Sabrina Wong
Professor; Associate Director, Research
- Phone 1-604-827-5584
- Email Sabrina.Wong@ubc.ca
- Website Twitter
- Address
UBC School of Nursing
T201 2211 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver BC V6T2B5
Dr. Wong’s research examines the organization and delivery of health care services within the context of primary health care. She is currently the Science Lead in BC for the Strategy for Patient Oriented Research Primary and Integrated Health Care Innovation Network and Director of the BC Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network. A recognized leader in research involving patient-reported experiences and outcomes care, her work contributes to informing practice and system level interventions that seek to decrease health inequalities among Canadian residents.
Educational Background
BSN, University of British Columbia
MSc (Community Health Nursing Administration), University of California, San Francisco
PhD (Access to Care), University of California, San Francisco
Affiliations & Links
- Centre for Health Services and Policy Research (CHSPR) https://chspr.ubc.ca/about/people/core-faculty/
- BC Primary Health Care Research Network https://spor-bcphcrn.ca/
- The Canadian Primary Care Research Network (CPCRN) https://cpcrn-rcrsp.ca/
Honours & Awards
UBC Killam Faculty Research Fellowship, UBC (2012)
Excellence in Nursing Research, College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia (2011)
New Investigator award, Chinese and South Asian Consumer Assessment of Primary Health Care, Canadian Institutes for Health Research (2006)
Scholar award, Primary Health Care for Chinese and South Asians: Continuous, Accessible, and Timely, Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (2005)
Alumni Committee Member, UBC School of Nursing
Member, Canadian Association of Health Services and Policy Research, North American Primary Care Research Group
Reviewer, UBC Support Programs to Advance Research Capacity (SPARC)
Ongoing peer reviewer, Medical Care, Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, Ethnicity and Health. Peer reviewer for several other journals (e.g. Qualitative Health Research, Health Policy, and JAMA).
Reviewer, National Cancer Institute of Canada, Canadian Institute for Health Research
Area of Research
Research Areas
- Primary care service delivery and organization
- Primary care information system: inclusive of electronic medical records, patient and practice survey data and administrative data
- Patient oriented research
- Health systems and policy
- Antimicrobial resistance
Research Interests
Dr. Wong’s research examines the organization and delivery of health care services within the context of primary health care. She is currently the co-chair for the Canadian Primary Care Research Network and a co-lead for the BC Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network. A recognized leader in research involving electronic medical records and patient-reported experiences and outcomes care, her work contributes to informing practice and system level interventions that seek to improve the health equity in primary care for patients and population groups. Working in partnership with patients, clinicians, decision-makers her work is interprofessional and transforms data to knowledge for implementation into practice and healthcare policy.
Current Projects
Transforming CBPHC Delivery through Comprehensive Performance Performance Measurement and Reporting
S.T. Wong [NPI], W. Hogg [PI], F. Burge [PI], F.J. Haggerty, S. Johnston, J. Abelson, R. Martin-Misener, A. Browne, C. Varcoe, K. McGrail, et al.
