Carol Jillings
Associate Professor Emeritus
- Email Carol.Jillings@gmail.com
- Address
UBC School of Nursing
T201 2211 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver BC V6T2B5
Educational Background
BS , University of San Francisco
MSN , University of British Columbia
PhD , The Union Institute of Advanced Studies
Honours & Awards
Ethel Johns Award (CASN), 2001
Heart of Gold Award, Heart & Stroke Foundation of BC & Yukon, 2000
Award of Distinction, Reigstered Nurses Association of BC, 1997
University of British Columbia Killam Teaching Prize, 1994
Coordinator, MN-NP program, 2010-
Chair, Board of Directors, Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada, 2006-08
Chair, Board of Directors, Heart & Stroke Foundation of BC & Yukon, 2000-2002
Area of Research
Research Interests
My scholarship has evolved from a focus on the psychosocial aspects of cardiac illness to the examination of issues of knowledge translation and policy development in the area of heart health. I have been engaged with strategic initiatives of the Heart and Stroke Foundation including the Canadian Heart Health Strategy and Action Plan.
Completed Projects
Steering Committee, Canadian Heart Health Strategy and Action Plan
Selected Publications not Indexed in PubMed
Young, L., Frost, L.J., Bigl, J., Clauson, M., McRae, C., Scarborough, K., Murphy, S., Jillings, C. & Gillespie, F. (in press). Nurse Educator Pathway Project: A competency-based intersectoral curriculum. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship.
Jillings, C. (2007). Commentary on Weaver, N.F., Murtaugh, M.J. & Thomson, R.G. Patients with recently diagnosed hypertension described risk in terms o acceptance and denial narratives, which served as personal frameworks of coping. Evidence-Based Nursing, 10, 3: 96.
Jillings, C. (2007). Book review for Curriculum Development in Nursing Education. Nurse Education Today, 27: 819.
Jillings, C. (2007). Commentary on Mahrer-Imhof, R., Hoffmann, A., & Froelicher, E.S. The experiences of heart disease in a partner resulted in a closer relationship for most couples. Evidence-Based Nursing, 10, 4:126.
Jillings, C. (2008). Commentary on Darr, A., Astin, F. & Atkin, K. (2008). Many patients with coronary heart disease believed that stress and lifestyle factors caused their illness. Evidence-Based Nursing, 11, 4: 127.
Jillings, C. & Thorne, S. (2008). Shifting the rhythm of chronic illness care. Guest editorial. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research 40, 3: 5-6.
Jillings, C. (2008). Nursing the system in chronic disease management. "Happenings" editor. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research 40, 3: 141-148.
Rajakumar, S., Jillings, C., & Tognazzini, P. (2008). Spirituality and depression: The role of spirituality in the process of recovering from depression. Spirituality and Health International, 9: 90-101.
Jillings, C. (2007). Barriers to student-centered learning: Overcoming institutional and Attitudinal obstacles. In Young, L.E. & Paterson, B (Eds.), Teaching nursing: Student-centered theories, models and strategies for nurse educators. Toronto: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
Jillings, C. & O’Flynn-Magee, K. (2007). Knowledge and knowing made manifest: Curriculum process in student-centered learning. In Young, L.E. & Paterson, B (Eds.), Teaching nursing: Student-centered theories, models and strategies for nurse educators. Toronto: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
Cunningham, M.M. & Jillings, C. (2006). Individuals’ descriptions of living with fibromyalgia. Clinical Nursing Research, 15(4), 258-272.
Jillings, C. (2005). Commentary on Koch, T., Jenkin, P. & Kralik, D. Community living older adults described using medical, collaborative and self agency models for asthma self management. Evidence-Based Nursing.
Jillings, C. (2005). Editorial commentary: The measurement and prevalence of depression in patients with chronic heart failure - A review of the literature. Progress in Cardiovascular Nursing.
Lawrie, B. & Jillings, C. (2004). Assessing and addressing inappropriate sexual behavior in brain-injured clients. Rehabilitation Nursing, 29, 1:9-13.
Jillings, C. (2004). Commentary on Horowitz, CR, Rain, SB & Leventhal, H. Patients with heart failure had inadequate information about the disease and lacked the tools for optimal self-care. Evidence-Based Nursing, 7, a4:127.
Paterson, B., Thorne, S.. Canam, C. & Jillings, C. (2001). Meta-study of Qualitative Research: A Practical Guide to Meta-analysis and Meta-Synthesis. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Thorne, S., Paterson, B., Acorn, S., Canam, C., Joachim, G. & Jillings C. (2002). Chronic illness experience: Insights from a qualitative meta-study. Qualitative Health Research, 12, 4:437-452.
Young, L. E. & Jillings, C. (2000). Qualitative methods add quality to cardiovascular science. Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 16, 6: 793-797.
Thorne, S., & Jillings, C. (1996). Quality of life science in cancer nursing. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal, 6, 2: 72-74.
Thorne, S., Jillings, C., Perry, J.A., & Ellis, D. (1993). A nursing model in action: The University of British Columbia experience. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 18, 1259-1266.
Jillings, C.R., & Alexus, L. (1991). The concept of stigma: Timely, relevant and possibly uncomfortable. Critical Care Nurse, 11(1), 62-64.
Jillings, C. R. (1990). Shock: Psychosocial needs of the patient and family. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America, 2(2), 325-330.
Jillings, C.R. (1989). Caring . . . the essence of nursing. Guest editorial. Critical Care Nurse, 9(8), 10.
Jillings, C.R. Ed. (1988). Cardiac Rehabilitation Nursing. Rockville, Md.: Aspen Publishers, Inc. Author of nine chapters of this 22-chapter text.
Jillings, C.R. (1987). Is chronic illness a relevant topic for the critical care nurse?. Critical Care Nurse, 7(3), 14-17.
Jillings, C.R. (1986). End-of-year inventory. Guest editorial. Critical Care Nurse, 6(6), 1.
Jillings, C.R. (1985). Loss and grief: Unravelling two complex phenomena. Critical Care Nurse, 5(5), 7-9.
Jillings, C.R. (1985). The concept of crisis and the care of the critically ill patient. Critical Care Nurse, 5(3), 8-10.
Jillings, C.R. (1985). Concepts relevant for critical care nursing: The knowledge-practice connection. Critical Care Nurse, 5(2), 52 and 57.
Jillings, C.R. (1985). The experience of acute illness: Impact on psychosocial needs. Critical Care Nurse, 5(1), 94.
Jillings, C.R. (1984). Psychosocial aspects of critical care nursing: Introduction to a new department. Critical Care Nurse, 4(5), 13.
Jillings, C.R. (1981). Nursing intervention with the family of the critically ill patient. Critical Care Nurse, 2(5), 27-31.
Jillings, C.R. (1978). Phases of recovery from open heart surgery. Heart and Lung, 7(6), 987-994.
Jillings, C.R. (1977). Phases of recovery from open heart surgery: Abstract. Circulation suppl, 56(4), 58.
Jillings, C.R. (1984). Viewing the patient’s psychosocial needs. Critical Care Nurse, 4(6), 36-38.