Geertje Boschma
- Phone 1-604-822-7457
- Email Geertje.Boschma@ubc.ca
- Address
UBC School of Nursing
T201 2211 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver BC V6T2B5
Dr. Boschma studies nursing and health care history, with special emphasis on mental health and the transition to community mental health in the latter half of the 20th century. She explores the ways nurses, clients and families have experienced changes in mental health care and contributed to them. Her research includes oral history approaches to capture people’s health experience and to examine the social context and complexity of nursing work and knowledge.
Educational Background
- BSN, Hanzehogeschool, Groningen, Netherlands
- MSN, University of Pennsylvania, USA
- Doctorandus (MA), University of Groningen, Netherlands (Philosophy)
- PhD, University of Pennsylvania, USA (Nursing)
Affiliations & Links
- BC History of Nursing Society
- UBC School of Nursing Consortium for Nursing History Inquiry
- Critical Research in Health and Health Inequities
- Canadian Association for the History of Nursing
Honours & Awards
- 2023 Award of Recognition from the Canadian Association for the History of Nursing for longstanding contributions to the history of nursing and health care, including research, mentorship of students and scholars of nursing history, and leadership in organization of conferences and public events.
- 2019 UBC-V School of Nursing Centenary Medal of Distinction for longstanding contribution to the School and the profession, in honour of the School’s Centennial.
- 2013 M. Adelaide Nutting Award of the American Association of the History of Nursing for exemplary historical writing and research
- 2013 UBC Killam Teaching Prize
- 2011 International Visiting Fellowship Award – Descartes Center for the History and Philosophy of Science, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
- 2005 UBC Peter Wall Institute Early Career Scholar Award
- 2003 Lavinia L. Dock Award of the American Association of the History of Nursing for exemplary historical writing and research
- 2023 Hannah Panel Discussion at the joint conference of the Canadian Society for Medical History and Canadian Association for the History of Nursing, Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, York University
- 2020 Scientific Committee member, International Nursing History Conference of the European Association for History of Nursing
- Consultant to Global TV short news clip: “100 Years, UBC School of Nursing. Linda Aylesworth reports. https://globalnews.ca/video/5916683/ubc-nursing-program-celebrates-100-years [17 Sept 2019]
- Faculty lead, UBC SofN-V Consortium for Nursing History Inquiry
- Canadian Association for the History of Nursing (CAHN/ACHN), Past President
- Canadian Society for the History of Medicine, Member
- Local Arrangement Coordinator (LAC). Joint Conference of the Canadian Society for the History of Medicine and the Canadian Association of the History of Nursing, 2019 Congress at UBC-Vancouver
- Annual Nursing History Symposium – UBC-V School of Nursing
- American Association for the History of Nursing (AAHN), Member
- Referee Advances in Nursing Science, Canadian Bulleting of Medial History, Canadian Historical Review, European Journal of Nursing History and Ethics, Health and History, International Journal of Nursing Education Studies, Journal of Advanced Nursing, Nursing History Review, Nursing Inquiry, Public Health Nursing Qualitative Health Research, Qualitative Advancement in Nursing Education, Social History of Medicine among other journals
Area of Research
Research Interests
Geertje Boschma leads a research program on the history of nursing and health care, with special emphasis on mental health and mental health nursing. She has received regional and national funding to examine the history of community-based mental health service in western Canada during the latter half of the 20th century. She seeks to enhance the historical understanding of the persistent challenges in this domain of healthcare and to include perspectives of patients, families, nurses and other health professionals. Furthermore, she examines the history of general hospital psychiatry in local and international contexts. A documentary and several publications on the history of Vancouver’s mental patient movement [MPA] in the 1970s resulted from a pan-Canadian comparative study of deinstitutionalization and community mental health. With a group of interdisciplinary scholars and community artists she led a project on the history of therapeutic art and healing, contributing a guest edited volume Arts, Crafts and Healing: Understanding Social Citizenship in BC for BC Studies. Her research includes oral history approaches to capture people’s health experience and examine the social context and complexity of nursing work and knowledge.
Completed Projects
Arts, health and healing: A collaborative community history project (with Sasha Mullally, Megan Davies and Alison Phinney) (Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies)
Psychiatric departments in general hospitals: Deinstitutionalization or new institutions (SSHRC).
Open doors/closed ranks: Locating mental health after the asylum. (Co-investigator. PI Megan Davies and Erika Dyck). (CIHR).
