Colleen Varcoe
Professor Emeritus
- Phone 1-604-827-3121
- Email Colleen.Varcoe@ubc.ca
- Address
UBC School of Nursing
T201 2211 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver BC V6T2B5
Dr. Varcoe is a leader in research on violence and inequity, with emphasis on women’s and Indigenous people’s health. Her research is currently focused on interventions to mitigate the health effects of violence for women who have experienced partner violence, and interventions to help health care settings, such as Emergency Departments, promote equity. She is a leader in implementing and studying equity-promoting health care, including trauma- and violence-informed approaches, cultural safety and harm reduction.
Educational Background
RN, Royal Columbian Hospital School of Nursing
BSN, University of British Columbia
MEd, University of British Columbia
MSN, University of British Columbia
PhD, University of British Columbia
Affiliations & Links
Critical Research in Health and Healthcare Inequities
IMPART, BC Centre of Excellence for Women's Health
The Nursing Network on Violence Against Women International
Honours & Awards
2013 Nursing Network on Violence Against Women International Award in Education
2010 UBC School of Nursing, Graduate Class "Last Lecture" (elected by students)
2009 Sigma Theta Tau International Honour Society, Xia Eta Chapter, Excellence in Nursing Award
2008 Senior Early Career Scholar Award, Peter Wall Center UBC ($6000)
2007 Nursing Network on Violence Against Women International: Award for Excellence in Research
2006 College of Registered Nurses of BC: Award of Excellence in Nursing Research
2005 National Emergency Nursing Affiliation: Award of Excellence in Emergency Nursing Research
Director pro tem, School of Nursing (2011-2012)
Referee for Social Science and Medicine, Advances in Nursing Science, Nursing Inquiry, and other journals
Peer Review Committee Member for Aboriginal People's Health (ABH) Committee, Canadian Institutes of Health Research and other funding bodies
Area of Research
Research Interests
I am committed to creating more just and ethical health care. My work examines how the inequities of ethnicity, class, place and ability are central to violence against women. I am especially interested in advancing ethical healthcare policy and practice. My various research projects converge to enhance practice and policy in the context of violence and inequity.
Current Projects
Addressing the Consequences of Violence and Trauma: A Health Intervention for Women in an Indigenous Context.
This study has been named “Reclaiming Our Spirits” by the women who participated in the pilot phase. Funded by CIHR, the study is developing and testing a complex health intervention to help address issues of trauma, violence and pain for Aboriginal women who have experienced partner violence. The study aims to: a) develop an indigenous way of seeing the health of Aboriginal women, b) use that approach to develop a health promoting intervention for Aboriginal women who have experienced intimate partner violence (IPV), and c) test its feasibility and helpfulness for women. This study draws on a previously developed intervention that has been pilot tested showing good effects, such as improvements in women’s quality of life, mental health, chronic pain, social support and sense of confidence which were maintained 6 months after the intervention ended. The previous intervention helped women with safety strategies, symptoms of trauma (such as insomnia and pain), getting basic life necessities, and looking after themselves and their relationships. The pilot of the intervention showed that the women found a circle supported by an Elder, cultural teachings and working with nurses all helped them to improve their health. The intervention is being tested in a full trial in 2014-2015.
Equity-Oriented Primary Health Care Interventions for Marginalized Populations: Addressing Structural Inequities and Structural Violence.
This study focuses on improving primary health care (PHC) services for various populations, including Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people who experience the negative health effects of structural inequities and structural violence. The team is studying the effectiveness of an innovative PHC intervention designed to improve delivery of care and health outcomes, particularly for people affected by poverty, trauma and social exclusion. We are also examining the policies needed to support equity-oriented PHC interventions. We are partnering with 5 PHC clinics in Ontario and BC to see if a) staff education in Trauma and Violence Informed Care (TVIC), Cultural Safety, and Equity-oriented Care, and b) organizational tailoring to integrate these approaches can significantly improve patient’s health. Other research partnerships key to this project include the Aboriginal Health Program of the BC Provincial Health Services Authority, the Public Health Agency of Canada. The intervention was implemented in 2013-4, and we are following approximately 500 patients until 2015.
