Suzanne Campbell
Professor Emeritus
- Phone 1-604-822-7748
- Email suzanne.campbell@ubc.ca
- Website Nursing Simulation Research and Teaching
- Address
UBC School of Nursing
T201 2211 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver BC V6T2B5
Dr. Suzanne Hetzel Campbell’s transformational leadership in simulation is characterized by her commitment to being a role model, individualized supports tailored to the unique contexts of the people she mentors, and her ability to nurture innovative simulation approaches with her collaborators. Dr. Campbell’s commitment to building capacity in simulation is evidenced by her ongoing leadership in facilitating faculty development workshops, mentoring new and seasoned authors to share their simulation designs in her award winning textbook, and encouraging inter-professional simulations led by nurses. She is advancing interprofessional education, research, and practice by incorporating technical and non-technical skills such as communication, therapeutic relationship, leadership and team-building in her simulation research and international presentations and publications.
Educational Background
- BS (Nursing), University of Connecticut
- MS (Nursing), University of Connecticut
- Post-MS (Women's Health Nurse Practitioner), Boston College
- PhD (Nursing), University of Rhode Island
Honours & Awards
- AJN Book of the Year Award, 2013 for Co-edited Text "Simulation Scenarios for Nursing Educators: Making it real" (2nd ed)
- 2011 Member, Nursing Academy of the National Academies of Practice (March)
- 2011-2012 American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Leadership Program Fellow
- 2011 Excellence in Academic Setting – Mentoring of others in best practice of simulation, International Nurses Association of Clinical Simulation Learning (INACSL)
- 2010 Honorable mention, Top Teaching Tools Award, The Journal of Nursing Education: for Co-edited Text "Simulation Scenarios for Nurse Educators: Making it Real" (Doody's Core Titles 2009)
- 2008 Connecticut Quality Improvement Silver Innovation Award for the Nursing Simulation Lab
- 2008 Fairfield University School of Nursing Advisory Board, Faculty Member Service Award
- 2007 Sigma Theta Tau International, Mu Chi Chapter, Excellence in Nursing, Research Award
- 2006 Healthcare Professional Award - The Connecticut Breastfeeding Coalition: Board of Directors.
- 2005 Sigma Theta Tau, Mu Chi Chapter, Excellence in Nursing, Chapter Service Award
- 1987 Undergraduate Teaching Award, Indiana State University
- 1986 Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
- 1983 Sigma Theta Tau, Mu Chapter
- 1980 Mortar Board National Honor Society
- 1979 Alpha Lambda Delta
- Counselor & Member, Sigma Theta Tau International, Xi Eta Chapter (Member Mu & Mu Chi Chapters), 2013 - 2016
- Member, British Columbia Baby Friendly Network
- RN Foundation of British Columbia
- Member, Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN) - Special Interest Groups: NP Education and Simulation
- Member, Western and Northern Region CASN
- Member, International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL)
- Member, ILCA & Canadian Lactation Consultant Association
- Editorial/Advisory Board – Clinical Simulation in Nursing Journal, January 2015 (International)
- CanHealth International - Advisory Board (January 2018-present); Advisory Council, January 2015 - December 2017 (International)
- Inaugural Governance Board (Network for Excellence in Substance Dependence and Related Harms) September 2015 - 2016
- BC Lactation Consultants Association – Board of Directors, Member-at-Large, October 2015 - present
- LiquidGoldConcept -- Advisor -- Lactation Simulation Research
Area of Research
Research Interests
Dr. Campbell’s research focuses on innovative teaching methodologies and her increasing interest in web-enhanced learning and simulation-based pedagogy has led to research, publications and workshops on these topics empowering nursing faculty, students, as well as health care professionals. She is committed to mentoring the next generation of nurse leaders recognizing nursing’s role of developing knowledge, partnerships, and collaboration in an interdisciplinary field of health sciences for the provision of excellent health care. Her other research interests include lactation, specific to issues of breastfeeding self-confidence, recurrent plugged ducts, and hyperlactation. She has worked to develop regional, national, and international policies to protect, support and promote breastfeeding as a health promotive relationship between mother and infant dyad and the family.
