Leanne M. Currie
Associate Professor
- Phone 604.822.7485
- Email Leanne.Currie@ubc.ca
- Address
UBC School of Nursing
T201 2211 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver BC V6T2B5
Dr. Currie conducts research in the field of nursing, biomedical, and health informatics. Her current projects are related to use of technology in the homecare setting including wound diagnosis and management. Her methods include using a sociotechnical approach to system development including user interface design, workflow analysis and use of data science/AI methods.
Educational Background
- Diploma (Nursing), Vancouver General Hospital School of Nursing
- BS (Magna Cum Laude) (Nursing), Samuel Merritt University/St Mary's College, Oakland, CA
- MSN (Nursing Informatics), University of California San Francisco
- PhD (Nursing Informatics), Columbia University School of Nursing
Honours & Awards
- CRNBC Award for Nursing Research (2014)
- Distinguished Young Researcher - Columbia University School of Nursing (2008)
- Fellow - Glenda Garvey Teaching Academy, Columbia University (2007)
- 21st Century Achievement Award for Education and Academia - Columbia University School of Nursing (2006)
- Award for Teaching Excellence - Columbia University School of Nursing (2006)
- Innovations in Clinical Excellence, Evidence-Based Practice Award - Sigma Theta Tau International (2005)
- Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation Award - Columbia University School of Nursing (2005)
- Best Student Paper on Patient Safety - Health Information Management Systems Society, New York State Chapter (2004)
- Harriet H. Werley Award - American Medical Informatics Association (2003)
- BC Representative, Canadian Nursing Informatics Association (CNIA)
- Member, Canadian Health Informatics Association (COACH)
- Member, Canadian Nursing Informatics Association
- Nursing Representative, University Advisory Committee - Centre of Excellence for Indigenous Health
- Member, UBC-wide Steering Committee - Human Computer Interaction Initiative
- Co-Chair, Aboriginal Health Sciences Student Recruitment and Retention Committee - Centre of Excellence for Indigenous Health
- Member, Indigenous Undergraduate Admissions Committee - UBC Faculty of Medicine
- Member, Baba Farid University Advisory Committee - UBC School of Nursing
- Member, Aboriginal Student Engagement Workgroup - UBC School of Nursing
- UBC Research Representative, Lower Mainland Nursing Clinical Education Steering Committee
- External Reviewer: Journal of Nursing Scholarship, American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium, International Medical Informatics Association Nursing Informatics Special Interest Group
Area of Research
Research Interests
Health informatics is a field in which information and communication technologies (ICTs) are used in the context of healthcare. Ideally, technology should support clinical care for both healthcare providers and recipients of care. The focus of my research is the application of ICTs in the context of healthcare decision-making, including decision support for clinicians, administrators and for patients and their families. I use a mixed methods approach to design and evaluate technologies towards creating systems that can be integrated into clinicians’ workflow, peoples’ lives, and administrators’ activities. My program of research has four main threads: 1) Computerized clinical decision support systems; 2) Measurement of informatics competencies; 3) User-centred design methods; and 4) The digital divide. I invite students with an interest in health informatics to contact me directly. I can be reached by phone 604-822-7485 or by email at Leanne.Currie@nursing.ubc.ca.
Current Projects
Effectiveness of Personal Health Record and online video coaching for self-management of Type II diabetes
Investigators: L. Currie, K. Peterson, R. Scott
Funder: Sanotron
Effectiveness of an Internet-Based Decision Aid in Enhancing Safety Behaviour
Investigators: M. Ford-Gilboe & C. Varcoe [co-PIs], J. Wuest, L. Currie, M. Hodgins, N. Glass, H. MacMillan, D. Neal, M. Noh, K. Scott-Storey, & N. Wathen
Funder: Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR)
Smoke-Free Men: Translating Research Fingings Through a Tobacco Reduction Website for Cancer Prevention Action
Investigators: J. Oliffe [PI], L. Currie, M. Mackay, B. Frank, C. Caperchione, E. Miguel, J. Botorff, & J. Boomer
Funder: CCSRI
Educating Towards Equity
Investigators: H. Brown [PI], L. Currie, & G. McPherson
Funder: UBC TLEF
Completed Projects
Multicentre Canadian Study of Prophylaxis in Older Adults with Severe Hemophilia
Investigators: S. Jackson [PI], L. Currie, M.C. Poon, K. Brose, K. Webert, & R. Card
Funder: Baxter Canadian Hemophilia Epidemiological Research Program
Placements for Learners: Assessing Capacity and Effectiveness of Clinical Sites (PLACES)
Investigators: L. Currie [PI], A. Wolff, & G. Mickelson
Funder: Michael Smith Foundation
This study is exploring the relationship between nursing student practice clinical hours (extracted from a large database), quality of clinical learning environment and capacity to host student in clinical settings in 50 units across 4 large health authorities in BC who host students from 8 schools of nursing. Outcomes will help to facilitate decision making about student practice education in BC and across Canada.
Virtual Patient
Investigators: W. Norman [PI], L. Currie, K. Booth, & J. Soon
Funder: UBC-TLEF
Tailored Smoking Cessation Intervention with HIV+ Gay Men
Investigators: J.C. Phillips [PI], L. Currie, J. Oliffe, & J. Bottorf
Funder: Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR)
Social Media in Healthcare Workshop
Investigators: K. Ho, & C. Haythornethwaite [co-PIs], L. Currie, & S. Fels
Funder: Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies
Teaching Healthcare Professional Students About Indigenous Peoples' Health Issues Using Virtual Patients
Investigators: G. Parhar [PI], L. Currie, B. Budz, C. Isaac, S. de Leeuw, B. Paterson, H. Brown, B. Loveridge, J. Anthony, D. Murphy, M. Lee, & T. Dick
Funder: BC Campus
Virtual Interprofessional Case-Learning Tools for Improving Real Service
Investigators: W. Norman [PI], L. Currie, K. Booth, S. Campbell, & E. Stroulia
Funder: Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR), Planning Grant
Impact of Organizational Behaviour on Nurses Professional Development
Investigators: C. Revsky [PI], & L. Currie
Funder: VCH Nursing Research Bursary
Wireless Informatics for Safe and Evidence-based (WISE) APN Care
Investigators: S. Bakken [PI], L. Currie, E. Larson, & P. Stone
Funder: US Health Resources and Services Administration
Automated Fall and Injury Prevention for Behavioral Health (AFIP-BH)
Investigators: L. Currie [PI], & G. Bute
Funder: US National Institute of Mental Health
The AFIP-BH study is using electronic data to identify a risk model for fall-injury risk in the psychiatric inpatient setting. The study will validate the risk model and will develop a computerized interface for risk screening.
Electronic Communication for Antimicrobial Prescribing (ECAM)
Investigators: L. Currie [PI], A. Wilcox, P. Stetson, & P. Graham
Funder: US National Institute of Nursing Research
This study identified guideline logic and developed a decision support system for antimicrobial prescribing in the neonatal intensive care unit.
Mobile Decision Support for Advanced Practice Nurses
Investigators: S. Bakken [PI], L. Currie, R.M. John, & H. Jia
Funder: US National Institute of Nursing Research
A Multifaceted Adaptive Testing Approach to Health Literacy in Older Adults
Investigators: D. Kaufman [PI], L. Currie, Q. Zhang, & S. Czaja
Funder: US National Institute of Nursing Research
Improving the Use of CIS in the Underserved Through Mobile Access and Decision Support
Investigators: S. Bakken [PI], & L. Currie
Funder: US National Cancer Institute
Reducing Health Disparities Through Informatics
Investigators: S. Bakken [PI], L. Currie, & J. Cimino
Funder: US National Institute of Nursing Research
Evaluation of Personal Digital Assistant for Fall-Injury Risk Assessment
Investigators: L. Currie [PI], & E. Chen
Funder: Center for Evidence-Based Practice in the Underserved, National Institute of Nursing Research
Evaluation of Fall and Injury Prevention Project for Adult Patients in the Acute Care Setting
Investigators: L. Currie [PI], & S. Bakken
Funder: Columbia Alliance for Healthcare Management
Dissertations Supervised
Barbara Sheehan, RN, PhD
School and Year Degree Awarded: Columbia University School of Nursing, 2010
Title: Decision Support Features for Antimicrobial Therapeutic Drug Monitoring In the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Dissertation Supervisor: Leanne Currie
Other Committee Members: Lisa Saiman, Suzanne Bakken
Sarah Collins, RN, PhD
School and Year Degree Awarded: Columbia University School of Nursing, 2009
Title: Informatics methods to understand interdisciplinary communication related to common goals in the Intensive Care Unit.
