation for the comprehensive exam, which comprises two essays in the form of a take home exam and an oral defence. Further details are available on the SoN website.
Students must complete their candidacy exam within the first 36 months in the doctoral program. After completing the comprehensive exam, students establish their supervisory committee and proceed to develop their proposal. The written proposal is approved by the committee, and is followed by an oral defence. Further details are available on the SoN website.
Students complete their dissertation research under the supervision of their committee. They must submit the written dissertation (in either traditional or manuscript style) and complete the final oral examination no later than 72 months of their admission to the doctoral program. This process is coordinated through the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. Further details are available on the SoN website.
The PhD dissertation is an original piece of work that offers you the opportunity to hone your research skills, become an expert in a specialized area of knowledge, and contribute to your field of scholarship. It will set the stage for your future research career.
Your PhD dissertation is guided by your Dissertation Supervisor.
The Faculty of Graduate Studies has an excellent resource for students and their supervisors that outlines how to get the most out of the supervisor-graduate student relationship at UBC: