Bernie Garrett
Associate Professor; Associate Director, Infrastructure and Technology
- Phone 1-604-822-7443
- Email Bernie.Garrett@ubc.ca
- Website Twitter
- Address
UBC School of Nursing
T201 2211 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver BC V6T2B5
Dr. Garrett comes from an acute care and CNS background, and has a PhD in Information Science. His work focuses on science and technology, and he frequently works with students exploring advanced practice nursing. His research falls into two areas. Firstly, deception in healthcare products and services (including alternative medicine), and secondly, the use of new immersive media technologies in healthcare applications (such as VR for pain management). He is an author of a number of science-based clinical textbooks, and his portfolio covers the preparation and development of the new School of Nursing building planned for 2025.
- Inaugural Fellow of the Canadian Nurse Educator Institute (CASN) – 2018+
- Behavioural Ethics Review Board Member – 2016+
- CASN Pat Griffin Scholar – 2015
- UBC SoN Elizabeth Kenny McCann Scholar 2013-15
- North American Representative: International Organization of Science & Technology Education (IOSTE): 2013-2015
- Associate Director Undergraduate Studies: 2008-2011
- Editorial Board Member The International Journal of Interactive Technology and Smart Education
- CRNBC Award of Excellence in Nursing Education -2009
- International Editorial Adviser and Reviewer for Nurse Education in Practice.
- School of Nursing PLAR Committee Chair, 2004-2008
- The 2007 Spencer Award for Information Technology Innovation at the University of British Columbia
- Member of the Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
Area of Research
Research Interests
Dr. Garrett’s current work is focused in two main camps. 1) Nursing science, philosophy, and the use of deceptive and non-evidence based practices in contemporary healthcare (including alternative medicine). 2) The use of virtual and augmented reality in clinical applications. Prior to this he worked in the field of information technology particularly in the use of educational technology, simulation, e-portfolios, virtual and augmented reality at UBC. His work is underpinned by a passion for the philosophy of science and evidence-based practice.
Completed Projects
An Exploratory Randomized Controlled Trial of Virtual Reality as a Non-pharmacological Adjunctive Intervention for Adults with Chronic Cancer-related Pain (Hecht Foundation).
Demographic and psychometric predictors associated with engagement in risk-associated alternative healthcare behaviours - Social Science & Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Project – Phase 2.
Risk Associated Behaviours with Alternative Healthcare Delphi Study - Social Science & Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Project – Phase 1.
The use of Virtual Reality as a Home Therapy for Chronic Cancer Pain - Phase 1: Qualitative Assessment - Hecht Foundation
Electroencephalogram (EEG) changes with a VR-guided meditation pain therapy – Hecht Foundation
CASN Pat Griffin Scholarship: Magical Thinking in Undergraduate Professional Students
Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (UBC): The Use of Augmented Reality to Support Clinical Lab Education with Cathryn Jackson and Brian Wilson
Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (UBC): Canadian Foundation for Innovation: Expansion of ICICS Facilities in Biomedical Technologies, Emergency Decision-Support, and Global Communications Systems. Project Lead: Dr. Nimalsiri D. Rajapakse with Dr Elizabeth Croft. Dr Sheldon Goldenberg, Dr Alan Mackworth, Dr Jose Marti, Dr Martin McKeown, Dr Raymond Ng, Dr Dinesh Pai, Septimiu Salcudean, Dr Rabab Ward, et al. (co-researcher )
Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (UBC): Developing a Web-Based Evaluation Centre, with C. Jackson, Dr J. Johnson,Dr M. Lamberson, J. Sibley, Dr G. Tsiknis,
Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (UBC):International Science Study Partnerships with Dr. Roger Cutting, University of Plymouth, UK
Ministry of Advanced Education; Capacity Building for IEN Assessment Project: The use of high-fidelity simulation in assessment of entry to practice competencies of internationally educated nurses: Co-investigator with Pat Wall, Pam Nordstrom, Tru Freeman and Lucy Wright
School of Nursing Teaching Scholarship Project Support Awards (with C.Jackson)
Canadian Patient Safety Institute (CPSI/ICSP) Code and Pre Code Management : Demonstration Project Co-researcher with Rena van der wal, Dr. karim Qayumi, Pat Semeniuk and Gordon Peckam.
Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (UBC) An interactive web based matrix to support the knowledge translation of professional standards, scope of practice guidelines and clinical competencies for nursing: Co-researcher
Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (UBC) High Fidelity Simulation Curriculum Development and Faculty Education; Co-researcher with Dr. M.Macphee
Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (UBC): Evaluating the Role of High Fidelity Simulations for Teaching and Evaluating Nursing Student Clinical Competence: Co researcher with Dr. M. Macphee
Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (UBC) Essentials in Health Informatics for Life Sciences & Computer Science Students – summer and e-learning course: Co-researcher
BC Academic Health Council: BC Practice Education Renewal In Health Authorities: A Collaborative For E-Orientation For Students And Faculty: Co-researcher: BCAHC
Selected Publications
Garrett B.M., Ong P., Galdas, P. (2023) Pocket Clinical Reference for Nurses (4th Edition Extended) Clinical Publishing Services, Oxford. https://www.clinicalpocketreference.com/product/clinical-pocket-reference-for-nurses-fourth-edition/
Garrett B.M. (2021) The New Alchemists: The rise of deceptive healthcare. B.M. Garrett, Hammersmith Books Limited, London, UK. ISBN: 978-1-78161-188-3
Garrett B.M. (2020) Chapter 24: Alternative Health Strategies in C.L. Edelman & E.C Kudzma (Eds._ Canadian Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span. Toronto, Ontario. Elsevier.
Garrett B.M. (2019) Chapter 2: Learning Theories in P. Bradley & K. Page-Cutrara (Eds.), The Role of the Nurse Educator in Canada. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing.
Garrett B.M., Ong P., Galdas, P. (2019) Pocket Clinical Reference for Nurses (4th Edition) Clinical Publishing Services, Oxford. https://www.clinicalpocketreference.com/product/clinical-pocket-reference-for-nurses-fourth-edition/
Garrett B.M. (2018) Empirical Nursing: The Art of Evidence-based Care. Emerald. Oxford. https://bit.ly/2DiIi70
Garrett, B.M. (2017) Fluids and Electrolytes: Essentials for Clinical Practice. London, UK, Taylor & Francis. ISBN 9781138197626 https://www.crcpress.com/Fluids-and-Electrolytes-Essentials-for-Healthcare-Practice/Garrett/p/book/9781138197626
Garrett B.M., Ong, P., Galdas, P. (2016) Pocket Clinical Reference for Nurses (3nd edition). Clinical Publishing Services, Oxford.
Garrett, B.M. (2016) Chapter 9: Evidence-based practice: Other Forms of Evidence in Exploring Evidence-based Practice: Debates and Challenges in Nursing. Edited by M. Lipscomb. Routledge. London. Hb: 978-1-138-78990-6
Garrett, B.M. (2013) Fluid and Electrolytes: essentials for practice. Victoria, Canada, Northern Lights Media. ISBN: 978-0-9919846-1-9
Garrett B.M. (2013) Science and Modern Thought in Nursing: pragmatism and praxis for evidence-based practice. Victoria, Canada, Northern Lights Media. ISBN: 978-0-9919846-0-2
Ong P., Garrett B.M., Allen D. (2009) Pocket Clinical Reference for Nurses (2nd edition). Clinical Publishing Services, Oxford.