Evaluating an Online Safety & Health Resource for Women
I CAN Plan 4 Safety is the first interactive, internet-based safety decision aid for Canadian women experiencing IPV. It was adapted from a tool originally developed and tested in the USA. The tool helps women weigh the dangers of leaving or staying in a relationship, and plan, based on their own priorities and living situation, safety strategies for themselves and their children. Using a randomized controlled trial design, this study tests whether I Can Plan 4 Safety helps women make decisions about their safety, increases their safety actions, reduces their safety risk, and improves their mental health. A sample of 450 women who are experiencing intimate partner violence will be randomly assigned to either complete I Can Plan 4 Safety or an alternative website. We will interview 30 of the women who take part in the trial to understand their experiences of using I CAN Plan 4 Safety for their safety planning and other decisions. The full trial begins in 2014-2015.
Completed Projects
Women’s Health Effects Study
The Women’s Health Effects Study is a 5 year longitudinal study of the health and economic effects of violence for women who have left abusive male partners. The study is being led by nurse researchers from the University of Western Ontario, the University of British Columbia and the University of New Brunswick. 309 women from BC, New Brunswick and Ontario are participating, with annual assessments of their physical and mental health and social circumstances.
Urban Aboriginal Health Center Study
The Urban Aboriginal Health Center Study is being conducted in a partnership between researchers at the University of British Columbia School of Nursing, and the University of Northern BC, and practitioners and leaders at two Urban Aboriginal Health Centers: The Vancouver Native Health Society, and the Central Interior Native Health Center in Prince George. Our aims are to analyse the key dimensions of primary health care provision in urban inner city contexts, and to contribute to expanding primary health care indicators and measurement to better evaluate such care.
Health Policy Ethics Study
The Health Policy Ethics study was conducted in a partnership between academic researchers from the University of British Columbia, the University of Victoria, and Dalhousie University and policy makers at the provincial and regional levels. We examined how ethical analysis and concepts such as social justice and equity might enhance policy toward greater equity. The project included concept analysis, policy analysis, and interviews with policy makers at the provincial level.
Rural Aboriginal Maternity Care Project
The Rural Aboriginal Maternity Care project was a collaboration among Aboriginal women from the Nuxalk, Haida and 'Namgis First Nations and academic researchers from the University of British Columbia in Nursing, Medicine and Counselling Psychology. We use qualitative methods to study Aboriginal women’s experiences of traditional birthing practices, current maternity care, their desires for future care, and developed community-based research skills.
Note: These publications have not been indexed on Google Scholar or Pub Med.
Ford-Gilboe, M., Wathen, C.N. , Varcoe, C., MacMillan, H.L., Scott-Story, K. Mantler, T., Perrin, N. (in press). Development of a Brief Measure of Intimate Partner Violence Experiences: The Composite Abuse Scale (Revised). Short Form (CASR-SF). BMJ Open.
Browne, A.J., Varcoe, C., Lavoie, J., Smye, V.L., Wong, S., Krause, M., Fridkin, A. (in press). Enhancing health care equity with Indigenous populations: Evidence based strategies from an ethnographic study. BMC Health Care Services Research. Accepted August 2, 2016.
McKenzie, H., Varcoe, C., Browne, A.J., Day, L. (in press). Disrupting the continuities among residential schools, the ‘sixties scoop’, and child welfare: An analysis of colonial and neocolonial discourses , policies and practices for change. International Indigenous Policy Journal, 7(2). Accepted March 3, 2015.
McKenzie, H., Varcoe, C. Browne, A.J. Ford Cilboe (in press). Context Matters: Promoting Inclusion in an inner city context. In Klodawsky, F. (Ed.). Seeking Equity and Inclusion in Canadian Municipalities.
