Patricia Rodney
Associate Professor Emeritus
- Phone 1-604-822-7507
- Email Paddy.Rodney@ubc.ca
- Address
UBC School of Nursing
T201 2211 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver BC V6T2B5
Educational Background
Ph.D. (Nursing), University of British Columbia
MSN (Nursing), University of British Columbia
BScN (Nursing), University of Alberta
Affiliations & Links
Faculty Associate, UBC Centre for Applied Ethics
Research Associate, Providence Health Care Ethics Services
Honours & Awards
2014-Distinguished Service Award, Canadian Bioethics Society
2008- Undergraduate Nursing "Last Lecture" Award (University of British Columbia)
2006-Award of Distinction, College of Registered Nurses Association of BC
2005-National Emergency Nurses Affiliation (Canada) Nursing Research Award
2005-Xi Eta Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau (Nursing Honour Society) Award of Excellence for Nursing
2001-Elizabeth Kenny McCann Outstanding Dissertation Award (University of British Columbia)
1999-Sigma Theta Tau International, Region One Research Dissertation Award (Western Canada and Western US)
1993-Canadian Nurses Foundation Award (F.A. Davis Company Publishers Book Award)
1993-Registered Nurses Association of BC, Nominee, 3M/ICN Nursing Fellowship
1992-Dr. Margaret Campbell Scholarship (University of British Columbia)
1992-Canadian Nurses Foundation Fellowship (PMAC Health Research Foundation)
1992-SIMS Educational Bursary Award (Canadian Association of Critical Care Nurses)
1990-Nursing Undergraduate Society Teaching Award (University of British Columbia)
1989-Nursing Undergraduate Society Teaching Award (University of British Columbia)
1986-University of BC Nursing Division-Golden Jubilee Scholarship Fund
1976-Andrew Anderson Memorial Prize in Nursing (University of Alberta)
1978- Member, Registered Nurses Association of British Columbia
1988- Member, Canadian Bioethics Society
1992- Member, UBC Nursing Honour Society/Xi-Eta Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau
1994- Member, British Columbia’s Women’s Hospital and Health Centre Ethics Committee
1997- Consultant, BC Provincial Advisory Panel on Cardiac Health
1998- Research Associate, Providence Health Care Ethics Services
2000- Member, the Canadian Bioethics Society Ad Hoc Working Group on Employment Standards for Bioethics
2002-2006 Chair, Canadian Nurses’ Association Ethics Committee
2003-2006 Co-Chair, Xi Eta Research Committee
2005-2006 President-Elect, Canadian Bioethics Society
2005-2006 President, Canadian Nurses Interested in Ethics
2006-2008 Co-Editor, Nursing Philosophy
Area of Research
Research Interests
Healthcare ethics
Nursing ethics
Nursing workplaces
Healthcare equity
Ethics and policy
Moral distress and moral climate
Completed Projects
Access to Community-Based Mental Health and Addictions Services for Aboriginal Peoples (V. Smye [PI], A. Browne, N. Caplette, E. Goldner, B. Mussell, P. Rodney). Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
Improving Access to Primary Health Care: Lessons from Two Urban Aboriginal Health Centres (A. Browne [PI], C. Varcoe, J. Lavoie, S. Wong, V. Smye, P. Rodney, J. O’Neil, et al). Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
Cultural Safety and Knowledge Uptake in Clinical Settings: A Model for Practice for Culturally Diverse Populations (J. Anderson [Nominated PI], A. Browne, J. Lynam, & S. Reimer-Kirkham [Co-PIs], P. Rodney, P. Semeniuk, V. Smye, E. Tan, C. Varcoe, and S. Wong [Co-Is]). Canadian Institutes of Health Research;
Access Issues for Aboriginal People Seeking Primary Care Services in an Urban Centre (A. Browne [PI], B. Calam, N. Caplette, L. Demerais, R. McCormick, J. O’Neil, P. Rodney & V.Smye). Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
Leadership for Ethical Policy and Practice (J. Storch & P. Rodney [PIs], B. Pauly, R. Starzomski, & C. Varcoe [Co-Is]). CHSRF.