Current Projects
UBC-FoM Simulation/Curriculum Development Research Grant PI. Suzanne H. Campbell Team: L. Kirk, A. Haley, S. Wong, L.A. Stephen, C. Jackson, C. duManoir, M. Ryan, Y.J.J. Lim, L. Marcellus, L. Esson, K. Bontinen, N. Murdoch, S. Clarke ($14, 842);
Development, expert review, train-the-trainer process for use of the Global Interprofessional Therapeutic Communication Scale© (GITCS©) representing a measurement of therapeutic relationship (provider-patient) with 3 sub-concepts of Empathy, Power Sharing, and Trust-Rapport Building. Completed initial confirmatory factor analysis now assessing during live simulations in labs to improve teaching in these domains. Eight schools of nursing in BC are in process of testing the use of the scale with students in simulated and clinical environments.
Development, testing and translation of the Global Interprofessional Therapeutic Communication Scale© (GITCS©) – follow me on ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/project/GITCS-Global-Interprofessional-Therapeutic-Communication-Scale
UBC Teaching and Learning Enhancement Funds:
UBC Anatomy: an open access online repository of modular anatomy content for integration across curricula. [2017-2018]–;PI. C.Krebs. Team: A. Greig, T. Klassen, K. Campbell, T. Inglis, P. Kindler, O. Oyedele, W. Vogl, K. McBurney, J. Anthony, A. Hodgson, G. Blair, J. Small, S. Forwell, N. Black, L. Best, S.H. Campbell ($164,000 x2yrs);
Integrated E-Health Curriculum for the Health and Human Service Programs at UBC. PI. L.Currie. Team: S.H.Campbell, S. Dahinten, E.Tan (SoN), B.Bernhardt, C. Black, A. Campbell, L. Freund, A. Greig, A. Hodgson, K. Hornby, F. Howard, E. Jones, Z. Kanji, W. Miller, J. Min, L. Moralejo, L. Nasmith, C. Newton, R. Nibber, K. Nowlan, J. Pawlovich ($149,000);
Completed Projects
Bill Gates Foundation Grant: Breastfeeding of preterm infants: Impact of the neo-BFHI on neonatal units
PI: Carmen Scochi, Lecturer, University of Sao Paulo/Riberiao Preto College of Nursing. International Consultants: Fay Warnock & Suzanne Campbell, University of British Columbia.
Examining the effect and knowledge translation of neo-BFHI in ten hospitals in Brazil with an international team from Brazil, Canada and Sweden. Award: $218,326.15
Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (UBC): Building collaborative nursing simulation education excellence
PI: Maura MacPhee. Team: Cathryn Jackson, Bernie Garrett, Elsie Tan, Suzanne Campbell, Nala Muray, Victoria Harris, Shelly Fraser (Providence Health, senior nurse educators), Kairrummissa Rhemtulla, Heather Straight and Deirdre Duncan (Vancouver Coastal Health, senior nurse educators). Award: $42,590.
Innovation in the Masters of Science in Nursing Program, A Global Approach
PIs: Meredith Wallace & Sally Gerard. Consultant: Suzanne Campbell. Sponsored by the Robin Kanarek Foundation. Award: $200,000.
Congressionally Mandated Health Information Technology (HIT) Grant
P.I. - Suzanne Campbell; Co-P.I. Philip Greiner. Equipment, technology, and support for electronic health record education for all nursing programs at Fairfield University. Cerner: Academic Education Solutions (AES). $141,571 USD, Award No. 1 D1BIT16784-01-00.
Impact India 2012: Evaluating the value of women and girls
Co-PIs: Gita Rajan & Rick Ryscavage. Team: Suzzane Campbell, Anna-Marie Aksan, Julie Mughal. Interdisciplinary pilot study with teams in Mumbai & Chennai on the sex-ratio imbalance of the 2011 Indian census-household surveys. Award: $50,000 (private donors)
HRSA-Advanced Education Nursing Traineeship (AENT) Award
PI: Suzanne Campbell Award: $22,891.