Ford-Gilboe, M., MacMillan, H., Perrin, N., Scott-Storey, K., Varcoe, C. & Wathen, N. (2016). Development of a Short Version Composite Abuse Scale for National Surveys. Report submitted to the Public Health Agency of Canada, March 23, 2016 (authors listed alphabetically).
Ponic, P., Varcoe, C. & Smutylo, T. (2016). Trauma-(and Violence) Informed Approaches to Supporting Victims of Violence: Policy and Practice Considerations. Department of Justice, Victims of Crime Journal.
Pauly, B. & Varcoe, C. (2015). Vulnerable Populations and Nursing: Vulnerability as a Health Equity Concern. In D. Gregory, C. Raymond-Seniuk, & L. Patrick, L. Fundamentals: Perspectives on the Art and Science of Canadian Nursing (pp 216-231). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Varcoe, C & Doane, G. (2015). The significance of context: Relational inquiry and family nursing in Canada. In J. Rowe, V. Gedaly-Duff, D. P. Coehlo & S. M. H. Hanson (Eds.), Family Health Care Nursing: Theory, Practice, & Research. 5th Edition (pp). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.
Varcoe, C. & Browne, A. (2015). Culture and cultural safety: Beyond cultural inventories. In D. Gregory, C. Raymond-Seniuk, & L. Patrick, L. Fundamentals: Perspectives on the Art and Science of Canadian Nursing (pp. 1027-1045). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Hartrick Doane, G. & Varcoe, C. (2015). How to Nurse? Relational Inquiry with Individuals and Families in Changing Health and Healthcare Contexts. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
Bonnie, K., Campbell, J. McWilliams, C., Kompleien, K., Bungay, V. & Varcoe, C. (2015). Improving dual diagnosis and revolving door care in acute psychiatric settings, Report submitted to the Providence Health Care Research Challenge.
Varcoe, C. (2014). Interpersonal violence assessment. In C. Jarvis, A. J. Browne, J. MacDonald-Jenkins & M. Luctkar-Flude (Eds.), Physical Examination and Health Assessment: Second Canadian Edition (pp. 120-137). Toronto: Elsevier.
Browne, A.J., & Varcoe, C. (2014). Cultural and social considerations in health assessment. In A. J. Browne, J. MacDonald-Jenkins & M. Luctkar-Flude (Eds.), Physical Examination and Health Assessment by C. Jarvis Second Canadian Edition (pp. 27-44). Toronto: Elsevier.
Varcoe, C., Browne, A.J. & Michaelson, L. (2014). Substance use in the context of health assessment. In A. J. Browne, J. MacDonald-Jenkins & M. Luctkar-Flude (Eds.), Physical Examination and Health Assessment by C. Jarvis. Second Canadian Edition (pp. 107-119). Toronto: Elsevier.
Caaj, C., Berman, H. Varcoe, C., Ray, S.L., & Restoule, J-P. (2014) Strengths Admist Vulnerbilities: the Paradox of Resistance in a Mining-affected Community in Guatemala. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 35
Varcoe, C. & Einboden, R. (2014). Ethics of Practice: Interpersonal and Structural Violence. Report submitted to the Canadian Nurses Association.
Varcoe, C. & Browne, A. (2013). Promising Theoretical Contributions to the Measurement of Racial Discrimination: Critical Literature Review. Public Health Agency of Canada.
Varcoe, C. & Browne, A. (2013). Promising Theoretical Contributions to the Measurement of Racial Discrimination: Critical Literature Review. Public Health Agency of Canada. https://equip2013.wordpress.com/2013/10/04/promising-theoretical-contri…
Rodney, P., & Varcoe, C. (2012). Constrained agency: The social structure of nurses’ work. In F. Baylis, J. Downie, B. Hoffmaster, & S. Sherwin (Eds.) Health care ethics in Canada (3rd ed.; pp. 97-114). Toronto ON: Nelson.
Browne, A., Varcoe, C. & Fridkin, A. (2011). Addressing Trauma, Violence and Pain: Research on Health Services for Women at the Intersections of History and Economics. In O. Hankivsky (Ed.), Health Inequities in Canada: Intersectional Frameworks and Practices (pp. 295-311). Vancouver: UBC Press.
