Trevor Goodyear
Assistant Professor
- Phone 604.822.2891
- Email trevor.goodyear@ubc.ca
- Website Twitter
- Office T239
- Address
2211 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver BC V6T 2B5
Dr. Trevor Goodyear (he/him) is a registered nurse and Assistant Professor in the School of Nursing at the University of British Columbia. His clinical background includes work in inpatient adult medicine, community health, and emergency and inpatient child and adolescent mental health. This informs his current program of community-based youth mental health and substance use research.
Trevor’s research takes a social approach to the study of substance use, mental health, and related health and healthcare experiences, with the aim of developing more nuanced understandings of these issues and the social and structural contexts in which they are experienced. His research is action-oriented, equity-focused, and interdisciplinary in scope. He leverages participatory research methods, such as photovoice and youth advisory committees, alongside emancipatory theories from diverse research disciplines.
Dr. Goodyear is recognized as an emerging leader in the youth health, mental health, substance use, and 2S/LGBTQ+ health fields, in which he has a strong track record of leading impactful research and knowledge translation.
Educational Background
MSN, University of British Columbia
MPH, University of British Columbia
BScN, University of Ottawa & Algonquin College
PhD in Nursing, University of British Columbia
Honours & Awards
2022-2024 Public Scholar Award, Public Scholars Initiative, University of British Columbia
2022-2024 Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral Award, Canadian Institutes of Health Research
2021-2024 Four Year Doctoral Fellowship, University of British Columbia
2022-2023 2SLGBTQ+ Health Hub Fellowship, Canadian Institutes of Health Research Training Grant
2021-2022 Killam Doctoral Scholarship, Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Fund for Advanced Studies, University of British Columbia
2020-2021 International Collaborative Addiction Medicine Research Fellowship, United States National Institute on Drug Abuse
Affiliations & Links
Member, Wellstream: The Canadian Centre for Innovation in Child & Youth Mental Health & Substance Use (https://wellstream.ca/)
Member, Reducing Male Suicide Cluster, University of British Columbia (https://reducingmalesuicide.ubc.ca/about)
Membr, Child and Youth Overdose Prevention Cluster, University of British Columbia (Cluster website forthcoming)
Area of Research
Research Interests
Dr. Goodyear’s research program seeks to advance equity in youth mental health and substance use by leveraging critical health and social science perspectives (e.g., critical drug studies), emancipatory theories and methodologies, and the meaningful participation and expertise of youth who use drugs and/or experience mental health challenges. Broadly, his work aims to examine and ultimately intervene on intersecting social and structural determinants shaping health and healthcare access opportunities for youth, especially in relation to mental health and substance use. Dr. Goodyear grounds his research in youth needs, assets, and priorities by championing a participatory and strengths-based approach. He uses community-based and integrated knowledge translation to mobilize research evidence with impact, including to support equity-focused shifts in pertinent health policy and practice arenas. Of note, Dr. Goodyear also has expertise in 2S/LGBTQ+ health research and is well published in this area.
Select Media Coverage
- Substance use disproportionately impacts Queer communities. What does that mean for UBC students? (2024, September 9). The Ubyssey
- UBC researchers curate photo exhibit highlighting 2SLGBTQIA+ youth. (2024, June 26). The Runner: Kwantlen Polytechnic University's Student Newspaper.
- This Vancouver compassion club was saving lives. Then things got political. (2023, November 27). Vancouver Sun.
- B.C. nurse says arrest of safe drug supply activists could make overdose crisis worse. (2023, November 14). CBC Day 6 News Program (National).
- Man fired by text after disclosing hepatitis C diagnosis wins $65k in human rights case. (2023, May 16). CBC News (British Columbia).
- On Wednesday, many students wore pink. But advocates say LGBTQ youth need support all year. (2022, April 17). CBC News (National).
