
Elizabeth Saewyc
Professor & Distinguished University Scholar, Director, School of Nursing
- Phone 1-604-822-7747
- Email elizabeth.saewyc@ubc.ca
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- Office Personal Assistant: Christine McKay | christine.mckay@ubc.ca | 604.822.7447
- Address
UBC School of Nursing
T201 2211 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver BC V6T2B5
Dr. Saewyc leads the Stigma and Resilience Among Vulnerable Youth Centre (SARAVYC) whose research focuses on how stigma and trauma influence the health of marginalized young people, and what protective factors and interventions can foster resilience. Populations include lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and Two Spirit (LGBTQ2S) teens; runaway and homeless youth; sexually abused and sexually-exploited adolescents; and Indigenous young people in Canada and other countries.
Educational Background
BSN , University of Minnesota School of Nursing
MSN , University of Washington School of Nursing
PhD , University of Washington School of Nursing
Affiliations & Links
Executive Director, Stigma and Resilience Among Vulnerable Youth Centre
Research Director, McCreary Centre Society
Honours & Awards
2021 Distinguished University Scholar, University of British Columbia
2021 Distinguished Humanitarian Award, University of Minnesota School of Nursing Alumni Society
2020 Inaugural Fellow in the Canadian Academy of Nursing
2019 International Nursing Research Hall of Fame, Sigma Theta Tau International Honour Society
2019 Robert H. Durant Award for Statistical Rigor and Innovation in Adolescent Health Research
2016 Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing
2013 Fellow in the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences
2013 Iris F. Litt Visiting Professor in Adolescent Health Research, Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine
2011 Fellow, Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine
Area of Research
Research Interests
My research focuses on health issues of youth, with a particular emphasis on how stigma, violence and trauma affect adolescent health and risk behaviours, and the environmental assets and protective factors that foster resilience among vulnerable young people in spite of stigma and trauma. These populations include: sexual minority youth (gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender teens), homeless and runaway youth, sexually abused and sexually-exploited teens, pregnant and parenting adolescents, youth in custody, immigrant youth, and indigenous young people in Canada and other countries.
Current Projects
Supporting the Needs of Gender Diverse Youth in Care
E. Saewyc, PI;
Improving Health Equity for LGBTQ Youth in Canada and Globally: Addressing the Role of Families and Culture
E. Saewyc, PI;
Funded by the CIHR Foundation Scheme.
Fostering Healthy Relationships Among LGBTQ2+ Youth in British Columbia
E. Saewyc, PI;
Funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada.
Stressors Experienced by Parents of Sexual and Gender Minority Youth in Collectivist Communities
E. Saewyc, PI;
Funded by the SSHRC Insight Grant.
Developing an Adapted Gender Minority Stress Model to Explain Alcohol Use and Harms Among Transgender Youth Who Drink
S. Dermody, PI; E. Saewyc, co-I;
Funded by the CIHR Catalyst Grant.
Adapting and Scaling-Up "Peer Navigators" to Targeted Populations of Street-Involved Youth in Canada and Kenya to Increase Linkage to HIV Prevention, Testing, and Treatment
P. Braitstein, PI; C. Mackie, PI; E. Apondi, PI; E. Saewyc, site PI;
Funded by the CIHR Project Grant.
Supporting the Needs of Sexual Minority Youth in Care
E. Saewyc, PI;
Funded by the Office of the BC Representative for Children and Youth.
Health Behaviour of School-Age Chilren Survey, 2021/2022 & 2024/2025 Cycles
W. Pickett, PI; W. Craig, PI; E. Saewyc, co-I;
Funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada.
Evaluation of Captaining Inclusion
E. Saewyc, PI;
Funded by the BC Rugby Association.
Completed Projects
Reducing Stigma, Promoting Resilience: Population Health Interventions for LGBTQ Youth
E. Saewyc, PI;
Funded by CIHR Open Operating Grants.
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, Two-Spirit, queer and questioning (LGBTQ) youth have well-documented health inequities, mostly attributable to societal stigma and marginalization and its related risks of rejection and violence, as well as lower social support. These health inequities include higher rates of mental health problems, including suicidality, sexual health issues, including STIs and teen pregnancy involvement, problem substance use, injuries, and foregone health care. They are more likely to become homeless, and face discrimination in education, employment, and housing. This research will both track the population trends in health inequities and the changing patterns of health for this population in provinces that have population-based surveys, and test multivariate paths of protective factors for lowered odds of health problems; we will also link trends in risk and protective factors and trends in health outcomes to existing programs, policies, and supportive environments in the community. Finally, we will evaluate intersectoral population-based interventions for their impact in reducing health inequities for LGBTQ youth compared to their heterosexual peers, using mixed methods, participatory approaches.
