Angela Henderson
Phd, RN
Associate Professor Emeritus
- Email Angela.Henderson@ubc.ca
- Address
UBC School of Nursing
T201 2211 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver BC V6T2B5
Educational Background
SRN (Nursing), Norfolk and Norwich Hospitals
BSN (Nursing ), University of British Columbia
MSN (Nursing), University of British Columbia
PhD (Nursing), University of Manchester
Domestic Violence Response, Team member - Providence Health Care
Domestic Violence Response, Team member - Vancouver General Hospital
Nursing Network on Violence Against Women: International - Member
NRCVA Nursing Research Consortium on Violence: International committee: Invited Member
FREDA (Feminsist, research, education, development and action) Center on violence against women: Founding member and current board member.
Area of Research
Completed Projects
Nurses and Violence in the Workplace
Workplace abuse and violence in health care settings, particularly against nurses, is increasingly recognized as a problem of epidemic proportions, with negative implications for nurses’ job satisfaction and ability to provide care effectively. This study included a review of incident reports, interviews with nurses and the development of a DVD on workplace violence that demonstrates techniques for de-escalating potentially violent situations.
Research supported with funds from WorkSafe BC (Workers' Compensation Board of British Columbia) and the Saskatchewan Workers' Compensation Board
See DVD content online: LINK
Domestic violence and adverse pregnancy outcomes: Phase II. P. Janssen (PI). BC Health Research Foundation
An interdisciplinary inquiry into narratives of disease, disability and trauma. V. Raoul (PI) Peter Wall Int. Major Thematic Grants. Co-investigators: C. Canam, I. Dyck, S. Egan, J. Graham, A. Henderson, P. Vertinsky
The intersectionality of race and gender in social cohesion: An examination of factors influencing identity formation,experiences of violence and integration of marginalized girls in Candian society. M. Jackson (SFU) (PI) SSHRC Strategic Theme Grant. Co-Investigators: A.Henderson, UBC; S. Tobani, UBC; J. Lee, U. Vic; Y. Jiwani, Concordia
Selected Publications not Indexed in PubMed
Janssen, P., Henderson, A., & Vedam, S. (2009). The experience of planned home birth: Views of the first five hundred. Birth. 36(4), 297-304.
Janssen, P., Henderson, A., & MacKay, K. (2009). Family violence and maternal mortality in the South Asian community: The role of obstetrical care providers. Journal of the Society of Obstetrical and Gynecologists of Canada, 1045-1049.
Irwin, L., Johnson, J., Henderson, A., Dahinten, S., & Hertzman, C. (2007). Examining how contexts shape children's perspectives of health. Child: Care, Health and Development 33(4), 353-359.
Jackson, M. A., & Henderson, A. D. (2006). Restorative justice or restorative health: Which model best fits the needs of marginallized girls in Canadian society? Criminal Justice Policy Review, 17(2), 234-251.
Weibe, E., Henderson, A., Choi, J. & Trouton, K. (2006). Ethnic Korean women's perceptions about birth control: Interviews from a Canadian family practice. Contraception, 73(6), 623-627.
Weibe, E., Trouton, K.J., Fielding, S.L., Klippenstein, J. & Henderson, A. (2005). Antichoice attitudes to abortion in women presenting for medical abortions. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada, 27, 59-63.
Henderson, A.D., Rodrigues, R., Fulmer, T., & Humphreys, J. (2004). Future directions. In Family Violence and Nursing Pratice. 407-423 Edited by Janice Humphreys, and Jacquelyn Campbell, Lippimcott, Williams & Wilkins.
Weibe, E., Trouton, K.J., Fielding, S.L., Grant, S. & Henderson, A. (2004). Anxieties and attitudes towards abortion in women presenting for medical and surgical abortions. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Canada, 26(10), 881-885.
Thorne, S.E., Henderson, A.D. MacPherson, G.I. & Pesut, B.K. (2004). The Problematic Allure of the Binary in Nursing Theoretical Discourse. Nursing Philosophy, 5(3), 208-215.
Henderson, A.D., & Jackson, M.A. (2004). Restorative health: A concept with potential contribution to lessening the impact of previous abuse and violence in the lives of vulnerable girls. Health Care for Women International, 25(9), 794-812.
