Joan Anderson
Professor Emeritus
- Email joan.anderson@ubc.ca
- Address
UBC School of Nursing
T201 2211 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver BC V6T2B5
Educational Background
- BN, McGill University
- MSN, University of British Columbia
- PhD (Sociology), University of British Columbia
Affiliations & Links
- Faculty Associate, Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies
- Faculty Fellow, St. John's College, UBC
- AWARD (1992) - The University of British Columbia Alumni Association, Award of Distinction.
- AWARD (1999) - UBC Killam Faculty Research Fellowship
- AWARD (2001-2005) - Elizabeth Kenny McCann Professorship, School of Nursing.
- AWARD (2003) - Distinguished Scholar in Residence, Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies.
- AWARD (2004) - UBC Killam Award for Excellence in Mentoring (outstanding mentorship of graduate students).
- AWARD (2016) - The Faculty of Applied Science, Dean’s Medal of Distinction. (The Dean’s Medal of Distinction, awarded to 100 individuals in 2016, was created in 2015 to mark the celebration of the University of British Columbia and Applied Science’s 100th anniversary).
An internationally recognized health and social scientist, Dr. Anderson has conducted extensive research in the areas of hospitalization and the transition to home; homecare management; chronic illness, culture, and health; and, the structural constraints on health and health care through different theoretical lenses. Her research, inclusive of people born in Canada, and those who have come as immigrants or refugees, deals with how personal histories, as well as social and economic factors, influence the experiencing and management of health and illness. These research programs were funded by provincial funding agencies, and by Federal agencies including the former Medical Research Council of Canada (MRC), reorganized as the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), CIHR, and by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). In collaboration with a team of academic researchers, and with colleagues in clinical settings, she has engaged in knowledge translation research, funded by the CIHR, with health professionals at the point of care, administrators and policy makers. Dr. Anderson has been recognized as a Distinguished Scholar and outstanding mentor. As a Professor Emerita, her present active scholarship includes writing, consultation, and continued engagement in scholarly work on knowledge translation and exchange.
Area of Research
Completed Projects
Cultural Safety and Knowledge Uptake in Clinical Settings: A Model for Practice for Culturally Diverse Populations. Canadian Institutes of Health Research; Average annual operating grant $98,738.00 x 3years. Approximately $297,816.00 including $3,893.00 equipment grant; 2005-2008. J. Anderson (Nominated Principal Investigator), with A. Browne, J. Lynam, and S. Reimer-Kirkham (Co-Principal Investigators), P. Rodney, P. Semeniuk, E. Tan, C. Varcoe, and S. Wong (Co-Investigators).
The hospitalization and help-seeking experiences of diverse ethno-cultural groups (Phase II). Canadian Institutes of Health Research; Average annual operating grant $151,469.00 x 3 years. Approximately $454,407.00 + $6, 015.00 equipment grant; 2002-2005. J. Anderson: (Project Principal Investigator), with S. Reimer-Kirkham, & I. Dyck (2002-03) (Co- Principal Investigators), J. Brouse, A. Choi, L. Lang, R. Lehal, P. Semeniuk, & E. Tan (Co-investigators).
The hospitalization and help-seeking experiences of diverse ethnocultural groups (Phase I). Medical Research Council/Canadian Institutes of Health Research; $191,241; 1998-2002. J. Anderson (Principal Investigator), with J. Brouse, R.Coles, A. Henderson, J. Lynam, J. Perry, & P. Semeniuk (Co-investigators).
Multicultural meanings of social support among immigrants and refugees. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada; $562,000.00; 2000-2003. M. Stewart, University of Alberta (Project Principal Investigator), D. Spitzer, & A. Neufeld, University of Alberta (Co-investigators), J. Anderson (Site Principal Investigator), M. Beiser, University of Toronto (Site Principal Investigator).
Selected Publications not Indexed in PubMed
Anderson, Joan M. in Dialogue with Noga Gayle (2015). Constructing knowledge for equity in the university: What do the categories tell us? In E. Whittaker (Ed.). Solitudes of the Workplace, pp. 53-67. McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Anderson, J.M. (2014). Foreword: Social Justice- Continuing the dialogue. In P. Kagan, M. Smith, and P. Chinn (Eds.). Philosophies and Practices of Emancipatory Nursing: Social Justice as Praxis, pp. xi-xvi. London & New York: Routledge.
