Dr. Boschma Receives CAHN-ACHN Award of Recognition

The Canadian Association for the History of Nursing's 2023 award winner is Dr. Geertje Boschma, Professor and Associate Director, Undergraduate Programs, Nursing, University of British Columbia. 

Geertje Boschma Headshot

Dr. Geertje Boschma is a founding member of the UBC School of Nursing Consortium for Nursing History Inquiry, a member of the Canadian Association for the History of Nursing (CAHN/ACHN) for more than 25 years and a longstanding member of the BC History of Nursing Society (BCHNS). She has recently assumed the role of president of the BCHNS.

This year, CAHN/ACHN has honoured Geertje with their Award of Recognition in recognition of her leadership and contributions to nursing history scholarship. Geertje's dedication to nursing history, including her research program on the history of nursing and health care, her mentorship of countless students and scholars of nursing history over the years, and her leadership in numerous conference and event planning committees place her as an ideal candidate for this award. Read more at the link below.

Congratulations, Geertje!

BCHNS Announcement

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