Canadian Institute for Health Research (Community Based Primary Health Care Innovation Team Grant)
Patient Centered Innovations for Persons with Multi-Morbidity
M. Stewart [NPI], M. Fortin [PI], S.T. Wong, M. Belanger, O. Bhattacharyya, A. Boivin, R. Borges Da Silva, J.B. Brown, M.C. Chouinard, F. Gallagher, R.H. Glazier, W.E. Hogg, A. Katz, C. Loignon, H. Piccinini-Vallis, J. Sussman, A. Thind, W.P. Wodchis, M.F. Zwarenstein, M. Couture, & P.W. Huras
Canadian Institute for Health Research (Community Based Primary Health Care Innovation Team Grant)
Completed Projects
Comparative Review of the Policy Landscape on Team Based Primary Health Care Service Delivery in Western Canada
E. Suter [PI], S. T. Wong, L. Naismith, G. Marchildon, D. Lai, R. Torgerson
Canadian Institute for Health Research (Healthcare Renewal Policy Analysis)
Health Research Methods Course for Undergraduate Students: Distributed Learning across UBC
R. Elwood-Martin [PI], S.T. Wong, S. Thorne, S. Dharmsi, B. Ng, B. Calam, C. Black, L. Bainbridge, et al. University of British (Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund)
Strategy for Patient Oriented Research Network Development Grant
S.T. Wong [PI], H. Davidson, A. Junker, K. McGrail, A. Browne
Canadian Institute of Health Research
New Emerging Team Grant in Public Health Services Renewal
M. Macdonald [PI], T. Hancock [PI], B. Pauly, J. Wharf-Higgins, R. Valaitis, C. Mitton, S.Wong, et al.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Building Primary Health Care Nursing Leadership to Enhance Collaboration between Primary Care and Public Health
R. Valaitis [PI], P. Nelligan [PI]; BC site co-leads: S.T. Wong & M. Macdonald
Canadian Health Services Research Foundation
A Logic Model to Guide Nursing Leadership Development across Canada
M. MacPhee [PI], A. McCutcheon [co-PI]
Canadian Health Services Research Foundation
Improving Access to Primary Health Care: Lessons from Two Urban Aboriginal Health Centres
A. Browne [NPI], J. Lavoie [PI], C. Varcoe [PI], S.T. Wong [PI], V. Smye [PI], D. Tu, P. Rodney, O. Godwin, D. Littlejohn, J. O’Neil, L. Tabobondung
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Primary Health Care Electronic Health Records: A National Study on Needs, Gaps, and Opportunities
M. Stewart, A. Thind, & A. Terry [co-PIs], S.T. Wong, R. Birtwhistle, F. Burge, M. Fortin
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Unpacking the Effects of Gender and Ethnicity on Healthcare Utilization: The Cardiac Rehabilitation Experiences of Indo-Canadian Men
P. Galdas [NPI], J. Oliffe [PI], S.T. Wong, J. Johnson, P. Ratner
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Canadians’ Perspectives on the Quality of Primary Health Care
S.T. Wong [PI], C. Black, J. Haggerty, J. F. Levesque, A. Katz
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
"Social Pediatrics": An Innovative Model of Health Services Delivery for BC Children & Families on the Social, Cultural, and Material Margins. A Pilot Study
M.J. Lynam [PI], S.T. Wong, C. Loock, B. Fitzsimmons, B. Palmer, L. Irwin, C. Hertzman, et al.
BC Medical Services Foundation
Health Human Resource Literature Scoping Review and Synthesis
S.T. Wong [PI], M. Macleod, M. Farrally
Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research
Chinese and South Asians’ Preferences and Expectations of Primary Health Care
S.T. Wong [PI], C. Black, J. Haggerty, J-F. Levesque, M.J. Lynam, M. MacEntee
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
International Comparison of Oral Health and Acculturation Among Elderly Chinese Immigrants
M. MacEntee [PI], S.T. Wong, I. Chi, H.A. Kiyak, S.Y. Kwan, H. Lin, E.C. Low, R.J. Marino, V. Minichiello, M.F. Williamson
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Development of Psychosocial Indicators of Oral Health-Related Quality of Life for Elders in Three Ethnic Communities
M. MacEntee [PI], L. Beatty, S. Wong
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Primary Health Care Atlas, Edition II
D.E. Watson [PI],
BC Ministry of Health
Selected Publications not Indexed in PubMed
Williamson, T., Green, M., Birtwhistle, R., Khan, S., Garies, S., Wong, S.T., Natarajan, N., Manca, D., & Drummond, N. Expanding opportunities for using electronic medical record data: validation of eight case definitions for chronic disease surveillance in the Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network database. Annuals of Family Medicine, in press (accepted Feb. 2014)
Stewart, M., Wuite, S., Ramsden, V., Burge, F., Beaulieu, M-D., Fortin, M., Godwin, M., Harris, S., Reid, G., Haggerty, J., Belle Brown, J., Thomas, R., Wong, S. Research for the Real World: TUTOR-PHC (Transdisciplinary Understandings and Training on Research), Successfully Building Research Capacity in Primary Health Care. Canadian Family Physician, in press (accepted Jan. 2014).
MacEntee, M.I., Wong, S.T., Smith, A, Beattie, L.B., Brondani, M., Bryant, R., Graff, P., Hornby, K., Kobayashi, K., & Soheilipour, S. Significance and management of oral health related problems amongst older Punjabi-speaking South-Asian immigrants. Canadian Journal of Aging, in press (accepted Aug. 2013).