HRSA-Comprehensive Anesthesia Training Through Simulation (CATTS) Project
N. Moriber (Leader). Team: P. Greiner, S.H. Campbell, D. Mager, J. Orazietti. Award: $446,856.
Robin Kanarek '96 Learning Resource Center Project
Dr. Campbell's vision and work with colleagues at the School of Nursing at Fairfield University, as well as the remarkable support of the School of Nursing Advisory Board resulted in the acquisition of multiple grants totaling $2,514,714 USD, for the Robin Kanarek ‘96 Learning Resource Center to expand and develop simulation-focused pedagogy and the use of technology throughout the undergraduate and graduate nursing programs. Being an early adopter and motivator, faculty were provided professional development and encouraged to integrate the use of many technologies for more engaged teaching. Building the lab, including renovations to the school of nursing and a vision for the incorporation of this new technology provided hands on learning and the opportunity to present in multiple venues and consult with nursing faculty and staff development employees at universities, hospitals and agencies in regard to building their simulation labs and implementing simulation pedagogy into their programs.
Valuable outcomes of this Project have been the text, co-edited with Dr. Karen Daley, Simulation Scenarios for Nurse Educators: Making it real. (Springer Publishers, Inc. New York, NY, 2013, 2nd Ed); research projects on health communication, student medication administration, and international connections.
Technology Integration Program for Nursing Education and Practice (TIP-NEP) Grant, Duke University, North Carolina, USA
PI: Suzanne Campbell (Team Leader). Team: S Grossman & A. Kris.
Screen Capture as innovative adjunct to classroom teaching. 4-day faculty training and $3,000 toward school projects
HRSA 10-171 PRACTICE: Geriatric diversity training for advance nursing education
PI: Sheila Grossman. Team: Suzanne Campbell, Diana Mager, Meredith Wallace Kazer.
Award: $233,153.
Women's Health Expansion Project
The Women’s Health Simulation Laboratory is continuing to be used for the FNP Women’s Health course and for the undergraduate obstetrical/women’s health course. In addition, staffing the Learning Resource Center with lab/IT assistants for the creation and management of scenarios was found to be of paramount importance. The university/School of Nursing continued to explore ways for funding part-time personnel after the initial project funding. The School of Nursing Advisory Board committed funds to support simulation development over the next four years, by which time the development of the resource center was completed and faculty development solidly accomplished. Long term plans included partnering with community organizations for their use of the simulation labs to provide staff development and skills validation for accreditation purposes. Finally, SimBaby and other equipment were used in simulations for the pediatric course and creating simulations that combine the mother-infant dyad adds to the integration of curricular content for faculty and students. This innovative method of education will continue at Fairfield University School of Nursing and has been greatly enhanced by the CHEFA grant received. $99,999 USD
Journal Articles
- Campbell, S. H., Bernardes, N., Tharmaratnam, T., Willson, M., Krebs, C., Campbell, K., & Brophy, M., Silva, G. O. (2024). Effectiveness of interprofessional development of foundational lactation open education resources. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 95, 101603. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecns. 2024.101603
- Lee, J-H., Campbell, S. H., Aredes, N. D. A., & Hong, S. (2024). Translation and validation of the Korean version of the Global Interprofessional Therapeutic Communication Scale: A study of psychometric properties among Korean nurses. Journal of the Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing, 31 (3), 359-368. https://j.kafn.or.kr/journal/view.php?doi=10.7739/jkafn.2024.31.3.359
- Silva, G. O., Aredes, N. D. A., Siqueira, K. M., Cavalcante, A. M. R. Z., Guimarães, R. A., Campbell, S. H., (2024). Learning the nursing process through simulation: From development through implementation of a scenario in pediatrics. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 94, 101580. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecns.2024.101580
- De Sousa, I., Wytenbroek, L., Bailey, E., & Campbell, S. H. (2024). “They bring the topic [of social justice] but stop there”: Nursing students’ perceptions of teaching practices that develop awareness and engagement with social justice. Nurse Education Today, 139, 106241, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2024.106241.