Anderson, J.M., Reimer-Kirkham, S., Rodney, P., & McDonald, H. (2013). Qualitative nursing research in Canada: State of the science. In C. Beck (Ed.), Routledge International Handbook of Qualitative Nursing Research, pp. 451-467. London & New York: Routledge.
Anderson, J.M., Khan, K., Reimer-Kirkham, S. (2011). Community research from a post-colonial feminist perspective: Exemplars from Health research in Canada and India. In Gillian Creese and Wendy Frisby (Eds.), Feminist Community Research: Case Studies and Methodologies, pp.16-36. Vancouver: UBC Press.
Anderson, J.M., Browne, A.J., Reimer Kirkham, S., & Lynam, M.J., et al. Uptake of critical knowledge in nursing practice: Lessons learned from a knowledge translation study (2010). Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 42(3), 106-122.
Anderson, J.M., Reimer, J., Khan, K.B., Simich, L., Neufeld, A., Stewart, M. & Makwarimba, E. (2010). Narratives of "dissonance" and "repositioning" through the lens of critical humanism: Exploring the influences of immigrants' and refugees' health and well-being. Advances in Nursing Science, 33(2), 101-112.
Reimer Kirkham, S., & Anderson, J.M. (2010). The advocate-analyst dialectic in critical and postcolonial feminist research: Reconciling tensions around scientific integrity. Advances in Nursing Science, 33(3), 196-205.
Anderson, J.M. (2009). Discourse: Looking back, Looking forward: Conceptual and methodological trends in nursing research in Canada over the past decade. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research: 40th Anniversary - A Ten Year Retrospective, 41(1), 47-55.
Anderson, J.M., Rodney, P., Reimer Kirkham, S., Browne, A.J., Khan, K.B., & Lynam, M.J. (2009). Inequities in health and health care viewed through the ethical lens of critical social justice: Contextual knowledge for the global priorities ahead. Advances in Nursing Science, 32(4), 282-294.
Baumbusch, J., Reimer Kirkham, S., Khan, K.B., McDonald, H., Semeniuk, P., & Anderson, J. (2008). Pursuing common agendas: A collaborative model for knowledge translation between research and practice in clinical settings. Research in Nursing & Health, 31, 130-140.
Anderson, J.M., Browne, A.J., Lynam, J.M., Reimer Kirkham, S. et al. (2008). Executive Summary. Cultural safety and knowledge uptake in clinical settings: A model for practice for culturally diverse populations.
Stewart, M., Anderson, J.M., Beiser, M., Mwakarimba, E., Neufeld, A., Simich, L., & Spitzer, D. (2008). Multicultural meanings of social support among immigrants and refugees. International Migration, 46(3), 123-159.
Khan, K.B., McDonald, H., Baumbusch, J., Reimer Kirkham, S., Tan, E., & Anderson, J.M. (2007). Taking up postcolonial feminism in the field: Working through a method. Women's Studies International Journal, 30, 228-242.
Baumbusch, J., Semeniuk, P., McDonald, H., Khan, K.B., Reimer Kirkham, S., Tan, E., & Anderson, J.M. (2007). Easing the transition between hospital and home: Translating knowledge into action. The Canadian Nurse, 103(8), 24-29.
Lynam, M.J., Browne, A.J., Reimer Kirkham, S., & Anderson, J.M. (2007). Re-thinking the complexities of 'culture': What might we learn from Bourdeau? Nursing Inquiry, 14(1), 23-24.
Anderson, J.M., Reimer Kirkham, S., Browne, A.J., & Lynam, M.J. (2007). Continuing the dialogue: Postcolonial feminist scholarship and Bourdieu - discourses of culture and points of connection, Nursing Inquiry, 14(3), 178-188.
Anderson, J.M., Reimer Kirkham, S, Browne A.J., & Lynam M.J. (2007). Continuing the dialogue: Postcolonial feminist scholarship and Bourdieu - discourses of culture and points of connection, Nursing Inquiry, 14(3), 178-188
Anderson, J.M., Tang, S., & Blue, C. (2007). Health care reform and the paradox of efficiency: "Writing in" culture. International Journal of Health Services, 37(2), 291-320.
Anderson, J. (2006). Reflections on the social determinants of women's health. Exploring intersections: Does racialization matter? Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 38(1), 7-14.
Perry, J., Lynam, M.J., & Anderson, J.M. (2006). Resisting vulnerability - The experience of families who have kin in hospital: A feminist ethnography. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 43, 173-184.
