This course explores the theoretical foundations and practical experience/mentorship required for the development of knowledge and skills related to an advanced practicing nurse role. Through classroom and brief practicum experiences, students' will explore the key elements of APN roles and the skills required to enact these roles. Students' will also get the chance to begin to formulate a future advanced practice nursing role. Course content includes; advanced practice nursing models/roles, CNS and Nurse Practitioner role distinction, CNS practice domains and competencies, CNS practice outcomes, program and policy development, and consultation and collaboration for advanced practice.
NURS 530 Placement Readiness Sign Up Form
- Examine advanced practice nursing within the context of the Canadian health care system and determine the professional and political issues influencing the advanced practice role.
- Critically evaluate the applicability of various frameworks and models for the development, implementation, and evaluation of advanced practice nursing roles.
- Differentiate between clinical nurse specialist and nurse practitioner roles.
- Articulate the knowledge, skills, judgment and personal attributes required to practice as a clinical nurse specialist in different contexts.
- Determine the evidence-base and critical outcomes of CNS practice.
- Apply knowledge and skill in program development and evaluation.
- Demonstrate and promote intra and inter-professional collaboration.
- Articulate a proposal for a desired future role in advanced practice.
How to access your course in the UBC Course Schedule: In the top right corner of the page, please select the correct session (W or S), select your course from the list of NURS courses, and click on the course & session number (e.g NURS 123 XXX) to read the published notes for that section. To register as a student you must logged in with your CWL.
Link to UBC Course Schedule (For Registration, restrictions, etc...)