Selected Publications not Indexed in PubMed
Clauson, M. (2009). Young to middle adult. In P.A. Potter, A.G. Perry, J.C. Ross-Kerr, & M.J. Wood (Eds.), Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing (4th ed.). (Chaper 24). Toronto, ON: Elsevier.
MacPhee, M., Espezel, H. Clauson, M., and Gustavson, K. (2008). A collaborative model to introduce quality and safety content into the undergraduate nursing leadership curriculum. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 14(1), 83-89.
Clauson, M.I. (2007). Book Review: Teaching Nursing: Developing a Student-Centered Learning Environment, L. Young, B. Paterson (Eds). In Nurse Education Today, 27(6). 661.
Hall, W.A., Saunders, R.A., Clauson, M., Carty, E.M., & Janssen, P.A. (2006). Effects of an intervention aimed at reducing night waking and signalling in 6- to12-month-old infants. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 4(4), 242-261.
Hall, W.A., Clauson, M., Carty, E.M., Janssen, P.A., & Saunders, R.A. (2006). Effects on parents of an intervention to resolve infant behavioural sleep problems. Pediatric Nursing, 32(3), 243-250.