Health Behaviour of School-Age Children Survey, 2013-2014 Cycle
J. Freeman, PI; W. Pickett, PI; E. Saewyc, co-PI;
Funded by Public Health Agency of Canada.
Effectiveness of a Relational Intervention and the Effect of Developmental Timing in Reducing Violence and Victimization in At-risk Adolescent Girls and Boys
M, Morretti, PI; J. Austin, PI; M. Liotti, PI; R. McMahon, PI; C. Odgers, PI; E. Saewyc, PI; J. Viljoen, PI; N. Watson, PI;
Funded by CIHR Gender, Violence and Health Team Grant.
Increasing Access to Mental Health Services for Street-Involved Youth: The Effectiveness of a Theory-based Multi- component Resilience and Motivational Intervention
E. McCay, PI; Saewyc, co-PI;
Funded by CIHR Partnership for Health Systems Improvement Program.
Homeless and Street-Involved Youth Survey 2014 (Wider BC and Lower Mainland Regions)
A. Smith, PI; E. Saewyc for McCreary Centre Society, PI;
Funded by the BC Ministry of Health and Vancouver Foundation.
Capturing the Wisdom and the Resilience: How are the Pinnacle School Fosters Connections
E. Saewyc, PI;
Funded by the Quail Rock Foundation.
Transformational Change in 4 Organizational Partnered to Address Youth Homelessness
S. Matthias, PI; E. Saewyc, co-PI;
Funded by HRSDC Homelessness Prevention Program.
This is a multi-level, multi-country projects that aims to the issue of homelessness among the Youth population.
Bolstering Resilience in Youth Coping with Stigma
E. Saewyc, PI; M. Suto, PI;
Funded by CIHR Café Scientifique.
Gang Raped versus Sexually Exploited Girls’ Experiences of Victimization, Risk Behaviors, Resiliency Attributes and Legal Outcomes
L. Edinburgh, PI; E. Saewyc, co-PI;
Funded by the Minnesota Children's Hospital Foundation.
This is a mixed methods study that aims to improve clinical care for adolescent victims of these rare-occurring forms of sexual violence.
Minnesota Runaway Intervention Project
K. Richtmann, PI; E. Saewyc, co-PI;
Funded by US OJJDP, via Minnesota Department of Public Safety.
Building Capacity for Population-Level Monitoring & Interventions for Healthy Youth
E. Saewyc, PI;
Funded by CIHR-PHAC Chair in Applied Public Health Research.
Young Men’s Responses to the Accidental Death of a Friend
E. Saewyc, PI;
Funded by CIHR Operating Grant.
Evaluating the Influence of Nutrition and Physical Activity Policies on the School Environment, Obesogenic Behaviours and Weight Outcomes
L. Masse, PI; E. Saewyc, co-PI;
Funded by CIHR Operating Grant
Guys Un-Limited: Young Men Speak Out About Health Services
E. Saewyc, PI;
Funded by CIHR Operating Grant.
Stigma and Resilience among Vulnerable Youth Consortium
E. Saewyc, PI;
Funded by CIHR-ICE Institute for Gender & Health, Institute for Population and Public Health, and CIHR Ethics Office.
Rural and Northern Sexual Health Team: Building Interdisciplinary Capacity to Reduce Social and Health Disparities
J. Shoveller, PI; E. Saewyc, co-PI;
Funded by CIHR-ICE Population Health Branch.
Preventing the Transition of At-Risk Youth into Injection Drug Use
J. Buxton, PI; E. Saewyc, co-PI;
Funded by Vancouver Foundation
Profile of Young Adult Workers in an Olympic Host Community: Development of a Health-Risk Survey Study in Whistler, BC
M. Collins, PI; E. Saewyc, co-PI;
Funded by BCEOHRN Research Capacity Development Grant.
Stigma, Risk and Protective Factors Among Vulnerable Youth
E. Saewyc, PI;
Funded by Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research.
Enacted Stigma, Gender, & Risk Behaviors of School Youth
E. Saewyc, PI;
Funded by National Institute of Drug Abuse, NIH.