Varcoe, C., Pauly, B., Laliberte, S., McPherson, G. (2011). Intersectionality, social justice and policy. In O. Hankivsky (Ed.), Health Inequities in Canada: Intersectional Frameworks and Practices (pp. 331-348). Vancouver: UBC Press.
Varcoe, C., Brown, H., Calam, B., Buchanan, M. & Newman, V. (2011). Capacity Building is a Two-Way Street: Learning from Doing Research in Aboriginal Communities. In G, Creese & W. Frisby (Eds.). Feminist Community Research: Case Studies and Methodologies (pp. 210-213). Vancouver: UBC Press.
Doane, G. & Varcoe, C. (2010). Boundaries and the Culture of Theorizing in Nursing. Invited dialogue. Nursing Science Quarterly, 23(2), 130-7.
Varcoe, C. & Einboden, R. (2010). Family violence and ethics. In J. Humphreys and J. Campbell (Eds.), Family Violence and Nursing Practice. New York: Springer.
Ford-Gilboe, M., Varcoe, C., Wuest, J. & Merritt-Gray, M. (2010). Nursing practice in relation to family violence. In J. Humphreys and J. Campbell (Eds.), Family Violence and Nursing Practice. New York: Springer.
Varcoe, C., & Doane, G. (2010). Canadian context of family nursing. In J. R. Kaakinen, V. Gedaly-Duff, D. P. Coehlo & S. M. H. Hanson (Eds.), Family Health Care Nursing: Theory, Practice, & Research. 4th Edition (pp. 175-190). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.
Varcoe, C., Anderson, J. & Browne, A. (2010). Cultural considerations in health assessment. In Tracey Stephen, Lynn Skillen, Rene Day, & Lynn Bickley, Canadian Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking for Nurses, (pp. 27-50), Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
Varcoe, C. (2010). Violence and abuse. In M. McIntyre, C. McDonald & E. Thomlinson (Eds.), Realities of Canadian Nursing. (pp. 414-434). Philidelphia: Lippincott, Wilkins & Williams.
Varcoe, C. (2009). Commentary on O’Brien MA, Whelan, TJ, Charles, C, et al. Women’s perceptions of their treatment decision-making about breast cancer treatment. Patient Education and Counselling 2008; 73: 431-6, Evidence Based Nursing, 12, 125.
Varcoe, C., & Rodney, P. (2009). Constrained agency: The social structure of nurse’s work. In B. S. Bolaria & H. D. Dickinson (Eds.), Health, illness and health care in Canada (4th ed., pp. 122-150). Toronto: Nelson.
Calam, B., Varcoe, C., and community partners. (2009). Rural Aboriginal Women’s Experiences of Maternity Care. Community Report.
Varcoe, C. (2009). Inequality, violence and women's health. In B. S. Bolaria & H. Dickinson (Eds.), Health, illness and health care in Canada(4th ed., pp. 259-282). Toronto: Nelson.
Varcoe, C. (2009). Interpersonal violence assessment. In C. Jarvis, A. J. Browne, J. MacDonald-Jenkins & M. Luctkar-Flude (Eds.), Physical Examination and Health Assessment: First Canadian Edition (pp. 121-135): Elsevier.
Browne, A., & Varcoe, C. (2009). Cultural and social considerations in health assessment. In C. Jarvis, A. J. Browne, J. MacDonald-Jenkins & M. Luctkar-Flude (Eds.), Physical Examination and Health Assessment: First Canadian Edition (pp. 35-50): Elsevier.
Calam, B., Varcoe, C. and community partners. (2009). Rural Aboriginal Women’s Experiences of Maternity Care. Community Report.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3577503/
Varcoe, C. (2008). Commentary on Luck, L., Jackson, D, Usher, K. STAMP: Components of observable behaviour that indicate potential for patient violence in emergency departments (Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2006, 59:11-9, Evidence Based Nursing, 11 :29.