Ethical Frameworks for Health Policy: Apprisal, Appraisal and Applications (N. Kenny & M. Giacomini [PIs], F. Baylis, S. Sherwin, P. Rodney, B. Pauly, & B. Jiwani [Co-Is]). CIHR.
Ethics in Action: Strengthening Nurses' Enactment of Their Moral Agency Within the Cultural Context of Health Care Delivery (P. Rodney [PI], G. Hartrick, P. Rodney, R. Starzomski, & C. Varcoe [Co-Is]). UVic Internal Research Grant Program.
Unit for Research and Dialogue in Ethical Practice in Health Care (J. Storch [PI], G. Hartrick, P. Rodney, R. Starzomski, & C. Varcoe [Co-Is]). UVIC Office of the Vice President (Research).
Transformative Application: Ethics Education for Nursing: Philosophical Foundations and Case Applications (G. Hartrick Doane [PI] P. Rodney, R. Starzomski, J. Storch, C. Varcoe [Co-Is]). Associated Medical Services for Bioethics Grant-In-Aide.
Towards Professional Accountability: An Observational Study of Nurses' Experiences Dealing With Ethical Problems (P. Rodney [PI], J. Anderson [Supervisor]). NHRDP.
Ethics, Society, and Health (J. Storch, J. Anderson, M. McDonald [PIs], P. Rodney [Co-I]). CIHR.
The Ethics of Practice: Context and Curricular Implications for Nursing (J. Storch [PI], G. Hartrick, P. Rodney, R. Starzomski, C. Varcoe [Co-Is]). Associated Medical Services, Inc.
Constructing Bioethics Policy Through Consensus Building and Community Participation: An Evaluation of the St. Paul's Hospital DNR Protocol (P. Rodney [PI], B. Budz, B. Calam, J. Carne, A.M. Chung, P. Dodek, C. Jolliffe, D. Kuhl, K. Murphy, T. Thompson, W. Scott, & L. Young [Co-Is]). Associated Medical Services, Inc.
Ethics in Action: Strengthening Nurses' Enactment of Their Moral Agency Within the Cultural Context of Health Care Delivery (P. Rodney [PI], G. Hartrick, J. Storch & C. Varcoe [Co-Is]). SSHRC.
Selected Publications not Indexed in PubMed
Almutairi, A.F., & Rodney, P. (2013). Critical cultural competence for culturally diverse workforces: Toward equitable and peaceful health care. Advances in Nursing Science, 36 (3), 200-212.
Dodek, P., M., Henrich, N., Rodney, P., Alden, L. Causes and consequences of moral distress in the ICU: A focus group study. (2013). American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 187. A4447.
Rodney, P., Buckley, B., Street, A., Serrano, E., & Martin, L.A. (2013). The moral climate of nursing practice: Inquiry and action. In J. Storch, Rodney, P)., & R. Starzomski (Eds.)., Toward a moral horizon: Nursing ethics of leadership and practice (2nd ed.). Toronto, ON: Pearson-Prentice Hall.
Rodney, P., Burgess, M., Pauly, B., & Phillips, J.C. (2013). Our theoretical landscape: Complementary approaches to health care ethics. In J. Storch, P. Rodney, & R. Starzomski (Eds). Toward a moral horizon: Nursing ethics for leadership and practice (2nd ed.). Toronto, ON: Pearson-Prentice Hall.
Rodney, P., Burgess, M., Phillips, J.C., McPherson, G., & Brown, H. (2013). Our theoretical landscape: A brief history of health care ethics. In J. Storch, P. Rodney, & R. Starzomski, R. (Eds) Toward a moral horizon: Nursing ethics for leadership and practice (2nd ed.) Toronto, ON: Pearson-Prentice Hall.
Rodney, P., d'Agincourt-Canning, L., McPherson, G., Anderson, J., McDonald, M., Pauly, B., Burgess, M., & Phillips, J.C. (2013). Working within the landscape: Ethics in practice. In J. Storch, P., Rodney, & R. Starzomski, (Eds.) Toward a moral horizon: Nursing ethics for leadership and practice (2nd Ed.). Toronto: ON: Pearson-Prentice Hall.
