Students in the MSN program may complete the program requirements by completing a MSN SPAR Project (NURS 595 – Scholarly Practice Advancement Research project (SPAR), 3 credits). Typically, students register for this option from the first term of enrolment into the program and work on the SPAR alongside the completion of their required and optional course work (30 credits). The SPAR project must be completed under the supervision of a faculty member and a proposal for the project has to be prepared and approved by the supervisor and one additional supervisory committee member. The initial steps towards proposal development can be undertaking under the guidance of the provisional advisor, assigned to each student from the start of the program (please find below specific guidelines for proposal development).
The SPAR represents an original piece of scholarship that builds on knowledge and skills acquired from coursework. The SPAR project may take a variety of forms and will draw on accepted research and synthesis methodologies to address topics relevant to the discipline of nursing. The SPAR project will typically focus on an issue of immediate relevance to an area of nursing practice, which might be inclusive of clinical, educational, leadership, health policy, or health administrative domains. The overall aim of a SPAR project - that is narrower in scope and focus than a thesis - is to provide a critical analysis of an issue that will inform decision-making within the nursing profession and advance practice and health care. Such critical analyses are evidence and theoretically informed.
How to access your course in the UBC Course Schedule: In the top right corner of the page, please select the correct session (W or S), select your course from the list of NURS courses, and click on the course & session number (e.g NURS 123 XXX) to read the published notes for that section. To register as a student you must logged in with your CWL.
Link to UBC Course Schedule (For Registration, restrictions, etc...)