Dissertation Supervisor: Leanne Currie
Other Committee Members: Suzanne Bakken, David Vawdrey
Janet Haas, RN, DNSc
School and Year Degree Awarded: Columbia University School of Nursing, 2007
Title: Impact of wearable alcohol gel hand sanitizer gel dispenser on hand hygiene compliance in an urban emergency department.
Dissertation Supervisor: Elaine Larson
Other Committee Members: Leanne Currie, Philip Graham
Nam-Ju Lee, RN, DNSc
School and Year Degree Awarded: Columbia University School of Nursing, 2006 Title: Development and evaluation of a prototype personal digital assistant-decision support system for the management of obesity
Dissertation Supervisor: Suzanne Bakken
Other Committee Members: Leanne Currie, Patricia Stone
Jee Yae Choi, RN, DNSc
School and Year Degree Awarded: Columbia University School of Nursing, 2006
Title: Development and evaluation of a computer-interpretable guideline for depression screening and initial management in primary care
Dissertation Supervisor: Suzanne Bakken
Other Committee Members: Leanne Currie, Dongwen Wang
Selected Publications not Indexed in PubMed
Phillips CJ, Kwon JY, Roswell D, Currie LM. Personas to Guide Understanding Traditions of Gay Men Living With HIV Who Smoke. Submitted to Qualitative Health Research (QHR) (in press)
Johnston, P., Currie, L.M., Drynan, D., Stainton, T., & Jongbloed, L. (2014). Getting it ‘right’: How collaborative relationships between people with disabilities and professionals can lead to the acquisition of needed assistive technology. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, doi: 10.3109/17483107.2014.900574
Doyle, G., Garrett, B., & Currie, L.M. (2013). Using diffusion of innovations theory to guide implementation of mobile technology for undergraduate nurses. Nurse Education Today, 34(5), 775-782.
Kulikowski, C.A, Shortliffe, E.H., Currie, L.M., Elkin, P.L., Hunter, L.E., Johnson, T.R., Kalet, I.J., Lenert, L.A., Musen, M.A., Ozbolt, J.G., Smith, J.W., Tarczy-Hornoch, P.Z., & Williamson, J.J. (2012). AMIA board white paper: Definition of biomedical informatics and specification of core competencies for graduate education in the discipline. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 19(6), 931-8.
Collins, S.A., Currie, L.M., Bakken, S., Vawdrey, D., & Stone, P.W. (2012). Health literacy screening instruments for ehealth applications: A systematic review. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 45(3), 598-607.
Currie, L.M. (2011). Informatics and Quality Assurance/Improvement. Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership, 24(1), 19-22.
Currie, L.M. (2011). Nursing informatics: perspective for healthcare executives. Ed. Ong, K.R., 2nd edition, In Medical Informatics: An Executive Primer. Healthcare Information Management and Systems Society: Chicago, Il.
Bakken, S., & Currie, L.M. (2011). Standardized terminologies and integrated information systems building blocks for transforming data into nursing knowledge. Eds. Cowen, P., & Moorhead, S. In Current Issues in Nursing. Elsevier Health Services, St. Louis, MO..
Currie, L.M. (2011). Evidence-based practice: Foundations for the doctor of nursing practice. Eds. Smolowitz, J., Honig, J., & Reinisch, C., In Writing DNP Clinical Case Narratives: Demonstrating and Evaluating Competency in Comprehensive Care. Springer: New York, NY.
Sheehan, B., Kaufman, D., Bakken, S. & Currie, L.M. (2011). Cognitive analysis of decision support for antibiotic ordering in a neonatal intensive care unit. Applied Clinical Informatics, 3(1), 105-123.
Robinson, M., Sheets-Cook, S., & Currie, L.M. (2011). Systemic lupus erythematosus: A genetic review for advanced practice nurses. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (JAANP), 23(12), 629-37.
Kandula, S., Ancker, J.S., Kaufman, D.R., Currie, L.M., & Zeng-Treitler, Q. (2011). A new adaptive testing algorithm for shortening health literacy assessments. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 11(52), doi: 10.1186/1472-6947-11-52.
Collins, S.A., Bakken, S., Vawdrey, D.K., Coiera, E., & Currie, L.M. (2011). Clinician preferences for verbal communication compared to EHR documentation in the ICU. Applied Clinical Informatics, 2(2), 190-201.