Current Projects
Reducing male suicide (2023-2024)
[PA: John Oliffe], [Co-A: Trevor Goodyear, Christy Chan, Francine Darroch, Calvin Fernandez ,Krista Fisher, Matthew Genuchi, David Kealy, Paul Links, Sarah McKenzie, Jennifer Mootz, John Ogrodniczuk, Zac Seidler, Paul Sharp, Simon Rice, Andreas Walther, & Michael Wilson]
Grants for Catalyzing Research Clusters Competition, University of British Columbia
Mobilizing knowledge to inform improved recovery-oriented youth substance use services (2023-2024)
[PA: Danya Fast], [Co-A: Trevor Goodyear, Kora DeBeck, Rainbow Dykeman, Cameron Eekhoudt, Karen Giang, Eugenia Oviedo-Joekes, Eva Moore, Caroline Mniszak, Seonaid Nolan, Diana Rolan, & Monique Sandhu]
Ministry of Health Research Seed Grant Program – Priority Research Projects
Side by Side: Identifying strategies to address the health and social needs of youth who use stimulants (2021-2024)
[PA: Rod Knight & Danya Fast], [Co-A: Trevor Goodyear, Skye Barbic, Kora DeBeck, Seonaid Nolan, Nadia Fairbairn, Emily Jenkins, Cheyenne Johnson, Kanna Hayashi, Mohammad Karamouzian, Hannah Kia, Ivan Leonce, Gwen Lister, Rebecca Haines-Saah, Kali Sedgemore, & Jeff West]
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Project Grant
Identifying the impact of cannabis use on mental health outcomes among sexual and gender minority youth in British Columbia and Québec (2021-2024)
[PA: Rod Knight & Olivier Ferlatte], [Co-A: Trevor Goodyear, Skye Barbic, Adam Bourne, Nicholas Chadi, Pierre-julien Coulaud, Nadia Fairbairn, Danya Fast, Jorge Flores-Ananda, Genevieve Gariepy, Mathieu Goyette, Rebecca Haines-Saah, Emily Jenkins, Cheyenne Johnson, Phillip Joy, Mohammad Karamouzian, Hannah Kia, Stephanie Lake, M-J Milloy, Seonaid Nolan, Joanne Otis, Morgan Philbin, & Travis Salway]
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Project Grant
Completed Projects
Out on the street: A community-based study with homeless 2SLGBTQ+ youth who use drugs (2022-2024)
Nominated Principal Applicant
[PA: Trevor Goodyear] [Co-A: Emily Jenkins, Rod Knight, & John Oliffe]
Lyle Creelman Endowment Fund, Spring 2022 Internal Research Grants Competition, School of Nursing, Faculty of Applied Science, University of British Columbia
Reducing male suicide (2022-2023)
[PA: John Oliffe], [Co-A: Trevor Goodyear, William Affleck, Christy Chan, Francine Darroch, Krista Fisher, David Kealy, Paul Links, Sarah McKenzie, Jennifer Mootz, John Ogrodniczuk, Zac Seidler, Paul Sharp, Simon Rice, Rachel Turner, & Michael Wilson]
Grants for Catalyzing Research Clusters Competition, University of British Columbia
Establishing a research collaboration to improve health outcomes associated with homelessness among 2SLGBTQ+ youth across British Columbia (2022-2023)
Nominated Principal Applicant
[PA: Trevor Goodyear, Koharu Loulou Chayama, & Rod Knight], [Co-A: Jade Boyd, Danya Fast, Emily Jenkins Hannah Kia, John Oliffe, & Rodney Stehr]
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Planning and Dissemination Grant – Institute Community Support
The safer washroom campaign: Disseminating best practices in the public and private sectors (i.e., for overdose prevention and response (2021)
[PA: Marilou Gagnon], [Co-A: Trevor Goodyear, Shannon Riley, & Kali-olt Sedgemore]
Reach Grant (2021), Michael Smith Health Research BC
- Goodyear T, Jenkins E, Fast D, Oliffe JL, Kia H, Katriana I, & Knight R. Homes of substance: Drugs and the making of home/lessness for 2S/LGBTQ+ youth. (2024. Social Science & Medicine. 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2024.117352
- Goodyear T, Chayama KL, Oliffe JL, Kia H, Fast D, Mniszak C, Knight R, & Jenkins E. (2024). Intersecting transitions among 2S/LGBTQ+ youth experiencing homelessness: A scoping review. Children and Youth Services Review. 156(107355), 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2023.107355