- Rogers, B. A., Killam, L. A., Lockhart, R. D., Foltz-Ramos, K., Luctkar-Flude, M., Campbell, S. H., Tyerman, J., Ehmke, M., & Franklin, A. E. (2024). Prioritizing Simulation Facilitators’ Competencies for Professional Development Using Q Methodology. Clinical Simulation in Nursing.
- Verkuyl, M., Atack, L., Deschambault, J., Violato, E., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Southam, T. Ellis, W., Goldsworthy, S., Harder, N., MacEachern, D., & Campbell, S. H. (2024). Virtual Simulation in Healthcare Education: A multi-professional, pan-Canadian Evaluation. Advances in Simulation. 9 (3), 1-10. https://advancesinsimulation.biomedcentral.com/counter/pdf/10.1186/s41077-023-00276-x.pdf
- Rahmani, A., Dadashzadeh, A., Hassankhani, H., Boyle, M., Mohammadi, E., & Campbell, S. (2020). Iranian nurses’ experiences of workplace violence in prehospital emergency care: A qualitative study. Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal, xx (xx), pp. 1-13. DOI: 10.1097/TME.00000000000000292
- Oliveira, F. S., Vieira, F., Cecilio, J.O, Guimarães, J. V., & Campbell, S. H. (2020). A eficácia da educação em saúde na prevenção do trauma mamilar na amamentação: Revisão sistemática [The efficacy of health education in the prevention of breast trauma in breastfeeding: Systematic review.] Revista Brasileira de Saúde Materno Infantil [Brazilian Journal of Maternal and Child Health]. 20, 2, pp. xxx.
- D’Agostini, M. M., Aredes, N. D. A., Campbell, S. H., Fonseca, L. M. M. (2020 in press). Serious game e-Baby gamilia: Tecnologia educacional para o cuidado do recém-nascido prematuro [Serious game e-Baby family: Educational technology for the care of the premature newborn], Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem. Accepted 12/4/2019.
- Servotte, J-C., Goosse, M., Pilote, B., Simoneau, I. L., Campbell, S. H., Guillaume, M., Bragard, I., & Ghuysen, A. (2020). Virtual reality experience: Immersion, sense of presence, and cybersickness. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 38, 35-43. doi:10.1016/j.ecns.2015.06.001
- Campbell, S. H., & Angelo Aredes, N. D. A. (2019). Global interprofessional therapeutic communication scale© (GITCS©): Development and validation. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 34(C), 30-42. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecns.2019.05.006.
- Dadashzadeh, A., Rahmani, A., Hassankhani, H., Boyle, M., Mohammadi, E., & Campbell, S. (2019). Iranian pre-hospital emergency care nurses’ strategies to manage workplace violence: A descriptive qualitative study. Journal of Nursing Management, 0(ja). Retrieved from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/jonm.12791.
- Anderson, M., Campbell, S. H., Nye, C., Diaz, D., & Boyd, T. (2019). Simulation in Advanced Practice Education: Let's Dialogue!! Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 26, 81-85. doi:10.1016/j.ecns.2018.10.011
- Nye, C., Campbell, S.H., Fancher, S., Short, C. & Thomas, M. (2019). Simulation in Advanced Practice Nursing Programs: A North American Survey. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 26, 3-10. doi:10.1016/j.ecns.2018.09.005. [SSH “Article of Influence” Award, 2019]
- Chang, S., Hall, W. A., Lee, L. Campbell, S. H. Experiences of Chinese Immigrant Women Following Zuo Yue Zi in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia. Journal of Clinical Nursing (accepted 12/8/2017) ID: JCN-2017-1036.R.1
- Goes, F.S.N., Aredes, N.D.A, Fonseca, L.M.M., Hara, C.Y.N. & Campbell, S.H. (2017). Simulation with standardized patients: nursing student health communication skills. The Northeastern Nursing Network Journal (Rev Rene), 18(3):383-389.
Edited Books:
- Campbell, S.H., Lauwers, J., Mannel, R., & Spencer, R., (co-editors). (2019). Core Curriculum for Interdisciplinary Lactation Care. Burlington, M.A.: Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC, an Ascend Learning Company, 2018 AJN Book of the Year Award, 2nd Place: Child Health (537 pages).
