Wendy Hall
Professor Emeritus
- Email Wendy.Hall@ubc.ca
- Address
UBC School of Nursing
T201 2211 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver BC V6T2B5

Two-Eyed Seeing for Parents
Led by Elders Wilfred ‘Grouse’ Barnes, Pamela Barnes, and Margaret Eli, two-eyed seeing combines First Nations traditional knowledge and language and Western ways of knowing to promote the development of healthy, vibrant, self-determining Syilx children, families, and communities.

Smart Parent Canada
A text messaging program developed by health experts. We will send you short text messages that are timed to your week of pregnancy and then baby's age. Each contain links to online resources to guide you through pregnancy and your first year of parenting.
Educational Background
BN , University of Manitoba
MSN , University of British Columbia
PhD (Nursing), University of Manchester
Honours & Awards
1992 - UBC Killam Teaching Prize
2000 - RNABC Award of Excellence in Nursing Education
2009 - UBC Killam Teaching Prize
2009 - CRNBC Excellence in Nursing Research Award
2009 - Award of Excellence in Interprofessional Education Teaching (Team Award)
2010 - Award of Excellence with Distinction in Education at BC Women's and Children's Hospital (Team Award)
2016 - Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing Award for Excellence in Nursing Education (Tenured)
2019 - Dean's Medal of Distinction, Faculty of Applied Science, UBC
2022 - Inducted as a Fellow into the Canadian Nurses Association Fellowship Program
Consultant to the Ministry of Health on Sleep content for Baby’s Best Chance and Toddler’s First Steps.
Associate Director, Graduate Programs, UBC School of Nursing
Community Health Consultant for infant behavioral sleep problems
Faculty Affilliate, Human Early Learning Partnership
Member, Canadian Sleep Society
Consultant Member, Child and Family Research Institute
Associate Member, Department of Family Practice, UBC Faculty of Medicine
Member of Executive, Quarter Century Club
Member, The American Academy of Sleep Medicine
Area of Research
Research Interests
My program of research has focused on the transition to parenting and the related areas of infant sleep and breast feeding. I am one of a handful of nurses worldwide who is examining the effects of infant behavioural sleep problems on infants and their parents and developing interventions to assist parents to manage those sleep problems. The threads organizing my work are building parental capacity, particularly competence and confidence, and linking parental capacity to healthy child development. I have been successful at engaging the media and translating key elements of my program of research in ways that are meaningful to the local and national community. I have consistently engaged with health care providers and members of the public by translating my work.
Current Projects
Partnership Engagement Grant: Policy Review of Canadian Child Care Legislation about Sleep
Funder: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Investigators: W. A. Hall, Canadian Child Care Federation (Robin McMillan)
An Indigenous elder-led app to support Indigenous parents' two-eyed seeing for parenting
Funder: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Investigators: W. A. Hall, P. Barnes, W. Barnes, P. Janssen, P. Liao-Lussier, D. McCafferty, M. Eli, S. Pennington
An Indigenous elder-led app to support Indigenous parents' two-eyed seeing for parenting
Funder: UBC Health Innovation Funding Investment (HIFI) Awards
Investigators: W. A. Hall, P. Barnes, W. Barnes, P. Janssen, P. Liao-Lussier, D. McCafferty, J. Nyberg, S. Pennington
Giving Voice to Mothers; Measuring access to high quality, respectful maternity care in Canada.
Funder: CIHR Project Grant
Investigators: S. Vedam (PI), H. Bayrampour, B. Chalmers, E. Darling, R. Gagnon, W. Hall, P. Janssen, J. Kaczorowski, T. Kendall, R. Martin, S. Munro, W. Norman, K. Theissen
Overview: This study is creating a measure of respectful maternity care for high-income countries and testing it.
Health Technologies: Actions and Strategies for Health Promotion.
Funder: Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (CAPES/PrInt)
Investigators: V. Cardoso (PI), L. Pagliuca, T. Araújo, M.V. Lopes, A.F. Fernandes, M. Galvão, V. da Silva, C. Rebouças, N. Guedes, G. da Cunha, M. Fonteles, A.P. Gondim, P. Arrais, W.A. Hall, V.S. Dahinten, A.F. Howard
Overview: This study builds international capacity to develop interventions and technology to promote health.