Lavoie, J.G., Browne, A., Varcoe, C., Wong, S.T., Krause, M., Littlejohn, D., & Tu, D. Shifting stances and missing self-governance: Aboriginal health policy in BC. International Indigenous Policy Journal, in press (accepted Aug. 2013).
Homma, Y., Zumbo, B., Saewyc, E., & Wong., S.T. Psychometric Evaluation of the 6-item Version of the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure with East Asian Adolescents in Canada. (2014). Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, 14(1), 1-18. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15283488.2013.858227.
Wong, S.T., Lavoie, J., Browne, A.J., Macleod, M., & Chongo, M. (2013). Confidentiality in group medical visits: insights from patients and providers. Health Expectations, (e-pub ahead of print, Dec) DOI: 10.1111/hex.12156.
Housden, L., Wong, S.T., & Dawes, M. (2013). Are group medical visits for diabetes effective? A systematic and meta-analytic review of the literature. Canadian Medical Association Journal, Aug (e-pub ahead of print) DOI:10.1503 /cmaj.130053.
Walsh, J.M.E., Kim, S., Sawaya, G., Kaplan, C., Wong, S.T., & Perez-Stable, E.J. (2013). Colorectal cancer screening: what do older women from diverse ethnic backgrounds want? Journal of General Internal Medicine, 29(2), 239-246.
Wong, S.T., Pérez-Stable, E.J, & Kim, S.E., et al. (2012). Use of decision-aids for cervical, breast, and colorectal cancer among older minority women. Patient Health Education and Counseling, 87(3), 327-335, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pec.2011.11.014.
MacEntee, M., Marino, R., Wong, S.T., Minichiello, V., Chi, I., Lo, E., & Lin, H. (2012). Oral healthcare and acculturation among elderly Chinese immigrants. Gerontology, 29, e822-e832.
Galdas, P., Oliffe, J., Wong, S.T., Johnson, J., & Ratner, P. (2011). Heart health among South Asian men following MI. Ethnicity and Health, 1-14.
Puyat, J., Hanley, G., Cunningham, C., Law, M., Wong, S.T., Sutherland, J., & Morgan, S. (2011). Depression and the use of antipsychotics among different ethnic groups. Psychiatric Services, 62(9), 1026-1031.
Lynam, M.J., Loock, C., Scott, L., Wong, S.T., Munroe, V., & Palmer, B. (2010). Social pediatrics: creating organizational processes and practices to foster health care access for children ‘at risk’. Journal of Research in Nursing, 15(4), 331-347.
Wong, S.T., Watson, D.E., Young, E., & Mooney, D. (2009). Supply and distribution of primary health care nurses in British Columbia.Healthcare Policy, 5, 91-104.
Watson, D.E., Mooney, D., McKendry, R, Martin D, Regan, S, Wong, S.T. (2009). On the Road to Renewal: Mapping Primary Health Care in British Columbia. Vancouver (BC): Centre for Health Services and Policy Research; www.chspr.ubc.ca/research/phc/mapping/2009.
Broemeling, A-M, Watson, D.E., Black, C., & Wong, S.T. (2009). Measuring the performance of primary health care: existing capacity and future information needs. Healthcare Policy, 5, 47-64.
Huang, A., Perez-Stable, E.J., Kim, S.E., Wong, S.T., Kaplan, C., Walsh, J., Gregorich, S.E, Iwaoka-Scott, Y, & Sawaya, G. (2008). Preferences for Human Papillomavirus and Papanicolaou testing in a diverse sample of older women. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 9, 1324-1329.
Wong, S.T., Watson, D.E., Young, E., & Regan, S. (2008). What’s important about primary health care? Public priorities. Healthcare Policy, 3(3), 89-104.
Kim, S.E., Pérez-Stable, E.J. & Wong, S.T., Gregorich, S, Sawaya, G.F., Walsh, J., & Kaplan, C.P. (2008). Effects of Cancer Risk Perception on Screening Behavior Among Diverse Women. Archives of Internal Medicine, 168(7), 728-734.
