Fairleth McCuaig
Associate Professor of Teaching, NP Program Coordinator
- Phone 1-604-822-0318
- Email Fairleth.McCuaig@ubc.ca
- Address
UBC School of Nursing
T201 2211 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver BC V6T2B5
Dr. McCuaig’s work focuses on Nurse Practitioner (NP) education and curriculum design. An experienced educator and NP, she teaches in both classroom and clinical settings. She has been involved in course development, planning and coordination of activities in the BC NP programs since their inception. She is recognized for her enthusiasm and her inspirational approach to educating nurses, nurse practitioners, medical, and doctor of pharmacy students.
Educational Background
Doctor of Nursing Practice, Gonzaga University
Post-Master's Certificate (Family Nurse Practitioner), Gonzaga University
MSN (Nursing Education), Gonzaga University
BSc. (Molecular and Cellular Biology/ Certificate in Health and Fitness (Kinesiology)), SFU
Diploma of Nursing, Langara College
Diploma in Environmental Health, BCIT
Affiliations & Links
BCCNP (BC College of Nursing Professionals) (Active member)
NNPBC (Nurses and Nurse Practitioners of BC) (Active member)
Washington State Board of Nursing (RN, ARNP) (Active member)
ANCC-FNP, BC (American Nurses Credentialing Center, Family Nurse Practitioner- Board Certified) (Active member)
NP Education Working Group (NPEWG), Ministry of Health, Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training, Postsecondary institutions (PSIs) (Active member)
CASN-Canadian Nurse Educator Interest Group on NP Education (Active member)
Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors (CIPHI) (Certified Public Health Inspector/ Environmental Health Officer)
Selected Publications
Sangha, S., Oliffe, Kelly, M. & McCuaig, F. (2019). Promoting postpartum mental health in fathers: Recommendations for nurse practitioners. American Journal of Men’s Health.
Sihoto, H., Oliffe, J., Kelly, M., & McCuaig, F (2019). Fathers’ Experiences and perspectives of breastfeeding: A scoping review. American Journal of Men’s Health.
Spence, B, Ricci, J., & McCuaig, F. (2019). Nurse Practitioners in orthopaedic surgical settings. Orthopaedic Nursing, 1(38), 17-24. DOI: 10.1097/NOR.0000000000000514
Balneaves, L.G., Alraja, A., Ziemianksi, D., McCuaig, F. & Ware, M. (2018). A national needs assessment of Canadian nurse practitioners regarding cannabis for therapeutic purposes. Cannabis Cannabinoid Res, 3 (1), 66-73. DOI: 10.1089/can.2018.0002
Aikman, K., Oliffe, J. L., Kelly, M. T., & McCuaig, F. (2018). Sexual Health in Men With Traumatic Spinal Cord Injuries: A Review and Recommendations for Primary Health-Care Providers. American journal of men's health, 12(6), 2044-2054.
Chen, K., Oliffe, J., & Kelly, M., (2018). Internet gaming disorder: A scoping review. American Journal of Men’s Health.
Kumar, S., Oliffe, J. & Kelly, M. (Nov. 28, 2017). Promoting postpartum mental health in fathers: Recommendations for nurse practitioners. American Journal of Men’s Health.
Rosu, M., Oliffe, J., & Kelly, M. (2016). Nurse Practitioners and Men’s Primary Health Care. American Journal of Men’s Health.
Lee, C., Oliffe, J., Kelly, M., & Ferlatte, O., (Nov. 2016). Depression and Suicidality in Gay Men: Implications for Health Care Providers. American Journal of Men’s Health.
Gagnon, M.& Oliffe, J., (July 2015). What NPs need to know about men’s depression and suicide. The Nurse Practitioner
Brar, K., Boschma, G., & McCuaig, F. (2010). The Development of Nurse Practitioner Preparation beyond the Master’s Level: What is the Debate About? International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 7(1), Article 9. www.bepress.com/ijnes/vol7/iss1/art9
Joachim, G., Boyle, B., Thomson, S., McCuaig, F., Jennings, M., Etesami, A., Helmer, D., Kanji, F., & Leung, B. (2010). The e-portfolio: A partnership between education and practice. Vancouver, B.C. BCNPA Conference Presentation
McCuaig, F. (2000). The Critical Thinking Dispositions of Diploma Nursing Students. Masters Thesis, Gonzaga University
Current Teaching
Master of Nursing – Nurse Practitioner Program:
NURS 510 Advanced Health Assessment across the Life Span
NURS 507 Pharmacology and Therapeutics in Primary Care
NURS 570 Primary Care I
NURS 571 Primary Care II
NURS572 Primary Care III
NURS 509 Clinical Procedures in Primary Care Settings
NURS 578 Consolidated Practicum
NURS 596 Primary Care Project
Faculty of Medicine
VFMP INDE 420 Medical Undergrad Education Clinical Skills
MEDD 411 Communication Skills for Medical Undergrad Education
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
PHRM 452 (Flex Pharm D program) Patient Assessment Skills
Pharmacy 570 (Doctor of Pharmacy) Introductions to the Principles of Physical Assessment
Supervisor Eligibility
MN, MSN - non-thesis