Schnall, R., Cimino, J.J., Currie, L.M., & Bakken, S. (2011). Information needs of case managers caring for persons living with HIV. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 18(3), 305-8.
Collins, S., Bakken, S., Vawdrey, D., & Currie, L.M. (2011). Model development for EHR interdisciplinary information exchange of ICU common goals. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 80(8), 141-9.
Collins, S.A., Bakken, S., Vawdrey, D.K., Coiera, E., & Currie, L.M. (2011). Agreement between common goals discussed and documented in the ICU. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 18(1), 45-50.
Ferng, Y.H., Wong-McLoughlin, J., Barrett, A., Currie, L., & Larson, E. (2010). Barriers to mask wearing for influenza-like illnesses among urban Hispanic households. Public Health Nursing, 28(1), 13-23.
Geller, N.F., Bakken, S., Currie, L.M., Schnall, R., & Larson, E.L. (2010). Infection control hazards and near misses reported by nursing students. American Journal of Infection Control, 8(10), 811-6.
Schnall, R., Currie, L.M., Jia, H., John, R.M., Lee, N.J., Velez, O., & Bakken, S. (2010). Predictors of depression screening rates of nurses receiving a personal digital assistant-based reminder to screen. Journal of Urban Health, 87(4), 703-12.
Bakken, S., Currie, L.M., & John, R.M. (2009). Information and communication technology infrastructure for evidence-based practice. Ed. Holzemer, W.L., In Improving Health through Nursing Research. International Council of Nursing. Wiley: Chichester, UK.
Dykes, P.C., Cook, R., Currie, L.M., Tsuru, S., & Weber, P. (2009). Integrating personal health information management systems into clinical practice. Eds Saranto, F., Brennan, C., & Casey, A., In Personal Health Information Management Tools and Strategies for Citizens’ Engagement. U of Kuopio: Kuopio, Finland.
Chiang, M.F., Gelman, R., Martinez-Perez, M.E., Du, Y.E., Casper, D.S., Currie, L.M., Shah, P.D., Starren, J., & Flynn, J.T. (2009). Image analysis for retinopathy of prematurity diagnosis. Journal of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 13(5), 438-45.
Currie, L.M., Schnall, R., Stone, P.W., Desjardins, K., Levine, S., Li, J., & Bakken, S. (2009). Web-based hazard and near-miss reporting as part of a patient safety curriculum. Journal of Nursing Education, 48(12), 669-77.
Ardizzone, L.L., Enlow, W., Evanina, E., Schnall, R., & Currie, L.M. (2009). Impact of a patient safety curriculum for nurse anesthesia students. Journal of Nursing Education, 48(12), 706-10.
Lee, N.J., Chen, E.S., Currie, L.M., Donovan, M., Hall, E.K., Jia, H., John, R.M., & Bakken, S. (2009). The effect of a mobile clinical decision support system on the diagnosis of obesity and overweight in acute and primary care encounters. ANS Advances in Nursing Science, 32(3), 211-21.
Anastasi, J.A., Currie, L.M., & Kim, G. (2009) Analysis of Diagnostic Processes for Tongue Diagnosis. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 15(3), 18-28.
Collins, S., Currie, L.M., Bakken, S., & Cimino, J.J. (2009). Information needs, info-button manager use, and satisfaction by clinician type: A case study. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 16(1), 140–142.
de Cordova, P.B., Collins, S., Peppard, L., Currie, L.M., Hughes, R., Walsh, M. & Stone, P.W. (2008). Implementing evidence-based nursing with student nurses and clinicians: Uniting the strengths. Applied Nursing Research, 21(4): 242-5.
Currie, L.M. (2008). Summary of Current Evidence for Fall and Injury Prevention. Ed. Hughes, RG. In Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: Rockville, MD.
Bakken, S., & Currie, L.M. (2008). Standardized terminologies and integrated information systems building blocks for transforming data into nursing knowledge. In Current Issues in Nursing.
Schnall, R., Stone, P.W., Currie, L.M., Desjardins, K., John, R., & Bakken, S. (2008). Development of a self-report instrument to measure patient safety attitudes, skills, and knowledge (PS-ASK). Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 40(4), 391-394.
Bakken, S., Currie, L.M., Lee, N.J., Roberts, W.D., Collins, S.A., & Cimino, J.J. (2008). Integrating evidence into clinical information systems for nursing decision support. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 77(6), 413-20.