Garrett, B., Caulfield, T., Musoke, R., Murdoch, B., Tang, X., & Lam, J. S. T. (2023). Demographic and psychometric predictors associated with engagement in risk-associated alternative healthcare behaviours. PloS One, 18(9), e0291016. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0291016
Garrett B.M., Musoke, R., Tang, X., Tam, J. (2023). Surveying Risk-Taking Behaviours in Alternative Healthcare: Methodological Considerations in the Use of Commercial Survey Panel Services. Sage Research Methods Cases. https://methods.sagepub.com/case/surveying-behaviours-healthcare-methodological-commercial-services
Garrett, B., Caulfield, T., Murdoch, B., Brignall, M., Kapur, A. K., Murphy, S., Nelson, E., Reardon, J., Harrison, M., Hislop, J., Wilson-Keates, B. J., Anthony, J., Loewen, P. S., Musoke, R. M., & Braun, J. (2022). A taxonomy of risk-associated alternative health practices: A Delphi study. Health & Social Care in the Community, 30(3), 1163–1181. https://doi.org/10.1111/HSC.13386
Tao, G., Garrett, B., Taverner, T., Cordingley, E., & Sun, C. (2021). Immersive virtual reality health games: a narrative review of game design. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 18(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/S12984-020-00801-3
Fu, H., Garrett, B., Tao, G., Cordingley, E., Ofoghi, Z., Taverner, T., Sun, C., & Cheung, T. (2021). Virtual Reality–Guided Meditation for Chronic Pain in Patients With Cancer: Exploratory Analysis of Electroencephalograph Activity. JMIR Biomed Eng 2021;6(2):E26332. https://doi.org/10.2196/26332
Garrett, B. (2021). Divinity in nursing: The complexities of adopting a spiritual basis for care. Nursing Philosophy : An International Journal for Healthcare Professionals, 22(3). https://doi.org/10.1111/NUP.12355
Garrett, B., & Riou, M. (2021). A rapid evidence assessment of recent therapeutic touch research. Nursing Open, 8(5), 2318–2330. https://doi.org/10.1002/NOP2.841
Garrett B., Taverner, T., Tao G., Cordingley E., Sun C. (2020) Patients Perceptions of Virtual Reality Therapy in the Management of Chronic Cancer Pain. Heliyon. 6(5) doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e03916
Garrett, B., Mallia, E., Anthony, J. (2019). Public Perceptions of Internet-Based Health Scams, and Factors that Promote Engagement with them. Health & Social Care in the Community. 27(5), e672-e686. doi: 10.1111/hsc.12772
Garrett, B. Murphy, S, Jamal, S., Macphee, M., Reardon, J., Cheung, W., Malia, E., Jackson, C. (2019) Internet Health Scams - Developing a taxonomy and risk‐of‐deception assessment tool. Health & Social Care in the Community. 2019, 27(1), 226-240. doi: 10.1111/hsc.12643
Garrett B., Taverner T., Gromala D., Tao G., Cordingley E., Sun C. (2018) Virtual Reality Clinical Research: Promises and Challenges. Journal of Medical Internet Research: Serious Games. https://games.jmir.org/2018/4/e10839/
Garrett, Bernie M.; Anthony, Joseph; and Jackson, Cathryn (2018) "Using Mobile Augmented Reality to Enhance Health Professional Practice Education," Current Issues in Emerging eLearning: 4(1), Article 10. https://scholarworks.umb.edu/ciee/vol4/iss1/10
Garrett B.M. & Cutting, R. L. (2018). A Double-blind Behavioural Experiment: The Influence of Paranormal Beliefs and Media Messaging in Undergraduate Nursing and Education Students. Sage Research Methods Cases. http://methods.sagepub.com/case/paranormal-beliefs-media-messaging-unde…
Taipale, P., Garrett, B., Lauck, S., & Phinney, A. (2018). Exploring Recovery after Elective Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair. Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 33(10), S218.
Garrett B.M. & Cutting, R. L. (2017) Magical Beliefs and Discriminating Science from Pseudoscience in Undergraduate Professional Students. Heliyon. 3 (11) See: http://www.heliyon.com/article/e00433/
Garrett, B.M., Taverner, T. & McDade, P. (2017) Virtual Reality as an Adjunct Home Therapy in Chronic Pain Management: A Case Series. Journal of Medical Informatics Research 5(2) e11. See https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5445235/
Garrett, B.M. (2016) New Sophistry; Self-deception in the nursing academy. Nursing Philosophy 17(3). 182-193
Yu Ko, W., Oliffe, J.L., Han, C.S., Garrett, B., Henwood, T., Tuckett, A.G., & Sohrevardi, A. (In press). Canadian nurses' perspectives on prostate cancer support groups; A survey study. Cancer Nursing.
Garrett, B.M., Jackson, C, & Wilson, B. (2015) M-learning for Practice Skills: Using augmented reality to enhance teaching and learning lab and clinical skills. Journal of Interactive Technology and Smart Education. 12(4) 298-314
Garrett B.M. & Cutting R.L. (2015) Ways of Knowing; realism, nominalism and non-realism and a typology revisited. Nursing Inquiry 22(2). 95-105.