Rodney, P., Harrigan, M.L., Jiwani, B., Burgess, M., & Phillips, J.C. (2013). A further landscape: Ethics in health care organizations and health/health care policy. In J. Storch, P., Rodney, & Starzomski, R. (Eds). Toward a moral horizon: Nursing ethics for leadership and practice(2nd ed.). Toronto: ON: Pearson-Prentice Hall.
Rodney, P., Kadyschuk, S., Liaschenko, J., Brown, H., Musto, L., & Snyder, N. (2013). Moral agency: relational connections and support. In J. Storch, P. Rodney, & R. Starzomski (Eds.) Toward a moral horizon: Nursing ethics for leadership and practice (2nd ed.). Toronto, ON: Pearson-Prentice Hall.
Storch, J., Starzomski, R., & Rodney, P. (2013). To boldly go forward: Epilogue and future horizons. In J. Storch, P. Rodney, & R. Starzomski (Eds.). Toward a moral horizon: Nursing ethics for leadership and practice (2nd ed.). Toronto, ON: Pearson-Prentice Hall.
Storch, J., Starzomski, R., & Rodney, P. (2013). Re-framing end of life decision making. In J. Storch, P. Rodney, & R. Starzomski (Eds.)Toward a moral horizon: Nursing ethics for leadership and practice (2nd ed.). Toronto, ON: Pearson-Prentice Hall.
Dodek, P.,M., Hamrick., A, Ayas, N., Dhingra, V., Heppell, L., Keenan, S., Tholin, H., Wong, H., Kuhl, D., Alden, L., Maclure, M., Appleby, A., Stuart, M., Stewart, M., Henrich, N., Norena, M., Rodney, P. (2012) Moral distress in ICU professionals in associated with profession and years of experience. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 185, A1607.
Duncan, S., Thorne, S., & Rodney, P. (2012) Understanding the implications of the changing regulatory environment in Nursing, Insights from the BC experience. Vancouver: BC: Association of Registered Nurses of British Columbia (ARNBC).
Rodney, P., & Varcoe, C. (2012). Constrained agency: The social structure of nurses' work. In F. Baylis, J. Downie, B. Hoffmaster, & S. Sherwin (Eds.) Health care ethics in Canada (3rd ed.). 97-114.
Anderson, J., Browne, A., Reimer-Kirkham, S., Lynam, J., Rodney, P., Varcoe, C., Wong, S., Tan, E., Semeniuk, P;, Smye, V., McDonald, H., Baumbusch, J., Khan, K.B., Reimer, J., Peltonen, A., & Brar, A. (2010). The uptake of critical knowledge in nursing interventions: Insights from a knowledge translation study. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. 42(3), 106-122.
Anderson, J. M., Rodney, P., Reimer-Kirkham, S., Browne, A.J., Khan, K.B., & Lynam, M.J. (2009). Inequities in health and healthcare viewed through the ethical lens of critical social justice: Contextual knowledge for the global priorities ahead. ADvances in Nursing Science, 32 (4), 282-294.
Storch, J., Rodney, P., & Starzomski, S. (2009). Ethics in health care in Canada. In B.S. Bolaria & H. Dickinson, (Eds.), Health, illness, and health care in Canada (4th ed). Toronto, ON: Nelson Education.
Storch, J., Rodney, P., Varcoe, C., Pauly, B., Starzomski, R., Stevenson, L., Best, L., Mass, H., Fulton, T.R., Mildon, B., Bees, F., Chisolm, A., MacDonald-Rencz, S., McCutcheon, A.S., Shamian, J., Thomspon, C., Makaroff, K.S., & Newton, L. (2009). Leadership for ethical policy and practice (LEPP): Participatory action project. Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership, 22 (3), 68-80.
Varcoe, C., & Rodney, P. (2009). Constrained agency: The social structure of nurses' work. In B.S. Bolaria & H. Dickinson, (Eds). Health, illness, and health care in Canada (4th ed). Toronto, ON: Nelson Education.
Storch, J., Rodney, P., & Starzomski, S. (2008). Ethics in health care in Canada. In B.S. Bolaria & H. Dickinson (Eds.), Health, illness, and health care in Canada (3rd ed.; pp. 409-444). Toronto: Harcourt Brace.