College Health Intervention Program RCT, UBC Site
M. Fleming, overall PI; E. Saewyc, UBC site-PI;
Funded by National Institute on Alcohol Abuse, U.S. NIH, & CFRI, BC.
A randomized clinical trial of a brief intervention in Student Health Services to promote healthier behaviours, with 2-year follow-up. The project is part of a larger NIAAA multi-site study from the University of Wisconsin, in collaboration with the Child Family Research Institute.
BC Adolescent Health Survey IV
E. Saewyc & McCreary Centre Society, PI; A. Smith, co-PI;
Funded BC Interministry Committee (MCFD, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Public Safety), Child Health BC, and Health Canada.
BC Alcohol and Other Drug Monitoring & Surveillance National Pilot: Representative school-based surveys sub-project
T. Stockwell, PI; E. Saewyc, sub-project PI;
Funded by Health Canada, PHSA, Vancouver Coastal Health, CAR-BC at UVic
Selected Publications not Indexed in PubMed
Saewyc, E, Mounsey B, Tourand J, Brunanski D, Kirk D, McNeil J, Shaughnessy K, Tsuruda S, & Clark N. (2017). Chapter 2. Homeless and street-involved Indigenous LGBTQ2S youth in British Columbia: Intersectionality, challenges, resilience, and cues for action. In IA Abramovich, J Shelton (Eds.) Where Am I Going To Go? Intersectional Approaches to Ending LGBTQ2S Youth Homelessness in Canada & the U.S. Toronto: Canadian Observatory on Homelessness, York University. Available at http://www.homeleshub.ca/WhereAmIGoingToGo.
Saewyc, EM. (2017). Protection from sexual exploitation in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. In M. Ruck, M. Peterson-Badali, and M. Freeman (Eds.) Handbook of Children’s Rights: Global and Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Taylor and Francis, pp. 454-464.
Baltag V, Saewyc, E (2017). Pairing Children with Health Services: The Changing Role of School Health Services in the Twenty-first Century. Chapter 24 in A. Cherry, V. Baltag (eds.), International Handbook on Adolescent Health and Development: the Public Health Response, Springer Publishing.
Saewyc, E (2017). The Epidemiology of Adolescent Health. Chapter 1 in A. Cherry, V. Baltag (eds.), International Handbook on Adolescent Health and Development: the Public Health Response, Springer Publishing.
Saewyc, EM & Homma Y. (2016). School safety and connectedness matter for more than educational outcomes: The link between school connectedness and adolescent health. For S. Russell & S. Horn (Eds.), Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Schooling: Global Perspectives on the Nexus of Research Practice and Policy. Oxford University Press.
Saewyc, E. (2016). LGBTQ youth in foster care. Encyclopedia entry for the SAGE Encyclopedia of LGBTQ Studies, Sage Publishing, pages 405-407. DOI: 10.4135/9781483371283.n149
Saewyc, E. (2016). LGBTQ adolescent pregnancy. Encyclopedia entry for the SAGE Encyclopedia of LGBTQ Studies, Sage Publishing, page 7. DOI: 10.4135/9781483371283.n11.
Saewyc, EM. (2016). Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Clients. In L.L. Stamler & L. Yiu, (eds.) Community Health Nursing: A Canadian Perspective (4th Ed.). Don Mills, ONT Pearson Canada.
Smith, A., Stewart, D., Poon, C., Peled, M., Saewyc, E. and McCreary Centre Society (2014). From Hastings Street to Haida Gwaii: Provincial results of the 2013 BC Adolescent Health Survey. Vancouver, BC: McCreary Centre Society.
Saewyc, E. (2014). Chapter 8: Adolescent pregnancy among lesbian, gay and bisexual teens. In A. Cherry, M.E. Dillon, (eds.) International Handbook on Adolescent Pregnancy. New York: Springer Science+Business Media. pp 159-169. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4899-8026-7_8. ISBN#978-1-4899-8025-0.
Pape-Blabolil, J., Edinburgh, L., Harpin, S., Saewyc, E. (2014). Clinical presentations of gang rape among young adolescent girls. [abstract]Journal of Adolescent Health, 54(2), S25.
Harpin, S., Edinburgh, L., Pape-Blabolil, J., & Saewyc, E. (2014). Beyond the stereotypes: Variation in sexual exploitation experiences of youth evaluated at a hospital-based child advocacy center. [abstract] Journal of Adolescent Health, 54(2), S25-S26.