Garrett, B.M. & MacPhee M. (2015) The Slippery Slope of Nurse Regulation: Challenging issues for contemporary nursing practice in Canada. Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership. 28(1) 51-59
Oliffe, J.L., Chambers, S., Garrett, B., Bottorff, J.L., McKenzie, M., Han, C.S.E., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2015). Prostate Cancer Support Groups: Specialists’ Perspectives. American Journal of Men’s Health. 9(2) 163-172
Doyle, G.J., Garrett, B.M., Currie, L. (2014) Integrating Mobile Devices into Nursing Curricula: Opportunities for Implementation using Rogers' Diffusion of Innovation Model, Nurse Education Today. 34(5) 775-782
Ho K., Booth R., Borycki E., Boschman L., Bottorff J., Cavusoglu H., Currie L., Eysenbach G., Frisch L., Garrett B.M., Gibson J.A., Grajales I.F., Gruzd A., Haythornthwaite C., Krause C., Kushniruk A., Mah B., Munson S.A., Norman C., Novak Lauscher H., Oliffe J., Puri A., Ruggiero L., Sandhu J., Woodman S., Zibrik L. (2014) Harnessing the Social Web for Health and Wellness: Issues for Research and Knowledge Translation. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 16(2):e34
Garrett B.M., Taverner T., Masinde W., Gromala D., Shaw D. Negraeff D. (2014) A Rapid Evidence Assessment of Immersive Virtual Reality as an Adjunct Therapy in Acute Pain Management in Practice. The Clinical Journal of Pain 30(12) 1089-98
Garrett, B.M., MacPhee, M., Jackson, C. (2013) Evaluation of an ePortfolio for the Assessment of Clinical Competence in a Baccalaureate Nursing program. Nurse Education Today. 33(10) 1207-1213
Garrett B.M. & Cutting R. (2012) Using Social media to Promote International Student Partnerships. Nurse Education in Practice. 12 (6) pp. 340-5
Garrett B.M. (2012) Changing the game; some thoughts on future healthcare demands, technology, nursing and interprofessional education. Nurse Education in Practice 12(4). pp 179-181
Garrett B.M., MacPhee M., Jackson C: (2011) Implementing high fidelity simulation in Canada; reflections on 3 years of practice, Nurse Education Today 31 (7) 671-79
Garrett B.M. (2010) What is in a Name? Nursing Education and Human Rights Legislation. Nurse Education in Practice 10(6):317-8.
Garrett B.M., MacPhee M., Jackson C:(2010) High fidelity patient simulation: considerations for effective learning. 31(5):309-13.
Garrett B.M. (2009) Chapter LXIX: Mobile Clinical Learning Tools Using Networked Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) in Medical Informatics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (5 pages). Edited By: Joseph Tan, Wayne State University, USA
Dyke P., Oliffe J., Phinney A., Garrett B.M., (2009) Nursing instructors’ and male nursing students’ perceptions of undergraduate, classroom nursing education, Nurse Education Today, 29(6), pp 649-53
Garrett B.M. (2009) Nurses Attitudes to Mobile Computing Devices in Practice, Hospital IT Europe Journal 1,2.
Garrett B.M. & Klein G. (2008) Experienced nurse’s perceptions of the value of PDAs in their practice. The Journal of Clinical Nursing 17, pp 2146-2154.
Garrett B.M. (2008). The Development of Pen-based Mobile Computing: The Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) and Tablet Personal Computer. In Tanier D. (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Mobile Computing and Commerce. Idea Group: Hershey, PA
Garrett B.M. (2007). New pragmatism in Nursing: revisiting to the age of popular science. Nurse Education in Practice, 7/6, 355-357.
Garrett B.M. (2007) Tips for clinical decision making, in Alfaro-Lefevre R. Critical thinking and Clinical Judgment: A Practical Approach (4th Ed.), Saunders, St. Louis, MI.
Garrett B.M. & Jackson C. (2006). A Mobile Clinical E-portfolio for Nursing and Medical students using Wireless Personal Digital Assistants. Nurse Education in Practice, 6, 339-346.
Garrett B.M. & Jackson C. (2006). Mobile Clinical Learning using Wireless Personal Digital Assistants for Professional Healthcare Students. The International Journal of Learning, 13.
Garrett B.M. (2005). Student nurses perceptions of clinical decision-making in their final year of adult nursing studies. Nurse Education in Practice, 5(1), 35-39.