Varcoe, C. & Rodney, P. (2008). Constrained agency: The social structure of nurses' work. In B.S. Bolaria & H. Dickinson (Eds.), Health, illness, and health care in Canada (4th ed.). Toronto: Harcourt Brace.
Brown, H., & Rodney, P. (2007). Beyond case studies in practice education: Creating capacities for ethical knowledge through story and narrative. In L.E. Young & B. Paterson (Eds.), Teaching nursing: Developing a student-centered learning environment. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins.
McPherson, G., & Rodney, P. (2004). Reports: Nursing ethics: Cross-border challenges and leadership. Nursing Ethics, 11(3), 309-310.
McKinley, S., Rodney, P., Storch. J., & McAlpine, H. (2004). The role of ethics in nursing. Nursing BC, 36(1), 12-16.
Rodney, P., Doane, G.H., Storch, J. & Varcoe, C. (2006). Workplaces: Toward a safer moral climate. Canadian Nurse, 102(8), 24-27.
Chidwick, P., Connolly, E., Frolic, A., Hardingham, L., MacDonald, C., Murphy, P., Rodney, P., & Webster, G.C. (2004). Commentary on the Olivieri Symposium. Journal of Medical Ethics, 30 (4), 231.
Rodney, P., & Street, A. (2004). The moral climate of nursing practice: Inquiry and action. In J. Storch, P. Rodney, & R. Starzomski (Eds.),Toward a moral horizon: Nursing ethics for leadership and practice. (pp. 209-231). Toronto: Pearson-Prentice Hall.
Brown, H., Rodney, P., Pauly, B., Varcoe, C., & Smye, V. (2004). Working within the landscape: Nursing ethics. In J. Storch, P. Rodney, & R. Starzomski (Eds.), Toward a moral horizon: Nursing ethics for leadership and practice. (pp. 126-153). Toronto: Pearson-Prentice Hall.
Rodney, P., Burgess, M, & McPherson, G., & Brown, H. (2004). Our theoretical landscape: A brief history of health care ethics. In J. Storch, P. Rodney, & R. Starzomski (Eds.), Toward a moral horizon: Nursing ethics for leadership and practice. (pp. 56-76). Toronto: Pearson-Prentice Hall.
Rodney, P., Pauly, B., & Burgess, M. (2004). Our theoretical landscape: Complementary approaches to health care ethics. In J. Storch, P. Rodney, & R. Starzomski (Eds.), Toward a moral horizon: Nursing ethics for leadership and practice. (pp. 77-97). Toronto: Pearson-Prentice Hall.
Rodney, P., Brown, H., & Liaschenko, J. (2004). Moral agency: Relational connections and trust. In J. Storch, P. Rodney, & R. Starzomski (Eds.), Toward a moral horizon: Nursing ethics for leadership and practice. (pp. 154-177). Toronto: Pearson-Prentice Hall.
Storch, J., Rodney, P. & Starzomski, R. (Eds.). (2004). Toward a moral horizon: Nursing ethics for leadership and practice. Toronto: Pearson-Prentice Hall.
McPherson, G., Rodney, P., Storch, J., Pauly, B., McDonald, M., & Burgess, M. (2004). Working within the landscape: Applications in health care ethics. In J. Storch, P. Rodney, & R. Starzomski (Eds.), Toward a moral horizon: Nursing ethics for leadership and practice. (pp. 98-125). Toronto: Pearson-Prentice Hall.
Varcoe, C., Doane, G., Pauly, B., Rodney, P., Storch, J.L., Mahoney, K., McPherson, G., Brown, H., Starzomski, R. (2004). Ethical practice in nursing: working the in-betweens. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 45(3), 316-325.
Milliken, P. J., & Rodney, P. (2003). Parents as caregivers for children with Schizophrenia: Moral dilemmas and moral agency. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 24(757-773).
Rodney, P., & Howlett, J. (2003). Elderly patients with cardiac disease: Quality of life, end of life, and ethics. (Paper in unpublished Canadian Cardiovascular Society Consensus Document on the Elderly and Cardiac Disease).