Better Nights/Better Days: Improving Psychosocial Health Outcomes in Children with Behavioural Insomnia
Funder: CIHR Sleep and Circadian Rhythms Team Grant;
Investigators: P. Corkum (PI), P Andreou, M. Barwick, C. Chambers, R. Godbout, R. Gruber, W. Hall, P. McGrath, G. Reid, B. Rusak, R. Stremler, T. Wade, C. Watters, S. Weiss, & M. Witmans;
Overview: The study team will develop a sleep treatment program for children aged 1 -10 years with behavioural insomnia that will be delivered over the internet, with telephone support.
Completed Projects
Fostering Excellence in graduate supervision at UBC through dialogue, shared resources and policy initiatives.
Funder: Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund.
Investigators: T. Rogers (PI), Wendy Hall, Naoko Ellis, Michelle Stack, Sharalyn Orbaugh, Hillel Goelman, Vincent Duronio, Steven Taubeneck, Natalie Marshall
Overview: The study aim is to develop shared resources and policy initiatives to support excellence in graduate supervision.
SmartParent: A texting program for the first year of parenting.
Funder: BC Children’s Hospital Healthy Starts Catalyst Grant
Investigators: W. Hall and P. Janssen (Co-PIs), C. Larson, H. Bayrampour, Y. Lamers
Overview: The study aim is to develop a cell phone text messaging program (SmartParent) to deliver parenting education to parents of newborns (0-1year) in the Northern Health Authority.
SmartParent: Teaching parenting by texting.
Funder: BCCHRI Digital HEalth Research Accelerator Grant
Investigators: W. A. Hall, P. Janssen (Co-PIs) J. Bettinger, M. Brussoni, N. Fairbrother, S. Munro, T. Oberlander, B. Wagner, P. Liao-Lussier
Reimagining perinatal mental health services: Collaborative development of an integrated model of care
Funder: Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research Convening and Collaborating Competition
Investigators: Emily Jenkins (PI), W. A. Hall, A. Russolillo, B. Bingham, C. Ou, V. Rychel, S. Duffy, M. Carter, N. Fairbrother
Shared Decision Making: A Toolkit for the Health Professions on Collaborative Leadership
Funder: Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund
Investigators: Saraswathi Vedam (PI) College of Health Disciplines Council (CHD), M. Aragon, R. Barretto, C. Frame, C. Fulton, A. Marshall, K. Martin, J. Neufeld, J. Thorne, Dr. M. Butler, Dr. S. Dharamsi, Dr. P. Janssen, J. Scott, Dr. L. Kane Low, Dr. K. Stoll, Dr. W. Hall
Overview: In partnership with the UBC College of Health Disciplines the project will create a Birth Place Toolkit: a curriculum package that will enable learners in the health professions to acquire key competencies necessary to provide optimal maternity care in a collaborative, multi-disciplinary environment.
Connection Grant: From research to practice: Promoting parents’ and care providers’ knowledge and skills about infant sleep.
Funders: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and UBC Hampton Funding
Investigators: W Hall (PI), L. Rempel, D. L. Hunter, R. A. Burns, S. Toth
Overview: The study aims to engage community partners and Niagara Region Public Health in development of materials to support healthy infant sleep and train-the-trainer workshops.
A Study of Childbirth Fear and Maternity Care Preferences among Canadian, Australian and British University Students
Funder: Curtin University of Technology.
Investigators: K. Stoll (PI), W. Hall, Y. Hauck, S. Downe, G. Thompson, P. McNiven, J. Downie.
Overview: This international study examines university students’ attitudes towards childbirth in three countries.
Students' Perspective on Graduate Student Mentoring
Funder: Elizabeth Kenny McCann Educational Research Projects Competition, Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund.
Investigators: W. Hall (PI), J. Phelps, J. Brinkman, C. Roach, C. Connolly, S. Nakata.
Overview: The study aim is to understand graduate students’ perspectives about mentoring to inform and improve mentoring as an integral part of teaching and learning at UBC
Community Partnerships for Health Professional Education
Funder: Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund.
Investigators: A. Towle, L. Bainbridge, G. Charles, M. Clauson, D. Fielding, W. Godolphin, W. Hall, S. Murphy, M. Lee, V. Borossa, M. Glasgow, A. Harstone, B. Bawlf, S. McDonald, K. Sykes.
Overview: A multidisciplinary and community partnership to advance the role of community members in developing and teaching about experiences with health conditions for interdisciplinary health professional students.