Community Connections: The development of mental health services in New Westminster (with M. Gorrie). (BC Medical Services Research Fund - Vancouver Foundation).
Family, community and public responses to asylum care: rethinking institutional psychiatric mental health care in Alberta, 1905 – 1975 (SSHRC).
Historical analysis of psychiatric mental health nursing in Alberta, 1905-1955 (University of Calgary Research Grant and AMS Hannah Institute of Medical History).
Talking the Walk: Strengthening Communication Education in the Undergraduate Nursing Curriculum (with Rochelle Einboden, Marlee Groening, Cathryn Jackson, Maura MacPhee, Helga Marshall, Kathy O’Flynn-Magee, Peggy Simpson, Paula Tognazzini) (TLEF).
The Determinants of Research Utilization in An Acute Clinical Setting (Co-investigator. PI Carole Estabrooks) (CIHR).
A History of psychiatric care in Dutch asylums (book manuscript). (Killam Residence Fellowship Award).
Oral History Interviews with Psychiatric Mental Health Nurses in Alberta (with L. Mychajlunow, AARN, and Olive Yonge, University of Alberta). (Alberta Historical Resources Foundation).
Archival Resources for Historical Research on Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing in Alberta, Canada (with L. Mychajlunow, AARN, and Olive Yonge, University of Alberta)
Selected Publications not Indexed in PubMed
- Vandenberg, H., Twohig, P., Boschma, G., Schalkwijk, H., Galiana Sanchez, M. E., La Torre, A., … Subtil, C. L. L. (2023, November 21). Using photo analysis to examine the history of nursing in political spheres: Canadian and European perspectives. Recording, UBC Library, Open Collection. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/86672 doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.14288/1.0437881
- Boschma, G. (2023). Book review of Esyllt W. Jones, James Hanley and Delia Gavrus (Eds). Medicare's Histories: Origins, Omissions, and Opportunities in Canada (University of Manitoba Press, 2022). Canadian Journal of Health History, 40(2), 488-491. [cjhh.600-072022]
- Boschma, G. & Groening, M. (2023). Psychiatric Nursing: Past to Present. Chapter 1. In: Kunyk, D., Peternelj-Taylor, C. A., Austin, W. & Boyd, M. A. (Eds.) Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing for Canadian Practice, 5th edition, revised, pp. 2-19. Wolters Kluwer.
- Deo, H., Ojukwu, E., & Boschma, G. (2023). Contextualizing the health promotion of breastfeeding: An integrative review of parent and provider experiences in Canada. Aporia: The Nursing Journal, 15 (2), 14-26. https://uottawa.scholarsportal.info/ottawa/index.php/aporia/issue/view/663
- Deo, H., Ojukwu, E, & Boschma, G. (2023). Breast/chest feeding support: Critically analyzing a Canadian policy guiding nursing practice. Witness, The Canadian Journal of Critical Nursing Discourse, 5(1), pp.17-30. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25071/2291-5796.147 https://witness.journals.yorku.ca/index.php/default/article/view/147
- De Sousa, I., Wytenbroek, L., Boschma, G., & Thorne, S. (2023). Reflections on Black nurses’ invisibility: Exploring the contribution of Black nurses to British Columbia (Canada), 1845 – 1910. Advances in Nursing Science (ANS), ():10.1097/ANS.0000000000000484, DOI: 10.1097/ANS.0000000000000484. Published ahead of print.