Daly, K., Johnson, J., & Saewyc, E. (2014). "That's what I wish I could talk to my doctor about!”: Young people want to talk to clinicians about sexual pleasure. [abstract] Journal of Adolescent Health, 54(2), S20-S21
Moynihan, M., Saewyc, E., Whitehouse, S., Paone, M., & McPherson, G. (2014). Concordance between youth and parents’ scores and responses on the Am I ON TRAC for Adult Care questionnaire. [abstract] Journal of Adolescent Health, 54(2), S40.
Saewyc, E., Clark, T., Barney, L., Brunanski, D., & Homma, Y. (2014). Enacted stigma and HIV risk behaviors among sexual minority Indigenous adolescents in Canada, New Zealand, and the United States. Pimatisiwin: A Journal of Aboriginal and Indigenous Community Health, 11(3), 411-420.
Saewyc, E., Konishi, C., Rose, H., & Homma, Y. (2014). School-based strategies to reduce suicidal ideation and attempts among lesbian, gay, and bisexual, as well as heterosexual adolescents in Western Canada. International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies, 5, 89-112.
Homma, Y., Zumbo, B.D., Saewyc, E., & Wong, S. (2014). Psychometric evaluation of the 6-item version of the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure with East Asian adolescents in Canada. Identity, 14, 1–18.
Saewyc, E., Oliffe, J., McMillan, E., Miller, B., Matthews, J., MacKay, L., Hirakata, P., Roelofsen, D., Rivers, R., & Creighton, G. (2013) What guys say, and what they do: Urban young men’s use of health and social services. Vancouver, BC: Stigma and Resilience Among Vulnerable Youth Centre, University of British Columbia.
Saewyc, E.M., Drozda, C., Rivers, R., MacKay, L.J., & Peled, M. (2013). Which Comes First: Sexual Exploitation or Other Risk Exposures Among Street-involved Youth? In Gaetz, S., O’Grady, B., Buccieri, K., Karabanow, J., & Mar- solais, A. (Eds.), Youth Homelessness in Canada: Implications for Policy and Practice (pp. 147-160). Toronto: Canadian Homelessness Research Network Press.
Gilbert, M., Roberts, A., Mitchell, K., Homma, Y., Warf, C., Daly, L.K., & Saewyc, E.M. (2013). P3.315. Does adjusting for sexual behaviour improve the accuracy of population-based Chlamydia incidence and screening rates among adolescents in British Columbia, Canada? [abstract] Sexually Transmitted Infections, 89(Suppl 1), A247-A248.
Drozda, C., Marshall, S., Saewyc, E., & Charles, G. (2013). Street-involved young fathers across 9 cities in Western Canada. [abstract]Journal of Adolescent Health, 52(2), S75.
Moynihan, M., Saewyc, E., Whitehouse, S., Paone, M., & McPherson, G. (2013). Am I On TRAC for Adult Care: Assessing adolescents’ readiness to transition. [abstract] Turkish Archives of Pediatrics.
Saewyc, E., Tsuruda, S., Homma, Y., Smith, A., & Brunanski, D. (2013). Population-based evidence for fostering cultural connectedness to reduce inequities among Indigenous Canadian adolescents. [abstract] Journal of Adolescent Health, 52(2), S4.
Hilario, C., Saewyc, E., Vo, D., & Johnson, J. (2013). Acculturation, gender, and protective factors in the mental health of Southeast Asian adolescents in Western Canada. [abstract] Journal of Adolescent Health, 52(2), S11.
Rivers, R., Saewyc, E., MacKay, L., Roelefson, D., Matthews, J., Creighton, G., & Oliffe, J. (2013). Masculinities and marginalized young men’s patterns of accessing health services. [abstract] Journal of Adolescent Health, 52(2), S21.
Moynihan, M., Saewyc, E., Whitehouse, S., Paone, M., & McPherson, G. (2013). Evaluation of the Transition Readiness Assessment Questionnaire (TRAQ) in a younger adolescent population. [abstract] Journal of Adolescent Health, 52(2), S71-S72.
Saewyc, E., Rivers, R., Miller, B., & Drozda, C. (2013). The link between transience, social disconnection, and health inequities among street-involved youth in 9 Western Canadian cities. [abstract] Journal of Adolescent Health, 52(2), S73-S74.
Konishi, C. & Saewyc, E. (2013). Still a target: Sexual diversity and the power of caring. School Psychology International, 1-12. DOI:10.1177/0143034313512407
Edinburgh, L.D., Garcia, C., Harpin, S., & Saewyc, E.M. (2013). Differences in abuse and related risk and protective factors by runaway status for adolescents seen at a Child Advocacy Center. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience, 1(1), 3-14. Available http://www.is-car.ca/ ijcar/issues/vol1/jan2013/7.html.