Night Waking Reduction in Canadian Infants: A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Parent-Based Cognitive and Behavioral Intervention in Community Health Units - The Rocky Sleep Study
Funder: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).
Investigators: W. Hall, R. Bhagat, R. Brant, JP Collet, A. Gafni, E. Hutton, K. Hydamaka, O. Ipsiroglu, V. Munroe, R. Saunders, K. Triolet, L. Tse, & J. Wooldridge.
Overview: A community-based randomized controlled trial of a behavioral sleep intervention for infants from 6 to 8 months of age.
Hall, W. A., Shah, S., Sterr, L. M., & Macdonald, S. (2016). In A. Peterkin & P. Brett-Maclean (Eds.) Incorporating Patients’ Voices in Health Professional Education. Keeping Reflection Fresh: A Practical Guide for Clinical Educators (pp. 69-171). Kent, Ohio, Kent State Press.
Ou, C., Hall, W. A., Rodney, P., & Stremler, R. (2022). Seeing red: A grounded theory study of women’s anger after childbirth. Qualitative Health Research, 0, 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1177/10497323221120173
Ou, C., Daly, Z., Hall, W. A., Carter, M., Zusman E.Z., Russolillo, A., Duffy, S., & Jenkins, E. (2024). Developing consensus to enhance perinatal mental health through a model of integrated care: A Delphi Study. PLoS One, May 9, 1-18, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0303012 .
Vedam, S., Stoll, K., Tarasoff, L., Phillips-Beck, W., Lo, W., Macdonald, K., Metellus, A., Rost, M., Scott, M., Hodge, K., Korchinski, M., van der Pijl, M., Alonso, C., Clark, E., Tatum, A., Olson, R., Xie, K., Decker, M., Wenzel, K., Roine, A., Hall, W. A. and the RESPCCT Community Steering Council and Study Team. (2024) The RESPCCT Study: Community-led development of a person-centered instrument to measure health equity in perinatal services. Journal of Participatory Research Methods, 5(1). DOI: 10.35844/001c.94399
Hall, W. A., Keys, E., & Ou, C. (2023). A call to action about nurses promoting healthy sleep. Sleep Medicine, 108, 53-54. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sleep.2023.05.012
Henrique, A., Rodney, P., Hall, W. A., Thorne, S., & Joolaee, S. (2023). Women's autonomy for managing labor pain in a relational context: An interpretive description study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, https://authorservices.wiley.com/api/pdf/fullArticle/17744371
Ou, C., Hall, W. A, Rodney, P., & Stremler, R. (2022). Correlates of Canadian mothers’ anger during the postpartum period: A Cross-Sectional Survey Study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 22:163. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12884-022-04479-4
Hall, W. A., & Liva, S. (2022). Falling through the cracks: Graduate students’ experiences of mentoring absence. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 13(1), https://doi.org/10.5206/cjsotlrcacea.2022.1.10957
MacKenzie, N.E., Keys, E., Hall, W.A., Gruber, R., Smith, I.M., Constantin, E., Godbout, R., Stremler, R., Reid, G.J., Hanlon-Dearman, A., Brown, C.A., Shea, S., Weiss, S.K., Ipsiroglu, O., Witmans, M., Chambers, C.T., Andreou, P., Begum, E., Corkum. P. (2021). Children’s sleep during COVID-19: How sleep is influencing surviving and thriving in families. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, jsab075, https://doi.org/10.1093/jpepsy/jsab075.
Livia, S. J., Hall, W. A., Oliffe, J. (2021). Reconciling relationships with physical activity: a qualitative study of women’s postnatal physical activity decision-making. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 21(81), doi: 10.1186/s12884-020-03537-z
Hall, W. A., & Liva, S. (2021). Mentoring as a Transformative Experience. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning. DOI: 10.1080/13611267.2021.1899583
O’Flynn-Magee, K., Hall, W. A., Segaric, C., & Peart, J. (2021). Pre-licensure Registered Nursing Education: Challenges and Opportunities in a Pandemic. Guest editorial. Teaching & Learning in Nursing, 16(1), 3-4. doi:10.1016/j.teln.2020.07.007
Hall, W. A., Biletchi, J., Hunter, D. L., Lemay, S., Ou, C., & Rempel, L. (2019). Dissemination of Evidence Based Interventions for Pediatric Sleep Disorders - The Niagara Project: Process and Outcomes. Online publication, Journal of Sleep Medicine X, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sleepx.2019.100001.