- Vandenberg, H. & Boschma, G. (2020/21). "The evolution of early hospitals in British Columbia", 1855 – 1918, in: BC Studies, no. 208 (Winter issue): 73-118. [45 pages] DOI: https://doi.org/10.14288/bcs.vi208 and https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1700-7981
- Boschma, G. (2021). Book review of Kylie Smith, Talking therapy: Knowledge and power in American psychiatric nursing (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2020). Social History of Medicine, hkab030, https://doi.org/10.1093/shm/hkab030
- Vandenberg, H; Harrisson, S; Galiana-Sanchez, M. E.; Sironi, C; Wytenbroek, L; La Torre, A; Boschma, G. (2021) “Teaching nursing history through photographs: between realities, cultural constructions and social idealisations,” presented at the 2021 Congress of the International Council of Nurses, Geneve, Nov 2 2021. Video Recording. An educational resource for teaching nursing history. UBC Library, Open Collection: link: http://hdl.handle.net/2429/81060 , available 2022-03-31. DOI 10.14288/1.0407454
- Boschma, Geertje (2020) "“You Had To Just Kind Of Rub Her Cheek”: Memories and Emotions of Mental Deficiency Nurses in Alberta, Canada, 1945 - 1975," Quality Advancement in Nursing Education - Avancées en formation infirmière: Vol. 6: Iss. 2, Article 5. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17483/2368-6669.1247
- Duncan, Susan M.; Scaia, Margaret R.; and Boschma, Geertje (2020) "“100 Years of University Nursing Education”: The Significance of a Baccalaureate Nursing Degree and Its Public Health Origins for Nursing Now," Quality Advancement in Nursing Education - Avancées en formation infirmière: Vol. 6: Iss. 2, Article 8. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17483/2368-6669.1248
- Moody, E., Phinney, A., Boschma, G. & Baumbausch, J. (2020). The Contribution of Documentation Systems to How Nurses Understand Older People’s Cognitive Function in Hospital. Advances in Nursing Science, 43(3), 278-289. doi: 10.1097/ANS.0000000000000315
- Boschma, G. (2020). Commentary - Educational Resource. “Views and visions on the future of nursing theory” – With several nursing scholars, including from the UBC School of Nursing. Developer: Suzanne Campbell, as part of NURS 511. Video recorded posting on Nursology Blog, by Peggy Chinn, Jan.24, 2020 https://nursology.net/resources/teaching-strategies/the-university-of-b…
- Boschma, G. & Devane, C. (2019). The art of peer support: Work, health, consumer participation and new forms of citizenship in late twentieth century mental health care in British Columbia (BC), in: BC Studies, no. 202 (Summer issue): 65-98. https://ojs.library.ubc.ca/index.php/bcstudies/article/view/190414
- Mullally, S., Boschma, G., Davies, M. J. & Phinney, A. (2019). Introduction to the Guest Edited volume “Arts, Crafts and Healing: Understanding Social Citizenship in BC,” BC Studies, 202 (Summer issue), 9-20.
- Boschma, G. (2019). Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and nursing practice in the Netherlands, 1940 – 2010. European Journal for Nursing History and Ethics, 1, 17-39. doi: 10.25974/enhe2019-7en https://www.enhe.eu/
- Boschma, G. (2019). Negotiating Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) in Dutch psychiatry: Cultural and intraprofessional tension over biological psychiatry, 1950-2010. In: Pierre Pfütsch (Ed.). Marketplace, Power, Prestige: The Healthcare Professions’ Struggle for Recognition, pp. 98 – 136. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
- Boschma, G. & Groening, M. (2019). Psychiatric Nursing: Past to Present. Chapter 1. In: Austin, W., Kunyk, D., Peternelj-Taylor, C. A. & Boyd, M.A. (Eds.) Psychiatric Nursing for Canadian Practice, 4th edition, revised, pp. 2-17. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer.
- Devane, C. & Boschma, G. (2018). Care and Caregiving Reconsidered – A Review Essay. Nursing History Review, 26, 205-213.
- “Democracy is a very radical [mental health] idea” - Exhibit at Gallery Gachet, Vancouver BC, as part of the Mad City exhibit (January 12 - February 25 2018). Created by Megan Davies, Marina Morrow, Geertje Boschma, Mary-Ellen Kelm and Susan Heximer.
- Boschma, G. (2017). New contexts of care: Work relationships among nurses, patients and volunteers in community-based psychiatry in western Canada, 1970-1990. In: Sylvelyn Hähner-Rombach and Karen Nolte (Eds.). Patients and Social Practice of Psychiatric Nursing in the 19th and 20th Century, pp. 53-70. MedGG-Beiheft 66. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
- Smith, K. & Boschma, G. (2017). Towards community-based practice: The changing role of the registered nurse in psychiatry and mental health. In: Lewenson, S, McAllister, A. & Smith, K. (Eds.), Nursing History for Contemporary Role Development, pp. 93-120. New York: Springer Publishing.
