Farinaz (Naz) Havaei
Associate Professor
- Phone 604-827-4732
- Email farinaz.havaei@ubc.ca
- Website Twitter
- Address
UBC School of Nursing
T201 2211 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver BC V6T2B5
Dr. Havaei is a health system researcher with a passion for improving the quality and safety of healthcare services across the healthcare spectrum particularly the long-term care (LTC) sector. Given the critical role that nurses play in ensuring their patients’ health and safety, Dr. Havaei's research studies and addresses those system levels factors (e.g. unit level, organizational level, policy level) that improve workplace psychological health and safety of nurses and subsequently their ability to deliver effective patient care. Dr. Havaei is currently the lead investigator of three provincially (MSFHR) and nationally (CIHR) funded research studies examining the impact of pandemic management strategies such as the one high-risk site policy and the visitation policy on LTC staff and their ability to deliver quality and safe care to residents and their families. Dr. Havaei is also a psychometrics expert and has acted as the primary methodologist on several quantitative and psychometrics research projects.
Educational Background:
PhD (Nursing), University of British Columbia
Measurement Evaluation Research Methodology (MERM), University of British Columbia
BSN, University of British Columbia
Honours and Awards:
- 2019 CIHR ECR Observer Program
- 2017 2017 Graduate Scholarship in Nursing for Outstanding Dissertation
- 2017 Bloomberg Emerging Nursing Scholars Forum Award
- 2015 Rick Hansen Institute Fellowship
- 2015 Ratner Johnson Endowment for Doctoral Education in Nursing
- 2015 Think Swiss Summer School Travel Grants
- 2014 Harriet Sarah Byrne Scholarship
- 2014 Janet Gormick Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Nursing
- 2013 Dennet Kuan Memorial Award
- 2013 Graduate Student Mobility Award
- 2013 Faculty of Applied Science Graduate Scholarship
- 2012 Faculty of Applied Science Graduate Award
- 2011 Faculty of Applied Science Graduate Award
Area of Research
Dr. Havaei studies and addresses system level predictors of workplace psychological health and safety of nurses across the healthcare spectrum particularly the long-term care sector (LTC). Her research is focused on (a) developing an evidence based explanatory model of workplace psychological health and safety in LTC and (b) identifying, implementing and evaluating best practices and policies in this sector using integrated knowledge translation approaches that foster continuous collaboration with LTC experts including frontline workers, leaders, residents and families. Dr. Havaei’s research is both timely and relevant given the needed redesign of the LTC sector that has been laid bare by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Journal Articles on PubMed
Havaei F, MacPhee M. (2020). The impact of heavy nurse workload and patient/family complaints on workplace violence: An application of human factors framework, Nursing Open. 00,1-11, 10.1002/nop2.444 [PMID: 32257260]
Havaei F, MacPhee M. (2020). The effect of workplace violence and psychological stress responses on medical-surgical nurses’ medication intake. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. 0(0), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1177/0844562120903914 [PMID: 32046504]
MacPhee M, Fitzgerald B, Havaei F, Budz B, Waller D, Li C. (2020). Nursing Care Team Redesign: It begins with the right data, Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership. 33(2),21-37. 10.12927/cjnl.2020.26240
Havaei F, MacPhee M, Ma A*. (2020). Workplace violence among British Columbia nurses across different roles and contexts. Healthcare. 8(2), 98-112. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare8020098 [PubMed ID: 32295186]
Havaei F, Astivia Olvera O, MacPhee M. (2020). The indirect effect of workplace violence on medical-surgical nurses’ health outcomes: A moderated mediation model of work environment conditions. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 109, 103666. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2020.103666 [PubMed ID: 32592889]
Lee SE, Havaei F, Astivia Olvera O. (2020). Psychometric evaluation for the Korean version of Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture. Journal of Patient Safety. 10.1097/PTS.0000000000000792 [PubMed ID: 33044256].
Havaei F, MacPhee, Keselman D, Staempfli S* (2020). Leading a long-term care facility through the COVID-19 crisis: Successes, barriers and lessons learned. Healthcare Quarterly. 23(4). [PMID: 33475489]
Havaei F, Park M*, Astivia Olvera O. L. (2021). The National Standard of Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace: A psychometric and descriptive study of the nursing workforce in British Columbia Hospital. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. 0(0), 1-12. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0844562120986032 [PMID: 33435719]
Havaei F. (2021). Does the type of exposure to workplace violence matter to nurses’ mental health? Healthcare. 9(41). https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare9010041 [PMID: 33466294]
Havaei F, Ma A*, Staempfli S*, MacPhee M (2021). Nurses’ workplace conditions impacting their mental health during COVID-19: A cross-sectional survey study. Healthcare. 9(84), https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare9010084 [PMID: 33467080]
Havaei F, Ma A*, Leiter M, Gear A. (2021). A province-wide survey study to describe the mental health state of the nursing workforce in British Columbia, Canada. Healthcare Policy. MID=2020-1055
Additional Articles
Havaei, F, Dahinten S, MacPhee M. (2019). The effect of nursing care delivery models on registered nurse outcomes, Sage Open Nursing. 9, 237796081986908. doi: 10.1177/2377960819869088
Havaei, F., Doull, M., & Saewyc, E. (2019). A trend analysis of sexual health behaviours of a national sample of Canadian adolescents using HBSC data from 2002-2014. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality. 28(1), 17-25. doi: 10.3138/cjhs.2018-0035
Havaei, F., & Dahinten, V. S. (2017). How well does the CWEQ II measure structural empowerment? Findings from applying item response theory. Administrative Sciences, 7(15), 1-20. doi: 10.3390/admsci7020015
MacPhee, M., Dahinten, V. S., & Havaei, F. (2017). The impact of heavy nurse workloads on patient and nurse outcomes. Administrative Sciences. 7(1), 7. doi: 10.3390/admsci7010007
Andersen, E., Michelle, S., & Havaei, F. (2014). Nursing home models and modes of service delivery: Review of outcomes. Healthy Aging Research. 3(13), 1-11. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.12715/har.2014.3.13
MacPhee, M., Change, L., Havaei, F., & Chou, W. (2014). A descriptive account of an inter-professional collaborative leadership project. Administrative Sciences. 4(3): 373-399. doi: 10.3390/admsci4030373
Book Chapters
MacPhee, M., & Havaei, F. (2017). Professional practice models. In Leadership and nursing care management (6th ed., pp. 225-239). Iowa City, IA: Elsevier.
Dr. Havaei teaches Nursing Leadership in the undergraduate and graduate nursing program.
Supervisor Eligibility
MHLP, MN, MSN - thesis, MSN - non-thesis, PhD