Martin-Meisner, R., Valaitis, R., Wong, S.T., Macdonald, M., Meagher-Stewart, D., Kaczorowski, J., et al. (2008). A Scoping Literature Review of Collaboration Between Primary Care and Public Health. Canadian Health Services Research Foundation, www.mcmaster.ca/nursing/docs/MartinMisener-Valaitis-Review.pdf.
Wong, S.T., Chen, W, Bottorff, J, Hislop, T.G. (2008). Treatment decision-making and quality of life among Asian women diagnosed with DCIS. Journal of Psycho-Oncology, 26(4), 53-73.
Wong, S.T. (2006). The effect of parenting and depression on African American and Latino children’s functional health status. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 21, 434-442.
Wong, S.T., Watson, D.E., Young, E., Mooney, D. & MacLeod, M. (2006). Who are the Primary Health Care Registered Nurses in British Columbia. Vancouver: Centre for Health Services and Policy Research.
Watson, D.E. & Wong, S.T. (2005). Canadian Policy Context: Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Primary Health Care. Enhancing Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Primary Health Care Initiative, http://www.eicp-acis.ca/en/resources/pdfs/Canadian-Policy-Context-Inter….
Wong, S.T., Yee, B., Yoo, G., Usita, P. (2003). Social support and social networks in older Asians: what do we know?. The Gerontologist, 43(Oct, Special Issue), 441-442.
Hung, Y.Y., Galbraith, A., Crain, L.S., Wong, S.T., & Newacheck, P.W. (2003). Health insurance of children and youth. In H.M. Wallace, G. Green, & K.J. Jaros (Eds.), Health and Welfare for Families in the 21st Century. (pp. 245-258). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Newacheck, P.W., Wong, S.T., Hung, Y.Y., & Galbraith, A. (2003). Out-of-pocket health care expenditures for adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health, 32(6 Suppl), 3-11.
Coffman, J.M., Blick, N. & Wong, S. T. (1998). The nursing workforce and nursing education: an overview of trends. In J.M. Coffman & E. O’Neil (Eds.), Strategies for the Future of Nursing: Changing Roles, Responsibilities, and Employments Patterns of Registered Nurses. (pp. 8-20). SF, CA: Jossey Bass.
Teaching Interests
Dr. Wong is committed to engaging students in scientific inquiry that is interesting and relevant to life beyond their university degree. She teaches in both the undergraduate and graduate programs in the areas of population health and primary health care, health policy, and research methods.
Current Teaching
Within the UBC School of Nursing, Dr. Wong has taught the following undergraduate and graduate courses:
Undergraduate Program
NURS336: Professional Nursing Practice with Community and Populations; NURS411H: Population Health and Community; NURS413: Fostering Population Health Promotion; NURS416: Health Care Policy and Professional Nursing; NURS450: Critical Enquiry and Evidence-Based Practice.
Graduate Program
NURS505: Statistical Literacy in Nursing; NURS511: Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice;
Other Teachings
Primary Health Care Tutor program (CIHR Strategic Training Initiative in Health Research program), affiliated with University of Western Ontario, UBC, Dalhousie, and several other universities
Supervisor Eligibility
MHLP, MN, MSN - thesis, MSN - non-thesis, PhD
Graduate Supervision
Grespan, Patricia - MSN, 2018
The effect of implementing a Modified Early Warning Score on patient outcomes in an inpatient cardiology ward
Krzyczkowski, Jennifer Jane - MSN, 2017
Home visits by a cardiac nurse clinician and patients diagnosed with heart failure
Swanson, Monica Eleana - MSN, 2017
The role of registered nurses in primary care and public health collaboration: a scoping review
Housden, Laura Michelle - PhD, 2016
Examining the impact of nurse practitioner-led group medical visits for patients with chronic conditions in primary care
Romanko, Lise - MSN, 2016
The role of concept mapping in the development of critical thinking skills in student and novice nurses: a quantitative meta-analysis
Singian, Kimberly Rose Pineda - MSN, 2015
A retrospective cohort study on the primary care service delivery to men and women diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and depression using the Canadian primary care sentinel surveillance network
Thind, Shevonne Kaur - MSN, 2015
Dietary choices in Canadian South Asian adolescents
Sanghera, Raman - MSN, 2014
Exploring perinatal depression in south asian immigrant women