- Jetha, F., Boschma, G., & Clauson, M. (2016). Professional development needs of novice nursing clinical teachers: A rapid evidence assessment. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 13(1), -1-10p. doi:10.1515/ijnes-2015-0031 http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/ijnes.2016.13.issue-1/issue-files/ijnes…
- “The Mental Patient Association (MPA) - An Utopian Experiment” - After the Asylum Virtual Exhibit: How MPA Reformed Community Mental Health: A Series of Biographical Portraits (August 2016). Created by Megan Davies, Geertje Boschma and Marina Morrow with the MPA Founders Association. On line exhibit as part of History of Madness Productions (History of Madness in Canada website) - available: http://aftertheasylum.apps01.yorku.ca/en/
- Vandenberg, H., Boschma, G., McBain, L., Meijer Drees, L., McCulloch, M. & Gallagher-Cohoon, E. (2016). Guide to Archival Resources for Outpost Nursing and Remote Hospital History in Northwestern Canada, 1880 - 1960. Saskatoon: College of Nursing, University of Saskatchewan.
- Dyck, E., Davies, M., Baker, L., Beckman, L., Boschma, G., Dooley, C., Kendall, K., LeBlanc, E., Menzies, R., Morrow, M., Purvey, D., St-Amand, N., Thifault, M. C., Whyte, J. & Willis, V. (2016). After the Asylum in Canada: Surviving De-institutionalisation and Revising History. In: Despo Kritsotaki, Vicky Long and Matthew Smith. (Eds.) Post-War Psychiatry in the Western World. Deinstitutionalisation and After, pp. 75-96. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave MacMillan
- Boschma, G. Roberts, E., Dhari, R., Mahabir, G., Walter; S., & Haney, C. (2015). ‘Nobody ever asked me about my career’: Public health nurses’ oral histories preserved. The Bulletin of the United Kingdom Association for the History of Nursing, 4, 43-51. https://bulletin.ukahn.org
- Boschma, G. (2015). Beyond the Cuckoo's Nest: Nurses, Electro-Convulsive Therapy and Dutch general hospital psychiatry. In: G. Fealy, C. Hallett & S. Malchau Dietz (eds), Histories of Nursing Practice, pp. 100-122. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
- Boschma, G. (2015). Conducting oral history research in community mental health nursing. In: M. de Chesnay, Series Editor. Nursing Research Using Historical Methods: Qualitative Research Designs and Methods in Nursing. NY: Springer Publishing, pp. 85-104.
- Boschma, G. (2014). International Nursing History: The International Council of Nursing History Collective and Beyond. Nursing History Review [Special section in honor of Joan Lynaugh (Festschrifft)], 22, 114-118
- Boschma, G., Davies, M., & Morrow, M. (2014). "Those people known as mental patients..." Professional and patient engagement in community mental health in Vancouver BC in the 1970s, Oral History Forum, 34 (2014). Link: http://www.oralhistoryforum.ca/index.php/ohf/article/view/571
- Liva, S. J., Boschma, G. and Hall, W. (2013). Labour support and high-touch care: A lost art in perinatal nursing? The Bulletin of the United Kingdom Association for the History of Nursing, 2, 23-37. https://bulletin.ukahn.org
- "The inmates are running the asylum: Stories from the MPA [Mental Patient Association]” - A documentary about the group that transformed Canada's psychiatric landscape. DVD, 36-minutes. Created by the MPA founders’ collective. Producer: Megan Davies, Co-Producer: Marina Morrow, Associate Co-Producer: Geertje Boschma. © History of Madness Productions 2013. https://oralhistorycentre.ca/2014/01/16/dr-megan-davies-the-inmates-are…
- Boschma, G. (2013). Community mental health post-1950: Reconsidering nurses’ and consumers’ identities. In: D’Antonio, P., Fairman, J. & Whelan, J. (Eds.). Routledge Handbook on the Global History of Nursing, pp. 237 -258. London: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
- Boschma, G. (2013). A family point of view: Negotiating asylum care in Alberta, 1905-1930. Reprint from the Canadian Bulletin of Medical History with permission (editorial note, p. 251). In: Petermann, L., Lucyk, K., Stahnisch, F. W., and contributors. The proceedings of the 19th annual History of Medicine Days Conference 2010, The University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine, Alberta, Canada, pp. 253-278. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Boschma, G. (2013). Geintegreerd of apart? Ervaringen van psychiatrisch verpleegkundigen in de Nederlandse ziekenhuispsychiatrie [Integrated or set apart? The experiences of psychiatric nurses in Dutch general hospital psychiatry]. In: C. aan de Stegge & C. van Tilburg (Eds.) ‘Helpen en niet schaden’.Uit de geschiedenis van verpleegkunde en medische zorg [To help and not to harm: From the history of nursing and medicine], pp. 99 - 122, Cahiers Geschiedenis der Geneeskunde en Gezondheidszorg, nr. 1. (History of Medicine and Health Care Series, no. 1.) Antwerp: Uitgeverij (publisher) Garant.