- Campbell, S.H. & Daley, K. (eds) (2018). Simulation Scenarios for Nursing Educators: Making it Real (3rd Ed). New York, N.Y.: Springer Publishing Company, Inc. (680 pages)
Co-Authored Chapters:
- Campbell, S.H. & Daley, K. (2018). Chapter 1: Introduction – Simulation focused pedagogy for nursing education. In S.H. Campbell & K. Daley (eds) Simulation Scenarios for Nursing Educators: Making it REAL (3rd Ed). (pp.1-12). New York, N.Y.: Springer Publishing Company, Inc.
- Daley, K. & Campbell, S.H. (2018). Chapter 2: Framework for Simulation Learning in Nursing Education. In S.H. Campbell & K. Daley (eds) Simulation Scenarios for Nursing Educators: Making it REAL (3rd Ed). (pp.13-18). New York, N.Y.: Springer Publishing Company, Inc.
- Daley, K. & Campbell, S.H. (2018). Chapter 3: Integrating Simulation-focused Pedagogy into Curriculum. In S.H. Campbell & K. Daley (eds) Simulation Scenarios for Nursing Educators: Making it REAL (3rd Ed). (pp. 19-26). New York, N.Y.: Springer Publishing Company, Inc.
- Campbell, S.H., Aredes, N.D.A. & Dhari, R. (2018). Chapter 4: Teaching and Evaluating Therapeutic Communication in Simulated Scenarios. In S.H. Campbell & K. Daley (eds) Simulation Scenarios for Nursing Educators: Making it REAL (3rd Ed). (pp.27-36). New York, N.Y.: Springer Publishing Company, Inc.
- Campbell, S.H., MacPhee, M., & Ryan, M. (2018). Chapter 5: Innovative Approaches to Simulation-Based Faculty Development. In S.H. Campbell & K. Daley (eds) Simulation Scenarios for Nursing Educators: Making it REAL (3rd Ed). (pp.37-46). New York, N.Y.: Springer Publishing Company, Inc.
- Daley, K., Campbell, S.H., Mager, D., & Jackson, C. (2018). Chapter 6: Building and Maintaining a Learning Resource Center. In S.H. Campbell & K. Daley (eds) Simulation Scenarios for Nursing Educators: Making it REAL (3rd Ed). (pp.47-60). New York, N.Y.: Springer Publishing Company, Inc.
- Campbell, S.H. & Hall, W. (2018). Chapter 18: Obstetric Emergency: Post-partum Hemorrhage. In S.H. Campbell & K. Daley (eds) Simulation Scenarios for Nursing Educators: Making it REAL (3rd Ed). (pp.187-204). New York, N.Y.: Springer Publishing Company, Inc.
- Campbell, S.H., Aredes, N.D.A., Fonseca, L.M.M., de Salaberry, J. (2018). Chapter 20: High risk infant of a diabetic mother – Hypoglycemia. In S.H. Campbell & K. Daley (eds) Simulation Scenarios for Nursing Educators: Making it REAL (3rd Ed). (pp.217-232). New York, N.Y.: Springer Publishing Company, Inc.
- Campbell, S.H., LoGuidice-Orlando, J., (2018). Chapter 33: Abdominal Pain in a Woman of Childbearing Age: A Trauma-Informed Approach. In S.H. Campbell & K. Daley (eds) Simulation Scenarios for Nursing Educators: Making it REAL (3rd Ed). (pp.389-400). New York, N.Y.: Springer Publishing Company, Inc.
- Campbell, S.H. & Daley, K. (2018). Chapter 56: Final Words of Wisdom on Simulation. In S.H. Campbell & K. Daley (eds) Simulation Scenarios for Nursing Educators: Making it REAL (3rd Ed). (pp.653-660). New York, N.Y.: Springer Publishing Company, Inc.
- Campbell, S.H., Lauwers, J., Mannel, R., & Spencer, R., (co-editors). Core Curriculum for Interdisciplinary Lactation Care. (in press) Jones & Bartlett Publishers, Inc.
