Rachel Ollivier
Adjunct Professor
- Phone 604.875.3290
- Email rachel.ollivier@cw.bc.ca
- Office Room E216, Shaughnessy Building
- Address
BC Women's Hospital & Health Centre
4500 Oak Street
Vancouver BC V6H 3N1
Dr. Ollivier practices clinically in the areas of complex gynecology, complex menopause care, and women’s cardiovascular health in addition to her role as the Nurse Practitioner Lead for the new Menopause & Midlife Health Program at the BC Women’s Hospital & Health Centre. She is also a Menopause Society Certified Practitioner (MSCP) as of June 2024. Dr. Ollivier is passionate about bridging research and clinical practice in women’s health.
Educational Background
Bachelor of Science in Nursing, University of British Columbia Okanagan (2016)
PhD in Nursing, Dalhousie University (2022)
Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner Diploma, Queen’s University (2023)
Affiliations & Links
- Member, Subject Matter Expert Advisory Group (RN Certified Practice: Reproductive Health/Contraceptive Management), Nurses & Nurse Practitioners of BC (NNPBC)
- Committee Member, National Advisory Committee on Women’s Cardiovascular Health Research Economic Modelling, Partnership for Women’s Health Research Canada (PWHR)
- Director at Large, Board of Directors, Canadian Association of Perinatal & Women’s Health Nurses (CAPWHN)
- Vice-President, Board of Directors, Options for Sexual Health
- CAPWHN Representative, Immunize Canada
- Full Member, Women’s Health Research Institute
- Member, UBC Women’s Health Research Cluster
- Volunteer Workshop Speaker, Dress for Success Vancouver
- Member, Canadian Women’s Heart Health Alliance
- Member, Scientific Planning Committee, PeerVoice Canada/Canadian Nurses Association
Honours & Awards
2024 Canada’s Most Powerful Women: Top 100 Award (Category: RBC Future Launch Future Leaders), Women’s Executive Network
2023 Top 25 Women of Influence Award, Women of Influence+
2021 Top 100 Health Care Leaders, Optimyz Magazine
2020 Emerging Leader (Canadian Women in Global Health List), Canadian Society for International Health
2020 Dr. Ron Stewart Award for Student Leadership in Global Health, Office of Community Partnerships & Global Health, Dalhousie University
2020 Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship (Canadian Institutes of Health Research)
2020 Frederick Banting & Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship: Doctoral Award (Canadian Institutes of Health Research)- Declined
2019 Nurse to Know, Canadian Nurse (Feature: Rachel Ollivier: Opening the door on conversations about women’s sexual health (cna-aiic.ca))
2019 Nurse to Know, IWK Health Centre
2019 Emerging Leader Award, Canadian Association of Perinatal & Women’s Health Nurses
2019 Rising Star Award, Nova Scotia College of Nursing
2019 Rising Star Award, College & Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
2019 Dal Impact Award: Faculty Leadership Award (Faculty of Health), Dalhousie University
2019 TD Meloche Monnex Doctoral Award, Canadian Nurses Foundation
2019 President’s Award, Dalhousie University
2019 Killam Predoctoral Scholarship- Level II, Killam Trust/Dalhousie University
|2018 Student Poster Presentation Award, Canadian Association of Perinatal & Women’s Health Nurses
2018 Scotia Scholar Award (Doctoral), Research Nova Scotia
2018 Helen Watson Memorial Scholarship, School of Nursing, Dalhousie University
2018 Nova Scotia Graduate Scholarship (Doctoral), Faculty of Graduate Studies, Dalhousie University
2018 Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarship, Dalhousie University
2017 Margaret Cragg Award, School of Nursing, Dalhousie University
2016 School of Nursing Award, UBC Okanagan
2016 Valedictorian, UBC Okanagan Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Class of 2016)
Area of Research
Research Interests
Dr. Ollivier’s research focuses predominantly on postpartum sexual health and global maternal health, though she has been involved with a number of other women’s health projects. From a methodological perspective, her expertise is in the use of feminist post-structuralism informed by discourse analysis. She is also involved in creative, patient-centered knowledge translation strategies, having developed the first-ever patient educational tool discussing sexual health after birth in Canada. She has also appeared on numerous podcasts and televised interviews to share her research.
Current Projects
Exploring Sexual Health Beyond the Immediate Postpartum Period: A Qualitative Study Using Feminist Poststructuralism
Co-Principal Investigator
Howard, F., Aston, M., Price, S., & Sim, M.
Funding: UBC School of Nursing Sheena Davidson Nursing Research Fund
Health and Economics Research on Midlife Women in British Columbia (HER-BC)
Principal Investigator: Brotto, L.
Funding/Partners: BC Women’s Health Foundation & Pacific Blue Cross
Better Aging in BC: Mapping Menopause Research Priorities
Principal Investigators: Brotto, L. & Rhone, S.
Funding: Michael Smith Health Research BC Convening & Collaborating Grant (C2 Grant)
Completed Projects
The Virtual Village: How Do Videoconferencing Technologies Influence Experiences of Postpartum Education During a Pandemic?
Aston, M., Price, S., MacLeod, A., Benoit, B., Tomblin-Murphy, G., Etowa, J., Marcellus, L., Sim, M., Joy, P., Jack, S., & Iduye, D.
Funding: SSHRC Insight Grant
Exploring Postpartum Sexual Health in Nova Scotia Using Feminist Poststructuralism
Principal Investigator
Aston, M., Price, S. Sheppard-LeMoine, D., & Steenbeek, A.
Funding: Dalhousie School of Nursing, Dalhousie Faculty of Graduate Studies, Killam Trust, Canadian Nurses Foundation, Research Nova Scotia, CIHR, Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship
Mapping and Understanding Mothers’ Social Networks (MUMS)
Aston, M., Price, S., Tomblin-Murphy, G., Etowa, J., Sim, M., Joy, P., & Iduye, D.
Funding: Dalhousie University School of Nursing Research & Development Fund
Selected Publications not Indexed in PubMed
Ollivier, R. (2019). Tackling the taboo: Sex in acute care settings. Canadian Nurse. Tackling the taboo: sex in acute care settings (cna-aiic.ca)
Ollivier, R., Aston, M., & Price, S. (2018). From participants to video stars: Engaging families in research. CASNNotes on Nursing Scholarship. Notes-on-Nursing-Scholarship-Nov-2018-SB.pdf (casn.ca)
Dr. Ollivier has experience teaching primarily in clinical simulation and skills laboratory settings with a medical-surgical focus. She has also mentored several undergraduate nursing students while in clinical practicums. Dr. Ollivier regularly guest lectures in various programs across Canada, including but not limited to MN-NP, MD, and BSN programs.