Saewyc, E., Miller, B., Rivers, R., Matthews, J., Hilario, C., & Hirakata, P. (2013). Competing discourses about youth sexual exploitation in Canadian news media. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 22(2), 95-105. Doi: 10.3138/cjhs.2013.2041.
Homma, Y., Saewyc, E.M., Wong, S., & Zumbo, B. (2013). Sexual health and risk behaviour among East Asian adolescents in British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 22(1), 13-24. Doi: 10.3138/cjhs.927
Saewyc, E., Chen, W. (2013). To what extent can adolescent suicide attempts be attributed to violence exposure? A population-based study from Western Canada. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 31(1), 72-94. Doi: 10.7870/cjcmh-2013-007
Magtoto, J., Cox, D., & Saewyc, E. (2013). Body satisfaction and eating disordered pathology among immigrant adolescents in North America. International Journal of School and Educational Psychology, 1, 13-19.
Saewyc, E. & Miller, B.B. (2013). Beyond vulnerability: Breaking the link between violence and HIV risk for young people. Prevention in Focus, Spring 2013. CATIE: Toronto, ON.
Saewyc, E., Carlson, S., Konishi, C., Drozda, C., Matthews, J., Kaiser, C., & DeLongis, A. (2013). Intersections of stigma among adolescents: Development and evaluation of a non-specific, multidimensional stigma measure. [abstract] Journal of Adolescent Health, 52(2), S73.
Saewyc, E., Rivers, R., Creighton, G., Drozda, C., Roelefson, D., & Oliffe, J. (2012). The XY Factor: The State of Boys’ and Young Men’s Health in BC. Vancouver: University of British Columbia. Available at http://hdl.handle.net/2429/43707.
Daly, L.K., Saewyc, E., Johnson, J., & Bungay, V. (2012). “They don’t talk about sex like making love”: Positive sexuality for clinical encounters in youth sexual health. [abstract] International Journal Of Qualitative Methods, 11(5), 889-889.
Saewyc, E., Homma, Y., Hitchcock, C., & Prior, J. (2012). Sexual orientation, stigma, and menarche among adolescent girls in Canada. [abstract] Journal of Adolescent Health 50(2), S28.
Saewyc, E., & Chen, W. (2012). Weakening the links between violence exposure and teen pregnancy involvement in Western Canada: Protective factors that may promote resilience. [abstract] Journal of Adolescent Health, 50(2), S6.
Marshall, S., & Saewyc, E. (2012). Peer sexual harassment and sex motives: A gendered analysis. [abstract] Journal of Adolescent Health, 50(2), S31.
Homma, Y., Nicholson, D., & Saewyc, E. (2012). Profile of high school students exchanging sex for substances in rural Canada. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 21(1), 29-40.
Smith, A., Stewart, D., Poon, C., Hoogeveen, C., & Saewyc, E. (2012). Promoting positive mental health: risk and protective factors for youth who experienced physical and sexual abuse. Chronic Diseases and Injuries in Canada, 32 (Suppl 1). Availlable on-line at http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/publicat/cdic-mcbc/32-1-supp/warfs_01-eng.ph….
Rivers R., & Saewyc, E. (2012). On “Sex trafficking and the exploitation of adolescents.” [commentary]. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, 41(2), 163-165. doi:10.1111/j.1552-6909.2011.01336.x.
Homma, Y., Wang, N., Saewyc, E., & Kishor, N. (2012). The relationship between sexual abuse and risky sexual behavior among adolescent boys: A meta-analysis. Journal of Adolescent Health, 51, 18-24. doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2011.12.032.
Edinburgh, L., Huemann, E., Richtman, K., Marboe, A.M., & Saewyc, E.M. (2012). The Safe Harbors Youth Intervention Project: Intersectoral collaboration to address sexual exploitation in Minnesota. Nursing Reports, 2(1), 18-24. doi: 10.4081/171.
Homma, Y., Chen, W., Poon, C., & Saewyc, E.M. (2012). Sexual orientation and substance use among East Asian high school students in British Columbia. Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse, 21, 32-50. doi: 10.1080/1067828X.2012.636687. PubMedCentral ID#: PMC3318955.