- Goodyear T, Oliffe JL, Kia H, Jenkins EK, & Knight R. (2023). “You kind of blame it on the alcohol, but…”: A discourse analysis of alcohol use and sexual consent among young men in Vancouver, Canada. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine. 1-22. https://doi.org/10.1177/13634593231214942
- Goodyear T, Richardson C, Aziz B, Slemon A, Gadermann A, Daly Z, McAuliffe C, Pumarino J, Thomson KC, & Jenkins EK. (2023). Mental distress and virtual mental health resource use amid the COVID-19 pandemic: Findings from a cross-sectional study in Canada. Digital Health. 9, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1177/20552076231173528
- Goodyear T, Delgado-Ron, JA, Ashley F, Knight R, & Salway T. (2023). Sexual orientation and gender identity and expression change efforts and suicidality: Evidence, challenges, and future research directions. LGBT Health, 10(5), 339-343. http://doi.org/10.1089/lgbt.2022.0359
- Goodyear T, Jenkins E, Knight R, Sedgemore K, White M, Culham T, & Fast D. (2023). Autonomy and (in)capacity to consent in adolescent substance use treatment and care. Journal of Adolescent Health. 72(2), 179-181. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jadohealth.2022.10.031
- Goodyear T, Ferlatte O, Fast D, Salway T, Jenkins E, Robinson S, & Knight R. (2023). Using photovoice to understand experiences of opioid use among sexual and gender minority youth in Vancouver, Canada. Culture, Health & Sexuality. 25 (5), 599-616. https://doi.org/10.1080/13691058.2022.2079153
- Goodyear T, Kinitz DJ, Dromer E, Gesink D, Ferlatte O, Knight R, & Salway T. (2022). “They want you to kill your inner queer but somehow leave the human alive”: Delineating the impacts of sexual orientation and gender identity and expression change efforts. The Journal of Sex Research. 59(5), 599-609. https://doi.org/10.1080/00224499.2021.1910616
- Goodyear T, Brown H, Browne AJ, Hoong P, Ti L, & Knight R. (2021). “Stigma is where the harm comes from”: Exploring expectations and lived experiences of hepatitis C virus post-treatment trajectories among people who inject drugs. International Journal of Drug Policy. 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.drugpo.2021.103238
- Goodyear T. (2021). (Re)politicizing harm reduction: Poststructuralist thinking to challenge the medicalization of harms among people who use drugs. Aporia: The Nursing Journal. 13(1), 26-35. https://doi.org/10.18192/aporia.v13i1.5272
Teaching Interests
Dr. Goodyear teaches undergraduate, graduate, and VSP courses in the UBC School of Nursing and is also a regular guest lecturer. His teaching focuses on research methods, mental health, and the social and structural determinants of health. He approaches teaching with a commitment to relational inquiry and practice, and his teaching philosophy draws on critical and social constructivist epistemologies and pedagogies, including reconstructionism. He brings clinical, ethical, and theoretical knowledge into the classroom, and actively supports students to connect course content with their lived and professional experiences and the real-world and political contexts in which they go on to apply their learnings.
Current Teaching
Vancouver Summer Program Package C – Introduction to Mental Health (2023, 2024), NURS 303 - Theoretical Perspectives in Nursing: People Living with Mental Health Challenges and Their Families (2025), NURS 552 – Methods in Nursing Science (2025)
Graduate Supervision
Dr. Goodyear is available to supervise graduate students in nursing and other disciplines (e.g., public health, sociology, interdisciplinary studies) whose thesis/dissertation work relates to his research expertise, including his current projects for which there may be opportunities to conduct sub-studies and secondary analyses. Relevant areas of research include youth health, mental health, substance use, 2S/LGBTQ+ health, and housing. Students interested in health equity and community-based research are especially encouraged to email Dr. Goodyear about potential supervision and training opportunities.
Graduate Supervision