Varcoe, C., Rodney, P., & McCormick, J. (2003). Health care relationships in context: An analysis of three ethnographies. Qualitative Health Research, 13(7), 957-973.
McCormick, J., Rodney, P., & Varcoe, C. (2003). Reinterpretations across studies: An approach to meta-analysis. Qualitative Health Research, 13(7), 933-944.
Storch, J., Rodney, P., Pauly, B., Brown, H., & Starzomski, R. (2003). Listening to nurses’ moral voices: Building a quality health care environment. Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership, 15(4), 7-16.
Rodney, P., Varcoe, C., Storch, J. L., McPherson, G., Mahoney, K., Brown, H., Pauly, B., Hartrick Doane, G., & Starzomski, R. (2002). Navigating toward a moral horizon: A multi-site qualitative study of nurses’ enactment of ethical practice. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 34(3), 75-102.
Storch, J., Rodney, P., & Starzomski, S. (2002). Ethics in health care in Canada. In B.S. Bolaria & H. Dickinson (Eds.), Health, illness, and health care in Canada. (pp. 409-444 3rd ed). Toronto: Harcourt Brace.
Varcoe, C. & Rodney, P. (2002). Constrained agency: The social structure of nurses’ work. In B.S. Bolaria & H. Dickinson (Eds.), Health, illness, and health care in Canada. (pp. 102-128 3rd ed). Toronto: Harcourt Brace.
Schreiber, R., Rodney P., & Varcoe, C. (2001). Letter to the Editor: Reflections on “Deconstructing Harry”, or when is good art bad science?.Qualitative Health Research, 11(6), 723-724.
Coughlin, M., Connolly, E., Harrison, C., Hirtle, M., Lynch, A., MacDonald, C., Murphy, P., Rodney, P., Rowell, M., & Webster, G. (2001). Working conditions: A report from the Ad Hoc Working Group on Employment Standards for Bioethics. Canadian Bioethics Society Newsletter, 6(12), 4-10.
Rodney, P. (2001). Research to evaluate the St. Paul’s Hospital DNR Protocol. Steps in Healthcare Ethics, 3(1), 1-2.
Rodney, P. & Varcoe, C. (2001). Toward ethical inquiry in the economic evaluation of nursing practice. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 33(1), 35-57.
Rodney, P.A. (Contributor). (1999). The legal and ethical foundations of nursing practice. In B. DuGas, L. Esson, & S.E. Ronaldson (Eds.),Nursing foundations: A Canadian perspective. (pp. 98-122, 2nd ed). Scarborough, Ont.: Prentice Hall.
Rodney, P. (1999). Part IV: Introduction: Health policy: A cross-cultural dialogue. In H. Coward & P. Ratanakul (Eds.), A cross-cultural dialogue on health care ethics. (pp. 213-214). Waterloo, Ont.: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
Burgess, M., Rodney, P., Coward, H., Ratanakul, P., & Suwonnakote, K. (1999). Pediatric care: Judgments about best interests at the outset of life. In H. Coward & P. Ratanakul (Eds.), A cross-cultural dialogue on health care ethics. (pp. 160-175). Waterloo, Ont.: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
Blue, A.W., Keyserlingk, E.W., Rodney, P., & Starzomski, R. (1999). A critical view of North American health policy. In H. Coward & P. Ratanakul (Eds.), A cross-cultural dialogue on health care ethics. (pp. 215-225). Waterloo, Ont.: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
Anderson, J.M., & Rodney, P. (1999). Part IV: Conclusion: Health policy: A cross-cultural dialogue. In H. Coward & P. Ratanakul (Eds.), A cross-cultural dialogue on health care ethics. (pp. 257-261). Waterloo, Ont.: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
Rodney, P.A. (1998). Towards ideological inquiry. Canadian Association for Nursing Research Newsletter, 9(1), 5-6.
Helms, G., James, M., & Rodney, P. (1998). Building transdisciplinary standpoints: An integrative bibliography. In V. Strong-Boag, A. Eisenberg, & J. Anderson (Eds.), Painting the maple: Essays on race, gender, and the construction of Canada. (pp. 262-278). Vancouver: UBC Press.