Baumbusch, J., McDonald, H., Anderson, J.M. Reimer Kirkham, S., Khan, K.B., Blue, C., Semeniuk, P., & Tan, E. (2006). A Collaborative model of knowledge translation for sustainable practice change. In CIHR Institute of Health Services and Policy Research (Ed.), Evidence in action, acting on evidence: A casebook of health services and policy research knowledge translation stories (19-22). Ottawa: Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
Anderson, J. (2006). Reflections on the social determinants of women’s health - Exploring intersections: Does racialization matter?. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 38(1), 7-14.
Dorazio-Migliore, M., Migiore, S. & Anderson, J.M. (2005). Crafting a praxis-oriented culture concept in the health disciplines: Conundrums and possibilities. Health an interdisciplinary Journal for the social study of health, illness and medicine, 9(3), 339-360.
Dorazio-Migliore, M., Migliore, S., and Anderson, J.M. (2005). Crafting a Praxis-Oriented Culture Concept in the Health Disciplines: Conundrums and Possibilities. Health an Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine, 9(3), 339-360.
Anderson, J.M. (2004). Lessons from a postcolonial-feminist perspective: Suffering and a path to healing. Nursing Inquiry, 11(40), 238-246.
Anderson, J. (2004). The conundrums of binary categories: Critical inquiry through the lens of Postcolonial Feminist Humanism. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 36(4), 11-16.
Anderson, J. (2004). Lessons from a postcolonial-feminist perspective: Suffering and a path to healing. Nursing Inquiry, 11(4), 238-246.
Lynam, J., Henderson, A., Browne, A., Smye, V., Semeniuk, P., Blue, C., Singh, S., Anderson, J. (2003). Health care restructuring with a view to equity and efficiency. Reflections on unintended consequences. Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership, 16(1), 112-140.
Anderson, J., Perry, J., Blue, C., Browne, A., Henderson, A., Khan, K.B., Kirkham, S.R., Lynam, J., Semeniuk, P., & Smye, V. (2003). "Rewriting" cultural safety within the postcolonial and postnational feminist project. Toward new epistemologies of healing. Advances in Nursing Science, 26(3), 196-214.
Anderson, J. (2002). Toward a post-colonial feminist methodology in nursing research: Exploring the convergence of post-colonial and black feminist scholarship. Nurse Researcher: The International Journal of Research Methodology in Nursing and Health Care, 9(3), 7-27.
Kirkham, S., Smye, V., Tang, S., Anderson, J., Blue, C., Browne, A., Coles, R., Dyck, I., Henderson, A., Lynam, J., Perry, J., Semeniuk, P., & Shapera, L. (2002). Rethinking cultural safety while waiting for the field: Methodological implications for nursing research. Research in Nursing and Health, 25, 222-232.
Kirkham, S.R. & Anderson, J. (2002). Postcolonial nursing scholarship: From epistemology to method. Advances in Nursing Science, 25(1), 1-17.
Anderson, J. (2001). The politics of homecare: Where is home? Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 33(2), 5-10.
Anderson, J.M., Henderson, A., Lynam, J., & Tang, S.et al. (2000). Taking direction from research to remove barriers in practice. In removing Barriers II: Conference theme - Keeping Canadian values in health care, 146-148. Vancouver.
Anderson, J. (2000). Writing in subjugated knowledges: Towards a transformative agenda in nursing research and practice. Editorial. Nursing Inquiry, 7(3), 145.
Anderson, J. (2000). Gender, "race", poverty, health, and discourses of health reform in the context of globalization: A post-colonial feminist perspective in policy research. Nursing Inquiry, 7(4), 220-229.
Anderson, J., & Reimer Kirkham, S. (1999). Discourses on health: A critical perspective. In H. Coward & P. Ratanakul (Eds.), An intercultural dialogue in health care ethics. (pp. 47-67). Waterloo: Wilfred Laurier University Press.
Anderson, J., & Rodney, P. (1999). Part 1V, Conclusion, Listening to diverse voices. In H. Coward & P. Ratanakul (Eds.), An Intercultural dialogue in health care ethics. (pp. 257-261). Waterloo: Wilfred Laurier University Press.
Tang, S., & Anderson, J. (1999). Human agency and the process of healing: Lessons learned from women living with a chronic illness - "re-writing the expert". Nursing Inquiry, 6(2), 83-93.