Devries, K., Free, C., & Saewyc, E. (2012). “I like to think I’m a pretty safe guy but sometimes a 40-pounder will change that”: A mixed methods study of substance use and sexual risk among Aboriginal young people. Journal of Aboriginal Health, 9(1), 41-51.
Edinburgh L., Saewyc, E., Huemann E. (2012). The 10-Question Tool for police officers: A novel health and psychosocial screening instrument for runaway youth. OJJDP: Journal of Juvenile Justice, 1(2), 80-94. Accessible at www.journalofjuvjustice.org
Clark TC, Robinson E, Crengle S, Fleming T, Ameratunga S, Denny SJ, Bearinger LH, Sieving RE, Saewyc, E. (2011). Risk and protective factors for suicide attempt among indigenous Maori youth in New Zealand: The role of family connection as a moderating variable. Journal of Aboriginal Health, 7(1), 16-31.
Saewyc, E.M. (2011). Research on adolescent sexual orientation: Development, health disparities, stigma and resilience. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 21(1), 256-272.
Poon C., Saewyc, E., Chen, W. (2011). Enacted stigma, problem substance use, and protective factors among Asian sexual minority youth in British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health. 30(2), 47-64. Available at http://cjcmh.metapress.com/link.asp?id=u220606l7875.
Russell S.T., Kosciw J., Horn S., Saewyc, E. (2010). Safe schools policy for LGBTQ students. SRCD Social Policy Report, 24(4),1-17.
Saewyc, E., Chen, W., Hirakata, P. (2010). Quantifying the influence of violence exposure on adolescent risk behaviours in Western Canada. [abstract]. Journal of Adolescent Health, 46, S65.
Poon, C., Homma, Y., Saewyc, E., Smith, A. (2010). Is cultural connnectedness a protective factor? [abstract]. Journal of Adolescent Health, 46, S4.
Hirakata, P., Saewyc, E., Callaghan, S., Joo, S., & Metcalfe, Q. (2010). In the news: Do print news media accurately portray secually exploited youth in Canada? [abstract]. Journal of Adolescent Health, 46, S43.
Stockwell, T., Buxton, J., Duff, C., Marsh, D., MacDonald, S., Saewyc, E., Richmond, K., Hanson, R., Cohen, I., Corrado, R., Chow, C., Ivsins, A., Michelow, W., Nicholson, D., Pakula, B., Puri, A., Rehm, J., Sturge, J. Tu, A., & Zhao, J. (2009). The B.C. alcohol and other drug monitoring system: Overview and early progress. Contemporary drug problems, 36, 459-484.
Saewyc, E. (2009). Sexual abuse: Medical and psychological perspectives. In R.A. Shweder, T.R. Bidell, A.C. Dailey, S.D. Dixon, P.J. Miller, & J. Modell (eds.), The Child: An Encyclopedic Companion. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp 882-884.
Phillips, J. C., & Saewyc, E. (2009). Chapter 11: HIV disease and gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered persons. In J. Durham & F.R. Lashley (eds.), The Person with HIV/AIDS: Nursing perspectives, (4th ed.), new York, NY: Springer Publishing. ISBN13#9780826121370. pp. 365-404.
Poon, C., Saewyc, E., Homma, Y., & Clark, T. (2009). Reducing problem substance use in Asian sexual minority and heterosexual youth. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44, S6.
Edinburgh, L., Homma, Y., Saewyc, E., Wirkkala, S., & Michkschl, L. (2009). Restoring family support self-esteem and reducing distress among sexually abused young runaways. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44, S22.
Saewyc, E., Kim, K.J., Anderson, J., & Smith, A. (2009). The context and challenges of employment among street-involved youth in Western Canada. In The Strategy for Youth Competence Development to Cope with Global Trends, proceedings of the 20th Anniversary Symposium of the National Youth Policy Institute, Seoul, South Korea; 25 June 2009.
Albert, M., Saewyc, E., Smith, A., & MacKay, L. (2008). Changes in substance use patterns for street-involved youth cohorts in British Columbia. [abstract]. Journal of Adolescent Health, 41, S49.
Homma, Y., & Saewyc, E. (2008). Acculturation and sexual behavior among East Asian adolescents in British Columbia, Canada. [abstract]. Journal of Adolescent Health, 41, S45.
Clarke, M., Lin, L., Saewyc, E., & Whitehouse, S. (2008). Alcohol-related visits in youth: Pediatrics emergency department utilization. [abstract], Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 10(3), 106. Available on-line at ww.caep.ca
Saewyc, E., Poon, C., Skay, C., & Homma, Y. (2008). The role of protective factors in reducing the odds of teen pregnancy involvement among bisexual adolescents in Canada and the U.S. [abstract], International Journal of Psychology, 46(3&4), 555.