Currie, L.M. (2007). Nursing informatics: perspective for healthcare executives. Ed. Ong, KR, In Medical Informatics: An Executive Primer. Healthcare Information Management and Systems Society. Healthcare Information Management and Systems Society: Chicago Il.
Choi, J., Currie, L.M., Wang, D., & Bakken, S. (2007). Encoding a clinical practice guideline using guideline interchange format: A case study of a depression screening and management guideline. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 76(2), S302-7.
Currie, L.M. (2006). Fall and injury prevention. Annual Review of Nursing Research, 24, 39-74.
Allen, M., Currie, L.M., Bakken, S., Patel, V.L., & Cimino, J.J. (2006). Heuristic evaluation of paper-based web pages: A simplified inspection usability methodology. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 39(4), 412-423.
Udupa,, J.K., Leblanc, V.R., Zhuge, Y., Imielinska, C., Schmidt, H., Currie, L.M., Hirsch, B.E., & Woodburn, J. (2006). A framework for evaluating image segmentation algorithms. Computers Medical Imaging and Graphics, 30(2), 75-87.
Currie, L.M. (2005). Evaluation frameworks for nursing informatics. International Journal of Medical Informatics, Special Issue in Nursing Informatics, 74(11-12), 908-16.
Bakken, S., & Currie, L.M. (2005). Standardized terminologies and integrated information systems building blocks for transforming data into nursing knowledge. In Current Issues in Nursing.
Patel, V.L., & Currie, L.M. (2005). Clinical cognition and biomedical informatics: Issues of patient safety. International Journal of Medical Informatics, Special Issue in Nursing Informatics, 74(11-12), 869-85.
Currie, L.M., Bakken, S., & Stone, P.W. (2004). IOM data standards for patient safety and nursing. Applied Nursing Research, 17(3), 217-220.
Dykes, P.C., Currie, L.M., & Bakken, S. (2004). Patient Education And Recovery Learning System (PEARLS): A Tool to Drive Patient Centered Evidence-based Practice. Journal of Healthcare Information Management, 18(4), 67-73.
Dykes, P.C., Currie, L.M., & Cimino, J.J. (2003). Adequacy of Evolving National Standardized Terminologies for Interdisciplinary Coded Concepts in an Automated Clinical Pathway. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 36(4-5), 313-25.
Teaching Interests
My areas of interest is in the field of nursing, biomedical, and health informatics, with particular emphasis on clinical decision support, user interface design, socio-technical systems, interdisciplinary communication, and patient safety informatics. Please contact me if you are a student who is interested in health informatics.
Current Teaching
In general, I teach courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels. My philosophy of teaching is informed by a constructivist perspective in which learning is an active process that is informed by a student’s previous experiences. I use student-centred activities in which students engage in active dialogue in small or large groups, reflective writing, and timed evaluations designed to promote integration and retention of concepts.
Courses Taught at UBC
NURS586I: Nursing and Clinical Informatics
NURS342: Critical Inquiry and Research in Nursing Practice
NURS549: Quantitative Research Methods and Analytic Strategies in Nursing and Health Sciences
NURS552: Methods in Nursing Science
Supervisor Eligibility
MHLP, MN, MSN - thesis, MSN - non-thesis, PhD
Graduate Supervision
Byard, Jillisa - MSN, 2018
The impact of electronic health record components on quality of patient care: a secondary data analysis
Lo, Patrina - MSN, 2018
Patterns of action items in an electronic clinical handover tool
Daniels, Sandra - MSN, 2017
The impact of obesity on surgical site infections in low risk procedures: a systematic review
Bains, Vininder Kour - MSN, 2016
Feasibility of a pilot study to assess the safety and antipyretic efficacy of acetaminophen in critically ill patients
Block, Lorraine Joy - MSN, 2016
Mapping nursing wound care data elements to SNOMED-CT
Manchulenko, Cynthia - MSN, 2015
Frequency of peripheral neuropathy and injection site reactions in patients with multiple myeloma receiving subcutaneous versus intravenous bortezomib
Kalmar, Laszlo - MSN, 2014
"Don't let it hold you back": men, masculinities, and severe hemophilia
Ho, Wai Yu - MSN, 2013
Nurses' use of iPads for clinical documentation: a usability study
McKinley, Kimberly - MSN, 2013
Dietary pattern changes after cardiac events
Switzer, Jennifer Margaret - MSN, 2013
Recovery times and adverse events between propofol and midazolam during colonoscopy