Co-Authored Chapters:
- Hedberg-Nyqvist, K., Campbell, S.H., & Haiek, L.H. (in press 2018). Ch. 14 Breastfeeding a Preterm Infant. In S.H. Campbell, J. Lauwers, R. Mannel, & R. Spencer. (eds). Core Curriculum for Interdisciplinary Lactation Care. New York, N.Y.: Jones & Bartlett.
- Campbell, S.H., Meek, J., & Revai, T. (in press 2018). Ch. 29 Initiatives to Promote, Protect and Support Breastfeeding. In S.H. Campbell, J. Lauwers, R. Mannel, & R. Spencer (eds). Core Curriculum for Interdisciplinary Lactation Care. New York, N.Y.: Jones & Bartlett.
- Mannel, R., Campbell, S.H., & Stehel, E.K.(in press 2018). Ch. 32 Interdisciplinary Lactation Services. In S.H. Campbell, J. Lauwers, R. Mannel, & R. Spencer (eds). Core Curriculum for Interdisciplinary Lactation Care. New York, N.Y.: Jones & Bartlett
Book Chapters
- Campbell, S. H. (In press 2018). Ch. Xx Administrative Perspective. In R. Gordon & D. McGonigle (eds). Virtual Simulation in Nursing Education. Springer Publishers, Inc. New York: N.Y.
- Aredes, N. D. A., Fonseca, L. M. M. & Campbell, S.H. (In press 2018). Ch. Xx Serious Games. In R. Gordon & D. McGonigle (eds). Virtual Simulation in Nursing Education. Springer Publishers, Inc. New York: N.Y.
- Campbell, S.H. (2018). Breastfeeding. In J.J. Fitzpatrick (Eds.), Encyclopedia for nursing research. 3rd Ed. (pp. 42-48) New York: Springer Publishing Company.
- Campbell, S.H. (2018). Simulation. In J.J. Fitzpatrick (Eds.), Encyclopedia for nursing research. 3rd Ed. (pp. 674-676) New York: Springer Publishing Company.
Standards of Practice
INACSL. (2016). Standards of Best Practice: Simulation(SM). Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 12, S48-S50. doi:10.1016/j.ecns.2016.10.001 (Individual Contributor: S. Campbell, PhD, RN, IBCLC)
Other works:
Vincent-Lambert, C. & Bogossian, F. (2017). A guide for the assessment of clinical competence using simulation. Contributors: Campbell, S.H., Mandusiak, Al, Botelho, M., Buckley, S., Campbell, R., Stein, C., & Makkink, A. Johannesburg, South Africa: Universitas 21, Health Science Group. (56 pages) http://u21health.org/clinical-simulation/
Teaching Interests
Dr. Campbell’s teaching and research stems from her career as an obstetrical/gynecological nurse in high risk maternity centers in academic health centers, her work in the community and with grassroots organizations supporting and promoting breastfeeding, especially among marginalized and vulnerable women, and her work in a private breastfeeding medical practice. She is an early adopter of innovative methodologies and has taught at the undergraduate and graduate level in a blended course format, incorporating simulations, case studies, podcasting with screen capture, and personal response systems to enhance student engagement and critical thinking and reasoning. Her use of electronic portfolios, portals for faculty development, and work with adult learners for continuing health professional education fits well with the strategic priorities at UBC.
Current Teaching
Courses taught prior to arrival at UBC
She has taught women’s health from menarche to menopause, research, and health assessment at both the undergraduate and graduate level, health care delivery systems, advanced role development, leadership, informatics, and teaches using innovative methodologies that allow for engaged learning to enhance critical thinking skills; and practice of skills, technical and non-technical, with robotic mannequins and role-playing.
Supervisor Eligibility
MHLP, MN, MSN - thesis, MSN - non-thesis, PhD
Graduate Supervision
Grunert, Damaris - MSN, 2018
Decision making surrounding human milk donation: attitudes, subjective norms and barriers
Deol, Harleen - MSN, 2015
The lived experience of South Asian women with gestational diabetes mellitus