Applications for the September 2024 Part Time PhD intake will close on November 15th, 2023. If you have missed the deadline, please contact us at grad.programs@nursing.ubc.ca
- Statement of Interest
- Written work sample
- CV (or resume)
- Three letters of reference
- Official transcript scans for all post-secondary attended (except for UBC degrees)
Application access will be arranged individually, so please contact Emily Chan, Graduate Programs Officer in the School of Nursing, at grad.programs@nursing.ubc.ca as the first step.
Why a part-time program?
Our doctoral program attracts students who are in different stages of life, career, and professional employment. Some are in leadership positions within the healthcare system or are already in faculty positions at another institution. Some applicants would like to continue in their current position or have personal circumstances that make it inconvenient or impossible for them to devote full-time attention to their program of study. The part-time program will allow students a slower, and more flexible pace of studies, and will prepare nurses for leadership roles within academic institutions, practice settings and policy arenas.
What is the different between full-time and part-time doctoral studies?
Part-time doctoral students are expected to complete their core course work over two years instead of one, and there will be an 8-year time limit for completing the program compared to 6 years for full-time students.