
Videos - 2019 EDGE Arts Festival

The 3rd annual EDGE Arts Festival was hosted by the UBC School of Nursing on April 4, 2019 at the Vancity Theatre. It was an evening filled with compelling insights in health and well-being through short films, forum theatre, and a board game. A few films from the screening are available to watch online.

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Beyond the stigma, beyond the statistics, these are stories of those who have died from substance use and overdose. By using video to create and share messages from parents and family members who are advocates for harm reduction, this project aims to provoke people to see beyond the stereotypes about people who use drugs. WATCH VIDEO

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Taking Steps: Warrior Women's Wellness program is a trauma- and violence-informed physical activity program created by and for pregnant and parenting women in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside. This documentary is a snapshot into how community-based research informed this work, program highlights, and the lessons learned. WATCH VIDEO

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Beauty in Pain is the story of a Canadian artist turned nurse and her struggles to find the beauty in burnout after personal challenges and systemic bullying. She finds her passion for art again in an unlikely place - a parking lot in Vancouver. COMING SOON

Videos - 2018 EDGE Film Festival

How do researchers engage the public and make their research accessible to all? The smart ones transfer their knowledge through film. The 2018 Edge Films included New Frames (Hilario), "They're Not Scary": An Intergenerational Dance Project (Canning, Gaetz, Kwidzinski | Director: Blakeborough), Healing Beyond the Prison Gate: Incarcerated Men Work 2 Give to Indigenous Communities in BC (UBC School of Nursing, Tsilhqot’in National Government, Punky Lake Wilderness Camp Society, and the Movember Foundation), and Our Voices, Our Stories (Cranmer).

New Frames

Trailer only.

Carla Hilario.

Tell me about a bad day... The New Frames film is based on a research study about the mental health of young immigrant and refugee men. Six young men – who self-identified as immigrant or refugee - were engaged as collaborators in an integrated knowledge translation study in Vancouver, Canada. Drawing on participatory video methods, New Frames features local actors re-enacting selected excerpts from interviews with 33 research participants under the direction of the collaborators.

Our Voices, Our Stories

Trailer Only.

Barb Cranmer. 

In 2015, St. Michael’s Indian Residential School in Alert Bay, B.C., was demolished. An estimated 9200 Indigenous children attended the school, operated by the Anglican Church of Canada, between 1929 and 1975. Some died, many were abused, and many never returned to their families. Made by the celebrated filmmaker and artist Barb Cranmer of the ’Namgis First Nation of Alert Bay, this powerful documentary chronicles the demolition of the building, an important symbolic step towards healing, and gives voice to the school’s survivors. Best Documentary Short, American Indian Film Festival, San Francisco.


Videos - 2017 EDGE Film Festival

Smashing cinematic stereotypes, the 2017 EDGE Film Festival challenged clichéd notions of nursing with poignant stories of the participants involved in the wide scope of nursing research being conducted at UBC. The six short films swept the audience along in a tour of the unconventional interventions that are working to shift some of the most intractable barriers to well-being from social isolation to colonialization. Watch the films here.

Bully/Abuse - Still Here (4:20 min)

Jason was in Grade 5 when he started having feelings for other boys. Because of those feelings he was called names, beaten up, and even sexually assaulted. Since high school, Jason has been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, borderline personality disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Now Jason is using art to open up about his experiences – through his photography and paintings he is asking his audience to question what we actually mean when we talk about “bullying.”

Evidence of a Struggle (6:00 min)

In 2013 Trevor’s brother died by suicide. After his brother’s death Trevor began raising awareness about mental health through his music. His latest album, “Evidence of a Struggle,” details his personal journey of loss. As a high school teacher, Trevor is helping students explore their own experiences and struggles through music. 


Work2Give (5:00 min)

Work 2 Give is a prison employment partnership founded by Correctional Service of Canada in partnership with the Tsilhqot’in First Nation. Men in federal custody create items, such as furniture, children’s toys, winter clothing, and cultural items such as drums, which are then donated to the Tsilhqot’in Nation. This presentation outlines the impacts of the project on the participating men, the recipient communities, and the reciprocity created between these two groups.


DUDES Club (13:00 min)

The men of the Vancouver DUDES Club travel to Houston B.C. to share their experiences, ideas and stories in an effort to pave the way for new clubs to form. They focus on connecting men with health care professionals and other support services, as well as instilling a sense of solidarity and empowerment within the community.



Reclaiming Our Spirits (26:00 min)


Reclaiming Our Spirits documents the experiences of Indigenous women, elders and nurses working together to heal from violence. The study, funded by the Canadian Institutes for Health Research, explored how an intervention based on an analysis of the ongoing impacts of colonization and racism could support the health of Indigenous women who have experienced violence.


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