Strong-Boag, V., Grace, S., Eisenberg, A.,& Anderson, J. (Eds.). (1998). Painting the Maple: Essays on Race, Gender and the Construction of Canada. Vancouver: UBC Press.
Anderson, J., Blue, C., & Lau, A. (1998). Women’s perspectives on chronic illness; Ethnicity, ideology and the restructuring of life. In D. Coburn, C. D’Arcy, & G.M. Torrance (Eds.), Health and Canadian Society: Sociological Perspectives. (pp. 163- 186). Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Reprinted from Social Science & Medicine. 33(2), 1991: 101- 113.
Anderson, J. (1998). Speaking of illness: Issues of first generation Canadian women -implications for patient education and counseling. Patient Education and Counseling, 33, 197-207.
Anderson, J. (1998). A concrete look at the determinants of health: Harsh social realities often lie behind "non-compliance". Health Policy Forum: Dialogues on the path to better health in Canada, 1(5), 14-17.
Anderson, J., & Reimer Kirkham, S. (1998). Constructing nation: The gendering and racialization of the Canadian health care system. In V. Strong-Boag, S. Grace, A. Eisenberg, & J. Anderson (Eds.), Painting the Maple: Essays on Race, Gender and the Construction of Canada. (pp. 242-261). Vancouver: UBC Press.
Anderson, J. (1997). Qualitative research. Plenary Panel: Methodologies and approaches for research on gender and health. The Fifth National Health Promotion Research Conference: Gender and Health. From Research to Policy (pp. 25-28). Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Anderson, J., Dyck, I., & Lynam, J. (1997). Health care professionals and women speaking: Constraints in everyday life and the management of chronic illness. Health: An interdisciplinary Journal of the Social Study of Health, Illness, and Healing, 1(1), 57-80.
Anderson, J., Grace, S., Helms, G., James, M., & Rodney, P. (1997). Women speaking: Heather Rose and the culture of health care. In S. McLaron & D. Nord (Eds.), Northern Parallels: 4th Circumpolar Universities Cooperation Conference Proceedings, February 23-25, 1995 (pp. 84-101). B.C.: UNBC Press.
Anderson, J. (1996). Empowering patients: Issues and strategies. Social Science & Medicine, 43(5), 697-705.
Anderson, J. (1996). Guest Editorial: Constructing culture and gender, & Guest Editor of Issue, Focus: Culture and Gender. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 28(1), 17-19.
Anderson, J., Wiggins, S., Rajwani, R., Holbrook, A., & Ng, M. (1995). Living with a chronic illness: Chinese Canadian and Euro-Canadian women with diabetes - Exploring the relationships. Social Science & Medicine, 41(2), 181-195.
Dyck, I., Lynam, J., & Anderson, J. (1995). Women talking: Creating knowledge through difference in cross-cultural research. Women's Studies International Forum, 18(5/6), 611-626.
Anderson, J. (1993). Reflections on women’s health in a pluralistic society. Panel: Raising Consciousness: Medicine and women. Women’s health across the lifespan (pp. 1-8). Centre for Research in Women’s Studies and Gender Relations. University of British Columbia.
Anderson, J., Blue, C., Holbrook, A., & Ng. M. (1993). On chronic illness: Immigrant women in Canada's work force--A feminist perspective. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 25(2), 7-22.
Anderson, J. (1993). Research in a multiethnic society: Ethnocultural communities as partners in research. In Masi, R., Mensah, L., & McLeod, K (Eds.), Health and Cultures: Exploring the Relationships, Vol. 1. (pp. 319-328). Oakville, New York, London: Mosaic Press.
Anderson, J. (1992). Migration and health: Perspectives on immigrant women. In G. Creese & V. Strong-Boag (Eds.), British Columbia Reconsidered. (pp. 267-289). Vancouver: Press Gang Publishers.
Anderson, J. (1992). Using research to change social and health policy. Conference Proceedings. Canadian Council on Multicultural Health, 2nd National Conference - Multicultural Health 11: Towards Equity in Health (pp. 84-89). Whistler, B.C.
Anderson, J.M., Blue, C., & Lau, A. (1991). Women’s perspectives on chronic illness: Ethnicity, ideology and the restructuring of life. Social Science & Medicine, 33(2), 101-113.
Elfert, H., Anderson, J., & Lai, L. (1991). Parents perception of children with chronic illness: A study of immigrant Chinese families. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 6(2), 114-120.
Anderson, J. (1991). Reflexivity in field work: Toward a feminist epistemology. Image: Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 23(2), 115-118.