Brunanski, D., Bingham, B., Smith, A., & Saewyc, E. (2008). Mental health issues among Aboriginal street-involved youth in Western Canada [abstract] International Journal of Psychology, 46(3-4), 230.
Saewyc, E., Poon, C., Wang, N., Homma, Y., Smith, A., & the McCreary Centre Society. (2007). Not yet equal: The health of lesbian, gay & bisexual youth in BC. Vancouver, BC: McCreary Centre Society, ISBN#: 978-1-895438-84-5.
Smith, A., Saewyc, E., Albert, M., Mackay, L., Northcott, M., & the McCreary Centre Society. (2007). Against the odds: A profile of marginalized and street-involved youth in BC. Vancouver, BC: McCreary Centre Society, ISBN#: 978-1-895438-83-7.
Meininger, E., Saewyc, E., Skay, C., Clark, T., Poon, C., Robinson, E., Pettingell, S., & Homma, Y. (2007). Enacted sigma and HIV risk behaviors in sexual minority youth of European heritage across three countries. [abstract]. Journal of Adolescent Health, 40, S27.
Saewyc, E., Edinburgh, L., & Richtman, K. (2007). Outcomes of a runaway intervention project for sexually exploited young girls. [abstract].Journal of Adolescent Health, 40, S40.
Saewyc, E., Wang, N., Chittenden, M., Murphy, A., & the McCreary Centre Society. (2006). Building resilience in vulnerable youth. Vancouver, BC: McCreary Centre Society, ISBN#: 1-895438-76-4.
Poon, C., Chittenden, M., Saewyc, E., Murphy, A., & the McCreary Centre Society. (2006). Promoting healthy bodies: Physical activity, weight and tobacco use among BC youth. Vancouver, BC: McCreary Centre Society, ISBN#: 1-895438-74-8.
Saewyc, E. (2006). Chapter 19: Health promotion of adolescents and families. In D. Wong (ed.). Nursing care of infants and children, (8th ed.), St. Louis, MO: Mosby-Year Book.
Daigneau, C.V., & Saewyc, E. (2006). Chapter 21: Behavioral health problems of adolescents: Eating disorders, substance abuse and suicide. In D. Wong (ed.). Nursing care of infants and children, (8th ed.) pp, St. Louis, MO: Mosby-Year Book.
Saewyc, E. (2006). Community coalitions and research to help sexually-exploited Hmong girls in the USA: System change through collaboration. In B. Majumdar (ed.). Proceedings of the Third International Conference - Impact of Global Issues on Women and Children, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada: McMaster University, 85-88.
Garcia, C., Duckett, L., Saewyc, E., & Bearinger, L. (2006). Air, water, land: Mexican-origin immigrant adolescents’ perceptions of the physical environment in the U.S. and its impact on their physical and mental health status. [Abstract]. Journal of Adolescent Health, 38, 144-145.
Paone, M., Wigle, M., & Saewyc, E. (2006). The ON TRAC model for transitional care of adolescents. Progress in Transplantation, 16(4), 291-302.
Saewyc, E. (2006). Contested conclusions: What claims can (and cannot) be made from the current research on gay, lesbian, and bisexual teen suicide attempts?. Journal of LGBT Health Research, 3(1), 75-84.
Homma, Y., & Saewyc, E. (2006). The emotional well-being of Asian-American sexual minority in school. Journal of LGBT Health Research,3(1), 69-74.
Edinburgh L., Saewyc, E., Solsvig W., & Levitt C. (2006). A home visiting intervention for very young, sexually exploited runaways: Program development and preliminary outcomes [abstract]. Journal of Adolescent Health, 38, 146.
Saewyc, E. (2005). Young people and sexual health: Individual, social, and policy contexts [book review]. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 2(3), 68-70.
Edinburgh, L., Saewyc, E., & Levitt C. (2005). Gender differences in extra-familial sexual abuse experiences of young adolescents. [abstract].Journal of Adolescent Health, 36, 137.
Saewyc, E. (2005). Chapter 5. Pregnancy among lesbian, gay and bisexual adolescents: Influences of stigma, sexual abuse, and sexual orientation. In Omoto, A.M., & Kurtzman, H.S (Eds.), Sexual Orientation and Mental Health: Examining Identity and Development in Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual People. (pp. 95-116). Washington DC: American Psychological Association.