- Choi, R., and G. Boschma. (2011). The emergence of survivor groups in BC: A historical perspective, Vancouver Acute & Community Mental Health Services Newsletter, 1(7), 3-4.
- Boschma, G., Haney, C., & Gorrie, M. (2012). Gender, Work, and Identity: Consumer Perspectives on Rehabilitation and Recovery in Mental Health Care, The Bulletin of the UK Association for the History of Nursing, 1(1): 9-20. https://bulletin.ukahn.org
- Boschma, G., Santiago, L. M, Choy, C., & Ronquillo, C. (2012). Health Worker Migration in Canada: Histories, Geographies, and Ethics. Working Paper (Policy Brief) – WP# 12- 02. Metropolis BC.
- Tung, S. M. W., Boschma, G., Phinney, A. (2011). Residential elder care in British Columbia: Policy development and culture change, 1950-2005. Perspectives: The Journal of the Gerontological Nursing Association of Ontario, 34(4), 5-26.
- Boschma, G. & Grypma, S. (2010). Guest Editorial. New Scholarship in Nursing History. Canadian Bulletin for Medical History, 27 (1), 61-64
- Kanji, Z., Craig, B. J., Boschma, G., Imai, P., Sunell, S. (2010). Dental hygiene baccalaureate degree education in Canada: Motivating influences and experiences. Canadian Journal of Dental Hygiene, 44(4), 147-55.
- Boschma, G. (2010). Developing Nursing Scholarship and Research: The Innovative Leadership of Margaret Scott Wright, 1946 – 1985, História da Enfermagem: Revista Eletrônica (HERE) [History of Nursing: Electronic Journal (HERE)], 1(1)-article 10 [p.163-181]. Available electronically: http://here.abennacional.org.br/revista/here/
- Boschma, G., Groening, M, & Boyd, M. A. (2010). Psychiatric Nursing from Past to Present. Chapter 1. In: Austin, W. & Boyd, M.A. (Eds.) Psychiatric Nursing for Canadian Practice, 2nd edition, revised, pp.3-18. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkens.
- Kanji, Z., Craig, B. J., Boschma, G., Imai, P., Sunell, S. (2010). Dental hygiene baccalaureate degree education in Canada: Motivating influences and experiences. Canadian Journal of Dental Hygiene, 44(4), 147-55.
- Boschma G, Scaia, M., Bonifacio, N., and Roberts, E. (2008). Oral history research. In Sandra B. Lewenson & Eleanor Krohn Herrmann (Eds.), Capturing nursing history: A guide to historical methods in research (pp. 79-98). New York: Springer.
- Boschma, G., Grypma, S., & Melchior, F. (2008). Reflections on researcher subjectivity and identity in nursing history. In S.B. Lewenson & E. Krohn-Herrmann (Eds.), Capturing nursing history: A guide to historical methods in research (pp. 99-121). New York: Springer.
- Boschma, G., Groening, M. & Boyd, M.A. (2007). Psychiatric Nursing from past to present. Chapter 1. In Austin, W. & Boyd, M.A (Eds.), Psychiatric Nursing for Canadian Practice. (pp. 3-17). Philiadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
- Boschma, G., Brush, B. & Stuart, M. (2006). The International Council of Nurses. In McIntyre, M.R., Thomlinson, E. & McDonald, C (Eds.), Realities of Canadian Nursing: Professional, Practice & Power Issues. Second Edition. (pp. 117-132). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
- Boschma G. (2005). Faculty of Nursing on the Move: Nursing at the University of Calgary, 1969-2004. Calgary: University of Calgary.
- Boschma, G. (2003). The rise of mental health nursing: A history of psychiatric care in Dutch Asylums. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- Boschma, G., Mychajlunow, L. & Yonge, O. (1999). Guide to Archival Resources for Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing History in Alberta. Edmonton: Interpret Design.
- Brush, B. L., Lynaugh, J. E., Boschma, G., Rafferty, A. M., Stuart, M. & Tomes, N. J. (1999) Nurses of All Nations: A History of the International Council of Nurses, 1899-1999. Philadelphia: Lippincott/Raven. Peer-reviewed by external experts.