Weibe, E.R., Janssen, P.A., Henderson, A.D. & Fung, I. (2004). Ethnic Chinese women’s perceptions about condoms, withdrawal and rhythm methods od birth ocntrol. Contraception, 69(6), 493-496.
Henderson, A.D. (2003). Nurses and workplace violence: Nurses’experiences of verbal and physical abuse at work. Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership, 16(4), 82-98.
Anderson, J., Perry, J., Blue, C., Browne, A., Khan, K.B., Reimer Kirkham, S., Lynam, J., Semeniuk, P. & Smye, V. (2003). ’Re-writing’ cultural safety within the postcolonial and postnational feminist project: Towards new epistemologies of healing. Advances in Nursing Science, 26(3), 196-214.
Janssen P., Holt V., Sugg, N., Emanuel I., Critchlow C., & Henderson, A. (2003). Intimate partner violence and adverse pregnancy outcomes: A population-based study. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 188(5), 1341-1347.
Lynam, M.J., Henderson, A., Browne, A,, Smye, V., Semeniuk, P., Blue, C., Singh, S., & Anderson, J. (2003). Health care restructuring with a view to equity and efficiency: Reflections on unintended consequences. Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership, 16(1), 112-140.
Reimer-Kirkham, S., Smye, V., Tang, S., Anderson, J., Blue, C., Browne, A., Coles, R., Dyck, I., Henderson, A., Lynam, I., Perry, J., Semeniuk, P.. & Shapero, L. (2002). Rethinking cultural safety while waiting to do fieldwork: Methodological implications for nursing research. Research in Nursing and Health, 25, 222-232.
Henderson, A.D. (2001). Emotional labor and nursing: An under-appreciated aspect of caring work. Nursing Inquiry, 8(2), 130-138.
Henderson, A.D. (2001). Factors influencing nurses’ responses to abused women: What do they say they do and why do they say they do it?. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 16(12), 1284-1306.
Shalansky, C., Ericksen, J. & Henderson, A. (1999). Abused women and child custody: The ongoing exposure to abusive ex- partners. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 29(2), 416-426.
Thorne, S., Reimer-Kirkham, S. & Henderson, A. (1999). Ideological implications of paradigm discourse in nursing research, education and practice theory. Nursing Inquiry, 6(2), 123-131.
Henderson, A.D. (1998). Preparing feminist facilitations: Assisting abused women in transitional or support group settings. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 36(3), 25-33.
Thorne, S., Canam, C. Dahinten, S., Hall, W., Henderson, A., & Reimer-Kirkham, S. (1998). Nursing’s metaparadigm concepts: Disempacting the debates. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 28, 1257-1268.
Ericksen, J. R. & Henderson, A.D. (1998). Diverging realities: Abused women and their children. In J. Campbell (Ed.), Advocacy health care for battered women and their children. (pp. 138-155). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Henderson, A.D. (1995). Abused women and peer-provided social support: The nature and dynamics of reciprocity in a crisis setting. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 16, 117-128.
Henderson, A.D., & Ericksen, J.R. (1994). Enhancing nurses’ effectiveness with abused women. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 32(6), 11-15.
Henderson, A.D. (1993). Abused women’s perceptions of their children’s experiences. Canada’s Mental Health, 41(1), 7-11.
Ericksen, J., & Henderson, A.D. (1992). Witnessing family violence: The children’s experience. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 17, 1200-1207.
Henderson, A.D., & Brouse, A.J. (1992). Development of a research committee at a community hospital. Canadian Journal of Nursing Administration, 5(1), 17-19.
Henderson, A.D. (1992). Critical care nurses need to know about abused women. Critical Care Nurse, 12(2), 27-30.
Henderson, A.D., & Brouse, A.J. (1991). The experiences of new fathers during the first three weeks of life. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 16, 293-298.
Henderson, A.D. (1990). Children of abused wives: Their influence on their mothers’ decisions. Canada’s Mental Health, 38(2/3), 10-13.
Henderson, A.D. (1989). Use of social support in a transition house for abused women. Health Care for Women International, 10(1), 61-73.
Raoul, V., Canam, C., Henderson, A., Patterson, C. (in press). Unfitting stories: Narrative approaches to disease, disability and trauma. Wilfred Laurier Press.