Anderson, J.M., Grace, S. E., Helms, G., James, M. & Rodney, P. (1997). Women speaking: Heather Rose and the culture of health care. In S. McLarnon & D. Nord (Eds.), Northern Parallels: The 4th Circumpolar Universities Cooperation Conference Proceedings: February 23-25, 1995 (pp. 84-101). Prince George, Canada: UNBC.
Starzomski, R. & Rodney, P. (1997). Nursing inquiry for the common good. In S.E. In Thorne and V. E. Hayes (Ed.), Nursing praxis: Knowledge and action. (pp. 219-236). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Helms, G., James, M. & Rodney, P. (1996). Multifarious, processual, and pervasive: Towards an interdisciplinary dialogue on constructions.The University of British Columbia Centre for Research in Women’s Studies and Gender Relations Conference Proceedings: Race, Gender and the Construction of Canada: October 19-22, 1995: Vol. 2 (pp. 1-27). Vancouver, BC: The University of British Columbia Centre for Research in Women’s Studies and Gender Relations.
Ericksen, J., Rodney, P. & Starzomski, R. (1995). When is it right to die?. Canadian Nurse, 91(8), 29-34.
Rodney, P. (1994). A nursing perspective on life-prolonging treatment. Journal of Palliative Care, 10(2), 40-44.
Rodney, P., & Starzomski, R. (1993). Constraints on the moral agency of nurses. Canadian Nurse, 89(9), 23-26.
Rodney, P. (1991). Patients in shock: Some questions about resource allocation. Canadian Critical Care Nursing Journal, 8(3), 13-15.
Rodney, P.A. (1991). Dealing with ethical problems: An ethical decision-making model for critical care nurses. Canadian Critical Care Nursing Journal, 8(2), 8-10.
Rodney, P., & Starzomski, R. (1994). Responding to ethical challenges. Nursing BC, 26(2), 10-13.
Rodney, P. (1994). Nurses’ ethical responsibilities to the elderly. Gerontological Nurses Group of British Columbia Newsletter, (Spring edition), 6-7.
Rodney, P. (1989). Feelings of senselessness. Canadian Nurse, 85(2), 42.
Rodney, P. (1989). Towards ethical decision-making in nursing practice. Canadian Journal of Nursing Administration, 2(2), 11-14.
Rodney, P. (1988). Phenomenology: Implications of a research methodology for nursing practice. Nursing Research Interest Group Newsletter, 6(4), 7-9.
Rodney, P. (1988). Moral distress in critical care nursing. Canadian Critical Care Nursing Journal, 5(2), 9-11.
Duncan, S., & Rodney, P. (1978). Hope -- A negative force?. Canadian Nurse (November, 1978), 22-23.
Teaching Interests
nursing ethics
relational practice
health policy
graduate supervision
Current Teaching
N338-Relational Nursing Practice Across Diverse Health Experiences
Exploration and analysis of opportunities and challenges of relational practice across multiple diverse health experiences and sites of health care.
N341-Relational Nursing Practice as Praxis
Critical analysis of the enactment of relational practice toward promotion of health and wellbeing at multiple levels.
N548-Qualitative Methods
This course is designed as an introductory graduate level course for those considering qualitative
methods for thesis or dissertation projects or interested in learning about how qualitative methods
might be integrated into future mixed methods initiatives. The structure of the course allows for
interactive dialogue around foundations of qualitative inquiry, methodological applications from
various qualitative research traditions, as well as techniques and tools to strengthen qualitative data
collection and analysis.
Graduate Supervision
Musto, Lynn Corinne - PhD, 2018
Risking vulnerability: enacting moral agency in the is/ought gap in mental health care
Buckley, Barbara Jean - PhD, 2015
The structure and enactment of agency in the context of rural nursing practice
Laidlaw, Nicola Ann - MSN, 2014
International practicums and nursing students' understanding of culture: an interpretive description
Hawkins, Margery Edith - PhD, 2013
A precarious journey: experiences of nurses from the Philippines seeking RN licensure and employment
McNamee-Clark, Catherine - MSN, 2013
Using interpretive description to explore and evaluate the Providence Health Care goals of care companion card: the clinicians' experiences