Varcoe, C., & Hartrick Doane, G. A. (2007). Mothering and women's health. In O. Hankivsky, M. Morrow & C. Varcoe (Eds.), Women's health in Canada: Critical perspectives on theory and policy (pp. 297-323). Toronto: University of Toronto.
Varcoe, C. & McCormick, J. (2007). Racing around the classroom margins: Race, racism and teaching nursing. In L. Young & B. Paterson.Learning Nursing: Developing a student-centered learning environment (pp. 439-468). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
Varcoe, C., Hankivsky, O., & Morrow, M. (2007). Introduction: Beyond gender matters. In O. Hankivsky, M. Morrow & C. Varcoe (Eds.),Women's health in Canada: Critical perspectives on theory and policy (pp. 3-30). Toronto: University of Toronto.
Hankivsky, O., & Varcoe, C. (2007). From global to local and over the rainbow: Violence against women. In M. Morrow, O. Hankivsky & C. Varcoe (Eds.), Women's health in Canada: Critical perspectives on theory and policy (pp. 478-507). Toronto: University of Toronto.
Morrow, M., Hankivsky, O., & Varcoe, C. (2007). Women's health in Canada: Critical perspectives on theory and policy. Toronto: University of Toronto. [Two co-authors are listed in alphabetical order]
Browne, A. J., Smye, V., & Varcoe, C. (2007). Postcolonial feminist theoretical perspectives and women's health. In O. Hankivsky, M. Morrow & C. Varcoe (Eds.), Women's health in Canada: Critical perspectives on theory and policy (pp. 124-142). Toronto: University of Toronto.
Varcoe, C. & Dick, S. (2007). Dulling disconnection: Substance use and violence experiences of rural and aboriginal women. In Poole, N & Greaves, L. (Eds). Highs and Lows: Canadian Perspectives on Women's Substance Use. Center for Addiction and Mental Health.
Vissandjee, B. Varcoe, C., Apale, A. (2007). Words: A diversity of words. Applied Nursing Research, 20(1), 47-48.
Varcoe, C., & Ford-Gilboe, M. (2006). Toward a better understanding of the real costs of intimate –partner violence against women. AWARE. BC Institute Against Family Violence Newsletter. Special Issue on Health and Violence.
Hartrick Doane, G. & Varcoe, C. (2005). Family Nursing As Relational Inquiry: Developing Health Promoting Practice. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
Varcoe, C. (2004). Widening the scope of ethical theory, practice and policy: Violence against women as an illustration. In J. Storch, P., Rodney & R. Starzomski. Toward a Moral Horizon: Nursing Ethics for Leadership and Practice. (pp. 414-432). Toronto: Pearson.
Brown, H., Rodney, P. Pauly, B., Varcoe, C. & Smye, V. (2004). Working the landscape: Nursing ethics. In J. Storch, P., Rodney & R. Starzomski. Toward a Moral Horizon: Nursing Ethics for Leadership and Practice. (pp. 126-153). Toronto: Pearson.
Hankivsky, O., Friesen, J., Varcoe, C., McFail, F., Greaves, L. & Spencer, C. (2004). Expanding economic costing in health care: Values, gender and diversity. Canadian Public Policy, 30(3), 257-282.
Dick, S., & Varcoe, C. (2004). Violence against women and substance use in a rural context. Visions: BC’s Mental Health and Addictions Journal, 2(4) 15-16. http://naho.ca/documents/journal/jah04_01/07ViolenceHIV_42-52.pdf
Varcoe, C., Morrow, M., & Hankivisky, O. (2003). No Lessons Learned- Developing a Dialogue about BC Provincial Cuts and the Impact on Women Who Experience Violence. Unpublished paper prepared for the Research Advisory on the Provincial Cuts and Violence Against Women. Vancouver, BC Institute Against Family Violence.