Garrett B.M. (2005). 1) The Development of the Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) Interface and 2) Mobile Clinical Learning Tools using Networked Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs). In Ghaoui C (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Human Computer Interaction. Idea Group, Hershey, PA, ISBN: 1-59140-562-9
Garrett B.M. & Jackson C. (2005). Developing adaptable Web based resources to support the acquisition of Clinical Nursing Competencies in BSN education. 6th National conference on Nursing Skills Laboratories, 23-25th June Crowne Plaza, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
Garrett B.M. (2004). Employing an experimental approach to evaluate the impact of an intelligent agent. International Journal of Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 1.
Garrett B.M. & Francis R.A. and Garrett B.M. & Roberts G. (2003). The Textbook of Web-based Learning. In Ghaoui C (Ed.), Chapters: 1) The Orientation and Disorientation of E-Learners and 2) Employing Intelligent and Adaptive Methods for Online Learning. (pp. 208-219 & 248-274). Liverpool (UK) Idea Group Inc.
Ong P., Garrett B.M., & Allen D. (2002). Pocket Clinical Reference for Nurses. Oxford, UK., Clinical Publishing Services.
Garrett B.M. (2001). Client Profiles in Nursing: Adult and the Elderly. In Simpson P (Ed.), Chapters: Acute Dehydration, Congestive Cardiac Failure, Hypothyroidism, and Nephrectomy (with Holland A.J.). (pp. 15-22, 73-80, 147-152,199-204). London, Greenwich Medical Media Ltd.
Garrett B.M. & Callear D. (2001). Designing Intelligent Computer-based Simulations; A Pragmatic Approach. Association of Learning Technology Journal, (ALT-J), 9(3), 5-16.
Garrett B.M. & Callear D. (2001). The Value of Intelligent Multimedia Simulation for Teaching Clinical Decision-making Skills. Nurse Education Today, 21, 382-390.
Garrett B.M. (2000). Dry Weight Assessment. The British Journal of Renal Medicine, Winter, 21-24.
Garrett B.M. (1995). The nutritional management of acute renal failure. The Journal of Clinical Nursing, November.
Garrett B.M. (1994). Euthanasia: A contemporary nursing issue. The British Journal of Nursing, 3 (10), 492 494.
Teaching Interests
Dr. Garrett’s teaching focuses on nursing science, professional education, critical thinking and deception in healthcare, and also evidence-based practice. As a former Nephrology CNS he also maintains a strong interest in acute care.
Current Teaching
I teach in both graduate program and undergraduate programs. The graduate students I supervise work primarily in the substantive fields of evidence based practice and nursing education (also educational technology). In the undergraduate program, I teach applied pathophysiology, clinical care skills and decision making with acute and chronically ill adults and their families.
Supervisor Eligibility
MHLP, MN, MSN - thesis, MSN - non-thesis, PhD
Graduate Supervision
Taipale, Priscilla - PhD, 2020
Recovery after elective thoracic endovascular aortic repair : an exploratory study of patients' experiences
Kwon, Jae-Yung - PhD, 2020
The utility of atrial fibrillation clinical registry data in the modelling of change in patient-reported outcomes
Bowles, Ronald Robin - PhD, 2013
From diagnosis to discernment : fostering the development of clinical judgment of paramedic learners in immersive high fidelity simulations
Ghomi, Mehrdad – MSc, 2018
The effects of immersion and increased cognitive load on time estimation in a virtual reality environment
Musni, Sarah Marie - MSN, 2017
Flexible learning versus classroom lecture: a content analysis of undergraduate nursing students' learning using concept maps
MacLeod, Stefanie - MSN, 2015
Clinical nursing instructors' experiences teaching students deemed at risk of failure
Erickson, Stephanie Kyla - MSN, 2015
Mentorship programs and the novice nurse: a rapid evidence assessment
Wilson, Angela Marie - MSN, 2015
Thoracic surgery as a nursing specialty: perceptions of senior nurses and surgeons of specialist nursing practice
Masigan, Peterson - MSN, 2015
Competency-based assessment in clinical high-fidelity simulation: a survey of methods used in undergraduate nursing
Li, Karen Christine - MSN, 2014
Supporting decision-making in whole genome/exome sequencing: parents' perspectives
Abulaban, Hiam - MSN, 2013
Undergraduate student nurses experiences of vertical violence
Gorczyca, Catherine - MSN, 2013
Factors influencing the pursuit of graduate education in registered nurses: exploring the motivators and barriers