Twins, Triplets and More
Linda Leonard, RN, MSN
A Resource Guide for Multiple Pregnancy and Parenthood

MAiD Resources from Virtual Hospice
Find printable infographics, booklets, articles and more than 230 videos featuring people considering MAiD, families, and MAiD practitioners.

The History of Nursing at UBC
A timeline and stories about our Amazing Alumni.

The Religious Aspects of Nursing Care
J. Kirstine Griffith, BASc, MA
A resource identifying some of the traditional practices of 37 of the religions listed by Canadians in the 1991 census. It is designed to help nursing staff of health care facilities to care for patients with unfamiliar religious practices.

The Role of Prostate Cancer Support Groups in Health Promotion
An Executive Summary from the Prostate Support Group (PCSG) in 2009

The UBC Model for Nursing
The UBC Model for Nursing is a conceptual framework guiding nursing practice decision-making developed by a team of faculty members under the leadership of Dr. Margaret Campbell in the early 1970s.

Understanding the Implications of the Changing Regulatory Environment in Nursing: Insights from the BC Experience
Susan Duncan, Sally Thorne, Paddy Rodney
In this paper, we describe changes in the organization and governance of nursing regulatory and association functions in British Columbia and discuss implications for professional nursing and regulation in the public interest.

Where Have We Come From? A Brief History of ARNBC
July 2013 - Sally Thorne