Greaves. L. Varcoe, C., Poole, N., Morrow, M., Johnson, J., Pederson, A. & Irwin, L. (2002). A Motherhood Issue: Discourses on Mothering Under Duress. Ottawa: Status of Women Canada. Available at http://www.swc.fc.gc.ca/pubs/0662326791/200210_0662326791_2_e.html
Varcoe, C. & Rodney, P. (2002). Constrained agency: The social structure of nurse’s work. In B. S. Bolaria & H. Dickinson, Health, illness and health care in Canada, (3rd Ed., pp. 211-230). Toronto: Harcourt Brace.
Varcoe, C. (2002). Inequality, violence and women’s health. In B. S. Bolaria & H. Dickinson, Health, illness and health care in Canada, (3rd Ed., pp. 427-453) Toronto: Harcourt Brace.
Varcoe, C., Jaffer, F., & Kellin, P. (2002). Protecting Women: Women’s experiences of seeking protection from abuse by intimate partners. Vancouver: BC Women in Action Association.
Varcoe, C., Irwin, L., Jaffer, F. (2002). Abuse through child custody and access: A critical site of women’s work. Vancouver: BC Women in Action Association.
Rodney, P. & Varcoe, C. (2002). Values in Health Care Work Places: Strategic Priorities for Retaining Nurses. Submission to the Rominow Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada. http://publications.gc.ca/collections/Collection/CP32-85-2002E.pdf
Varcoe, C. (2001). Abuse obscured: An ethnographic account of Emergency Unit nursing in relation to violence against women. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 32(4), 95-115.
Varcoe, C. (2001). Emergency department care of women who were abused was driven by the prevailing practice pattern of efficient patient processing. Abstracted version of article with commentary by E. Olshnasky. Evidence-based Nursing, 5(1) 29.
Morrow, M & Varcoe, C. (2000). Violence against women: Improving the health care response. Victoria, B.C.: Women’s Health Bureau Ministry of Health and Ministry Responsible for Seniors, Government of British Columbia.
Storch, J. Anderson, J. McDonald, M., Flordia R., Healy, T., James, M. McGillivray, B., Nisker, J., Rodney, P., Starzomski, R., Varcoe, C., Yeo, M., Baird, P., Bainster, E., Bergum, V., Blondeau, D., Blue A., Browne, A., Carnevale, F., Chappell, N., Cox, S., Dawson, I., Gallagher, E., Glickman, B., Hartick, G., Hayes, V., Lamb, H., MacDonald, C., O’Neil, J., Oberle, K, Sanchez-Sweatman, L., Thorne, S., Tredwell, S., & Young, L. (1999). An Institute for the integration of ethics, law, society culture and health. A position paper to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation.
Thorne, S. & Varcoe, C. (1998). The tyranny of feminist methodology in women’s health research. Health Care for Women International, 19(6), 481-494.
Varcoe, C. (1998). From “better than nothing” to “best practice” A background paper on “best practices” in health care in relation to violence against women. Prepared for the Minister’s Advisory Council on Women’s Health, Ministry of Health, Government of British Columbia.
Varcoe, C. (1997). The revolution never ends: Challenges of praxis for nursing education. In S. Thorne & V. Hayes (Eds.), Nursing praxis: Knowledge and action. (pp. 180-200) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Varcoe, C. (1996). Disparagement of the nursing process: The new dogma? Journal of Advanced Nursing, 23, 120-125.
Varcoe, C., & Hilton, A. (1995). Factors affecting acute-care nurses use of research findings. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 27(4), 51-72.
Bottorff, J., & Varcoe, C. (1995). Transitions in nurse-patient interactions. Qualitative Health Research, 5(3), 315-331.
Varcoe, C. (1991). Comparison of polytechnic and university models. Report submitted to the Ministry of Skills, Training and Labour, Government of British Columbia.
Dahllof, U. & Varcoe, C. (1988). The general problem of course structure. In U. Dahllof, Building a future of excellence: A university for northern British Columbia. Ministry of International Business and Immigration.
Lindgren, G.M. & Varcoe, C.M. Evaluating educational program failures (1986). Nursing Management, 17 (6), 61-3.
