Marlene Burrows
- Phone 1-604-822-7464
- Email Marlene.Burrows@ubc.ca
- Address
UBC School of Nursing
T201 2211 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver BC V6T2B5
Ms. Burrows has held an academic position within the Nurse Practitioner Program for almost 10 years. Her work in the program involves lecturing, clinical assessment, and committee work on student research. She incorporates various teaching methods to encourage student participation and the development of clinical reasoning skills. She has also continued to remain active in clinical practice in the areas of primary care and travel medicine for more than 10 years
Educational Background
- BSN, British Columbia Institute of Technology
- MN-NP (Family), University of British Columbia
Affiliations & Links
Honours & Awards
- Killam Educational Award 2006
- Thomas Idris Bursary 2003
- Dr. Robet J Cowan Award 2002
- Nurse Practitioner-Primary Care Clinic
- Nurse Practitioner-Travel Medicine and Vaccination Centre
- Nurse Practitioner-Women's Health Clinic
- MN-NP Admission Committee
- MN-NP Awards Committee
- EKM Journal Club Member
- CRNBC Education Committee
- Reviser for renal transplant module BCIT specialty degree program
- Editor for Instructor Resource Manual & PowerPoint "Pharmacology for Nurses" Pearson (Canadian Ed., 2010)
Area of Research
Research Interests
N 596 committee member: Resources to Promote Bone Health through the Life Course: A Health Promotion Pamphlet for Parents of School Aged Children
N 596 committee member: Chronic pain in women through a trauma and violence informed care lens
N 596 committee member: Leadership for novice nurse practitioners: Choosing to lead, when you’re learning to swim
N 596 committee member: Rectal Bleeding: Evaluation and Management in Primary Care
N 596 committee member: Does a spoonful of cinnamon really help the sugar go down?: The effect of cinnamon on glycemic control in Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
N 596 Chair: The current state of medication reconciliation processes in British Columbia
N 596 committee member: Early detection of ovarian cancer in primary care
N 596 committee member: Consuming omega-3 to decrease asthma symptoms: Considerations and recommendations for nurse practitioners
N 596 committee member: The identification and management of Lyme disease in adults information for nurse practitioners
N 596 committee member: Malaria and the young traveller: Prevention, diagnosis and treatment
Burrows, J., Pylypjuk, C., Burrows, M. & Coolen, J. (2013). Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada Junior Member Committee Survey: Future Career Plans and Practice Patterns of Canadian Obstetrics and Gynaecology Residents in 2011 (Abstract Submitted)
Chee, S., Burrows, M., McCarrell, R., Young, S. (2005). Living anonymous kidney donation: A nursing perspective of a Canadian pilot study. CANNT Journal,15(2), 28
Teaching Interests
Marlene's career in teaching was shaped by her RN practice in nephrology and cardiology and her NP practice in sexual health. In the past Marlene held teaching appointments at Dalhousie University and Langara College. In addition to her teaching duties at UBC Marlene practices as a NP in a primary care clinic and in travel medicine. Teaching interests include problem based learning, objective structured clinical examination and interactive technology in the classroom.
Past teaching appointments:
- Dalhousie University-BSN & MN (Nurse Practitioner program)
- Langara College-BSN program
Current Teaching
- Primary Care, Professional and Ethical Issues in NP practice, Site visitor
Guest Teaching
- BC Society of Laboratory Science, May 2010 –Presentation: The World of Travel Medicine for Medical Laboratory Assistants Education Day
- Ethel Johns Research Forum, 2009 Oral Presentation. Title: Primary healthcare NPs and the travelling patient: It’s more than just Twinrix!
- UBC Nurse Practitioner Program 2009. Guest lecturer teaching about travel health and safety.
Supervisor Eligibility