- Boschma, G., Mychajlunow, L & Yonge, O. (1999). Searching for Historical Evidence: The History of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing," Partners in Psychiatric Health Care Journal 2(1), 29-34.
- Boschma, G. (1997) “Ambivalence about Nursing’s Expertise: The Role of a Gendered, Holistic Ideology in Nursing, 1890-1990.” Book chapter. In AnneMarie Rafferty, Jane Robinson, and Ruth Elkan (eds.), Nursing History and the Politics of Welfare, p.164-176. London: Routledge.
- Boschma, G. (1997). “Naar een professionele psychiatrie, 1884-1918” [Towards a professional psychiatry]. Book chapter. In Joost Vijselaar (ed.). Gesticht in de Duinen: De geschiedenis van de provinciale psychiatrische ziekenhuizen in Noordholland, 1849-1994, p. 91-121. Hilversum: Verloren.
- Boschma, G. (1990) “Ontwikkeling van verpleegkundige theorie” [The development of nursing theory]. Book chapter. In Rob van der Peet, (ed.), Inleiding in de verpleegkunde, p. 302-327, Lochum: De Tijdstroom.
- Boschma, G. (1989). Tegenstrijdigheden in Integrerende Verpleegkunde [Contradictions in ‘Integrated Nursing’]. Verpleegkunde 4(1), 4-16.
Teaching Interests
My aim in teaching is to create learning opportunities through which students can expand their nursing knowledge base and to support them in thinking critically about their practice and the way they can influence health care as expert practitioners. I promote historical perspectives in nursing education as a way to understand, analyze and critique present day issues in nursing and health care. My teaching involves several subject areas in the undergraduate and graduate programs, including foundational nursing theory, mental health nursing, and critical and historical perspectives in nursing and health care.
Supervisor Eligibility
MHLP, MN, MSN - thesis, MSN - non-thesis, PhD
Graduate Supervision
Haney, Catherine – PhD, 2021
Nursing identity and abortion work : interrupting 50 years of professional discourse
Link to cIRcle: https://open.library.ubc.ca/soa/cIRcle/collections/ubctheses/24/items/1.0072400?o=0
Geiger Whitlock, Anne – MSN, 2022
Physician-nurse collaboration for safe and efficient care of patients with prolonged time-to-disposition in the Emergency Department
Link to cIRcle: https://open.library.ubc.ca/soa/cIRcle/collections/graduateresearch/42591/items/1.0406683?o=0
Deo, Hermandeep – MSN, 2021
Applying a Critical Lens to the Health Promotion of Breastfeeding : An Integrative Review.
Link to cIRcle: https://open.library.ubc.ca/soa/cIRcle/collections/graduateresearch/42591/items/1.0403831?o=0
Gill, Taranjot Kaur – MSN, 2017
Public Health Nursing In British Columbia from 1960 to 2005 : Transformations in Policy and Governance Structure--A Historical Review
Link to cIRcle: https://open.library.ubc.ca/soa/cIRcle/collections/graduateresearch/42591/items/1.0343590?o=0
Miehling, Alicia – MSN, 2016
Client Feedback to Nursing Students as a Teaching Tool in Mental Health Placements.
Link to cIRcle: https://open.library.ubc.ca/soa/cIRcle/collections/graduateresearch/42591/items/1.0319908?o=0
Yacoubian, Hrag - MSN, 2017
North American nurses' transnational relief efforts during the Armenian Genocide of 1915 -1923
Caputo, Shari Andrea - MSN, 2016
The development of practical nursing in British Columbia: a social historical perspective, 1940-1980
Vandenberg, Helen Elizabeth Ruth - PhD, 2015
Race, hospital development and the power of community: Chinese and Japanese hospitals in British Columbia from 1880-1920
MacNaughton, April Dawn - MSN, 2015
Tuberculosis (TB) storytelling: improving community nursing TB program delivery
Powar, Amardeep - MSN, 2015
Death education in nursing and medical curricula: an integrative literature review
Hlina, Sandra Lynn - MSN, 2014
Mary Richmond and transitions in nursing education 1940-1990: a biographical perspective
Jetha, Farah Shirazdin - MSN, 2013
Teaching needs and evidence-based strategies to support novice nursing clinical teachers: a rapid evidence assessment