Anderson, J. (1991). Immigrant women speak of chronic illness: The social construction of the devalued self. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 16, 710-717.
Anderson, J. (1991). Current directions in nursing research: Toward a post-structuralist and feminist epistemology. Editorial. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 23(3), 1-3.
Anderson, J. (1991). Health care in a multicultural society: Future directions. Manitoba Council for Multicultural Health Conference, Building Bridges to Improve Access to Health Care. Conference Proceedings Newsletter, 2(1), 7-16.
Anderson, J., Morrison, N., Richardson, E., Herbert, C., & Murphy, M. (1990). Conclusion: Delivering culturally sensitive health care. In N. Waxler- Morrison, J. Anderson, & E. Richardson, E (Eds.), Cross Cultural Caring: A Handbook for Health Professionals in Western Canada. (pp. 245-267). Vancouver: UBC Press.
Anderson, J. (1990). Health care across cultures. Nursing Outlook, 38(3), 136-139.
Anderson, J. (1990). Homecare management in chronic illness and the selfcare movement: An analysis of ideologies and economic processes influencing policy decisions. Advances in Nursing Science, 12(2), 71-83.
Anderson, J. (1990). Work and health: Considerations for immigrant women. Anthropology of Work Review, Vol. X1, 3-7.
Waxler-Morrison, N., Anderson, J., & Richardson, E. [Eds.]. (1990). Cross-cultural caring: A handbook for health professionals. UBC Press.
Anderson, J., Elfert, H., & Lai, M. (1989). Ideology in the clinical context: Chronic illness, ethnicity and the discourse on normalization. Sociology of Health and Illness, 11(3), 253-278.
Anderson, J., & Elfert, H. (1989). Managing chronic illness in the family: Women as caretakers. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 14(9), 735-743.
Anderson, J. (1989). The phenomenological perspective. In J. Morse (Ed.), Qualitative research: A contemporary dialogue. (pp. 15-26). Rockville: MD: Aspen Publishers.
Anderson, J., & Lynam, M. J. (1988). Immigrant women: Issues in health care. Multicultural Health Bulletin, 1V(3), 3-5.
Anderson, J. (1987). The cultural context of caring. Critical Care Nursing Journal, 4(4), 7-13.
Elfert, H., & Anderson, J. (1987). More than just luck: Parents views of getting good nursing care. Canadian Nurse, 83(4), 14-17.
Anderson, J., & Lynam, M. J. (1987). The meaning of work for immigrant women in the lower echelons of the Canadian labour force. Canadian Ethnic Studies, XIX(2), 67-90.
Anderson, J. (1987). Migration and health: Perspectives on immigrant women. Sociology of Health and Illness, 94(4), 410-438.
Anderson, J. (1986). Ethnicity and illness experience: Ideological structures and the health care delivery system. Social Science & Medicine, 22(11), 1277-1283.
Lynam, M.J., & Anderson, J. (1986). Generating knowledge for nursing practice: Methodological issues in studying immigrant women. In Peggy L. Chinn (Ed.), Nursing research methodology: Issues and implementation. (pp. 259-274). Rockville, MD: Aspen Publishers.
Anderson, J. (1985). Introduction to Symposium. The relevance of the social sciences to health care delivery. Social Science & Medicine, 21(3), 307-308.
Anderson, J. (1985). The socio-cultural context of health and illness: A theoretical framework. In M. Stewart, J. Innes, S. Searl, & C. Smillie (Eds.), Community health nursing in Canada. (pp. 233-245). Toronto: Gage Publishing.
Anderson, J. (1985). Perspectives on the health of immigrant women: A feminist analysis. Advances in Nursing Science, 8(1), 61-76.
Anderson, J., & Chung, J. (1982). The differential construction of social reality in chronically ill children. Human Organization Journal of the Society for Applied Anthropology, 14(3), 259-262.
Anderson, J., & Chung, J. (1982). Culture and illness: Parents perceptions of their child's long term illness. Nursing Papers, 14(4), 40-52.
Anderson, J. (1981). The social construction of illness experience: Families with a chronically ill child. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 6(6), 427-434.
Anderson, J. (1981). An interpretive approach to clinical nursing research. Nursing Papers, 13(4), 6-11.
Anderson, J. (1981). The exploration of two distinctive research paradigms and the implications for research training. International Congress "Research - A Base for the Future?" Proceedings (pp. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press). 127-134.