Films, Videos
Varcoe, C. Browne, A., Ford-Gilboe, M., Dion-Stout, M., Day, L., Inyallie, J., Jinkerson-Brass, S. (2016). Reclaiming Our Spirits.
Smye, V., Browne, A.J., Varcoe, C., & Dion Stout, M. (2012). From a Dark Room: Picturing a Better World for Aboriginal Women Experiencing Violence.
Pump up the Volume (2002). Contributed to the development of this video developed by women participants in “Project Violence Free” for women who have experienced violence.
“Your Angioplasty”. (1986). Patient teaching video developed for the Vancouver General Hospital (still in use in 2013 at various hospitals including Vancouver General Hospital, Surrey Memorial Hospital).
Teaching Interests
In my teaching I seek to unite anti-racist/anti-oppressive pedagogy and ethics with an educational philosophy that considers students as colleagues and co-learners. My goal is to create socially just learning environments and to promote curriculum that fosters socially just nursing practice. Courses I teach are related to women’s health, culture and health, qualitative research methods, and ethical practice in nursing, health policy and social policy.
Current Teaching
How to Nurse: Relational Inquiry with Individuals and Families in Changing Health and Health Care Contexts
She has co-written a new, groundbreaking book-feature that acknowledges workplace realities and then offers students a theoretically sound, research-informed way of navigating within the realities they will face upon graduation that will transform their nursing practice. The book highlights scenerios from both acute and community-based settings throughout all chapters, and shows the link between the relational inquiry approach and how it can be implemented in practice.
Offers full site of instructor and student ancillaries! Visit thePoint.lww.com/doane1e for more information.
Graduate Courses
Colleen Varcoe has developed two highly rated graduate courses: The Ethics and Politics of Nursing (required), Culture and Health (elective), and has contributed to the development of an interdisciplinary course entitled Nursing & Social Work Interventions for Violence.
Courses Taught at UBC
NURS 304: Relational Practice (2014-2015)
NURS 338: Relational Practice (2014)
NURS 601: Doctoral Seminar (2014)
NURS 553: Advanced Concepts in Qualitative Research (2009-2011)
NURS 339: Critical Inquiry and Research in Health Care (co-taught) (2010)
NURS 601: Doctoral Seminar (2009)
NURS 350: The Social Construction of Health and Illness (2008)
NURS 502: Ethics and Politics of Nursing (2006-2008)
NURS 586a: Culture and Health (2008)
NURS 410y: Exploring Avenues: Ethical Nursing Practice (2006)
NURS 560: Politics of Policy (2005-2006)
NURS 452: Ethical Basis of Health Care (2005)
NURS 410: Violence Across the Lifespan (2005)
Cultural Safety
She has collaborated with a range of universities and colleges to develop strategies for creating greater cultural safety for students, staff and patients.
Teaching Scholarship
Publications include chapters on ‘culture’ in major assessment texts (Jarvis Physical Assessment and Bates Physical Assessment), chapters on substance use, and on intimate partner violence in nursing texts, and a chapter on teaching from an anti-racist stance in nursing.
Supervisor Eligibility
MHLP, MN, MSN - thesis, MSN - non-thesis, PhD
Graduate Supervision
Cender, Loryle Marie - PhD, 2018
Prenatal screening and the diagnoses of fetal anomalies: a deconstruction of power/knowledge, discourse and agency in antenatal care
Kolar, Marina (Maja) - MSN, 2018
Involuntary and coercive psychiatric treatment: a critical discourse analysis of British Columbia's mental health act
Foster, Paula - MSN, 2017
Champions of cultural safety: an exploration of how cultural safety can be implemented as a routine aspect of health care
Levine, Sarah - MSN, 2016
It changes their outlook on everything: staff perspectives on the impacts of trauma- and violence- informed care orientation and training in two primary care settings
Laliberte, Shari - PhD, 2015
Young people, socioeconomic processes, and youth mental health promotion