Saewyc, E., Skay C.L, Bearinger L.H., & Resnick, M.D. (2005). The prevalence of protective factors in the lives of bisexual adolescents in the U.S. and Canada [abstract]. Journal of Adolescent Health, 36, 136-137.
Saewyc, E., Skay, C.L, & Pettingell, S.L. (2004). Hazards of stigma: The sexual and physical abuse of gay, lesbian, and bisexual adolescents in the US and Canada [abstract]. Journal of Adolescent Health, 34, 115-116.
Gallart H. & Saewyc, E. (2004). Sexual orientation and contraceptive behaviors among Minnesota adolescents [abstract]. Journal of Adolescent Health, 34, 141-141.
Saewyc, E., Pettingell S.L, & Skay C.L. (2004). Suicide ideation and attempts in North American school-based surveys: Are bisexual youth at increasing risk? [abstract]. Journal of Adolescent Health, 34, 138-138.
Forrest R., & Saewyc, E. (2004). Sexual minority teen parents: Demographics of an unexpected population [abstract]. Journal of Adolescent Health, 34, 122-122.
Saewyc, E., Pettingell S.L., & Skay C.L. (2004). Teen pregnancy among sexual minority youth in population-based surveys of the 1990s: Countertrends in a population at risk [abstract]. Journal of Adolescent Health, 34, 125-126.
Saewyc, E. (2003). Chapter 19: Health promotion of adolescents and family. In Wong D (Ed.), Nursing Care of Infants and Children (7th ed.).(pp. 802-838). St. Louis, MO: Mosby Year Book.
Tonkin R., Murphy A., Lee Z., Saewyc, E., & McCreary Centre Society. (2005). British Columbia Youth Health Trends: A Retrospective, 1992-2003. Vancouver: McCreary Centre Society. ... McCreary Centre Society Website
Magee L.L., Saewyc, E., Erickson S., & Belfay, K. (2001). Family environment correlates of sexually-abused adolescents in a school-based population [abstract]. Journal of Adolescent Health, 27, 118-118.
Saewyc, E., & Rew L. (2001). Focusing on protective resources in adolescent health care [editorial]. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 19, 99-101.
Saewyc, E., Singh, N., Reis, E., & Flynn, T. (2000). Intersections of gender, racial, and orientaion harassment in school and associated health risks among adolescents [abstract]. Journal of Adolescent Health, 26, 148-148.
Saewyc, E. (2000). Meanings of pregnancy and motherhood among out-of-home pregnant adolescents [abstract]. Journal of Adolescent Health, 26, 119-119.
Saewyc, E., Frevert, R., Brown, A., & Rogers, C. (1999). Comparison of perinatal risk factors and outcomes among pregnant adolescents with and those without a history of sexual abuse [abstract]. Journal of Adolescent Health, 24, 104-104.
Teaching Interests
My teaching has focused on substantive areas in public health nursing at both undergraduate and graduate levels, interdisciplinary adolescent health care, research methods, and professional development for graduate students in the health disciplines. My commitment to interdisciplinary health care and education has resulted in developing two different courses for interdisciplinary health education, one focused on adolescent health, and the other focused on sexual minority populations. Because students have different learning styles that are most effective for them, I tend to use several approaches to engage the students in active learning, including problem-based and group approaches, lively presentations and discussions, in-person and web-based content. The approaches I use are primarily centered around applying the abstract philosophy, theories, content and skills to concrete situations, with opportunities to build confidence and skill in incorporating the content into practice environments.
Current Teaching
Multidisciplinary Perspectives in Adolescent Health
Supervisor Eligibility
MHLP, MN, MSN - thesis, MSN - non-thesis, PhD
Graduate Supervision
Gesner, Heather - MSN, 2018
Understanding dating violence mental health outcomes in adolescents: age discrepancy and suicidality
Pitcher, Claire - MSN, 2016
Homeless and street-involved youth access to primary health care services: what helps and what gets in the way?
Daly, Leslie Kim - PhD, 2015
Making space for young people's voices: adolescent and clinician perspectives on clinical encounters for sexual health
Heywood, Crystal - MSN, 2013
A Critical discourse analysis of word choices surrounding ethnic identities of sexual exploitation victims and perpetrators in Canadian newspaper articles
Symonds, Lindsay - MSN, 2013
Youth's acceptance of mobile phone text messaging for STI health promotion