Corkum, P., Weiss, S. K., Hall, W. A., Brown, C. A., Chambers, C. T., Constantin, E., Godbout, R., Hanlon-Dearman, A., Ipsiroglu, O., Reid, G. J., Shea, S. Smith, I. M., Stremler, R. & Witmans, M. (2019). Assessment and Treatment of Behavioural Sleep Disorders in Canada. Sleep Medicine. https://doi:10.1016/j.sleep.2018.11.007
Hall, W. A., & Nethery, E. (2018). What does sleep hygiene have to offer children? In-press corrected proof, Paediatric Respiratory Reviews, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.prrv.2018.10.005
Ou, C., & Hall, W. A. (2018). Anger in the context of postnatal depression: An integrative review. Birth, 45, 336-346. doi:10.1111/birt.12356.
Chang, S., Hall, W. A., Campbell, S., & Lee, L. (2018). Experiences of Chinese immigrant women following zuo yue zi in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(7-8), e1385-e1394. doi:10.1111/jocn.14236
Corkum, P., Andreou, P., Begum, E. A., Chambers, C., Godbout, R., Gruber, R., Hall, W. A., Reid, G., Rigney, Gl., Stremler, R., Weiss, S., & Witmans, M. (2018). Better Nights, Better Days: Improving psychosocial health outcomes in children with behavioural insomnia: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research: Research Protocols, 7(3). doi.10.2196/resprot.8348
Stoll, K, Hauck, Y., Downe, S., Payne, D., & Hall, W. A. (2017). Preference for cesarean section in young nulligravid women in eight OECD countries and implications for reproductive health education. Reproductive Health, 14: 116. doi: 10.1186/s12978-017-0354-x
Ou, C., Hall, W. A., & Thorne, S. (2017). Can nursing epistemology embrace p-values? Nursing Philosophy, January 18:e12173. doi.org/10.1111/nup.12173
Dahlke, S., Hall, W. A., & Baumbusch, J. (2017). Constructing safety risks while caring for hospitalized older people: Secondary analysis of qualitative data. International Journal of Older People, 12:e12148. doi.org/10.1111/opn.12148
Chhina, H., Hall, W., Kaczorowski, J., Marra, C., & Lacaille, D. (2017). Qualitative Insights into Family Physicians’ Perceptions of Academic Detailing for Rheumatoid Arthritis. Quality in Primary Care, 25(2), 63-72.
Hall, W. A., Moynihan, M., Bhagat, R., & Wooldridge, J. (2017). Relationships between Parental Sleep Quality, Fatigue, Cognitions about Infant Sleep, and Parental Depression Pre and Post-intervention for Infant Behavioral Sleep Problems. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 17:104. Doi: 10.1186/s12884-017-1284-x
Thomson, G., Stoll, K., Downe, S., & Hall, W. A. (2017). Negative impressions of childbirth in a North-West England student population. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology,38(1), 37-44. 10.1080/0167482X.2016.1216960
Paruthi, S., Brooks, L. J., D’Ambrosio, C., Hall, W. A., Kotagal, S., Lloyd, R. M., Malow, B., Maski K., Nichols, C., Quan, S. F., Rosen, C. L., Troester, M. M., & Wise, M. S. (2016). Recommended amount of sleep for pediatric populations: A statement of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 12(6), 785-786. doi: 10.5664/jcsm.5866
Lau, A., & Hall, W. A. (2016) Safe Sleep, Day and Night: Mothers' Experiences Regarding Infant Sleep Safety. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 25(19-20), 2816-2826. doi: 10.1111/jocn.13322
Lélis, A. L., Cardoso, M. V. L., Hall, W. A. (2016). Sleep disorders in children with cerebral palsy: an integrative review. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 30, 63-71. doi: 10.1016/j.smrv.2015.11.008
Hall W. A., Hutton E., Brant R., Collet, JP, Gregg, K., Saunders, R., Ipsiroglu, O., Gafni, A., Triolet, K., Tse, L., Bhagat, R., & Wooldridge, J. (2015). A randomized controlled trial of an intervention for infants’ behavioral sleep problems. BMC Pediatrics, 15:181. doi:10.1186/s12887-015-0492-7
Stoll, K., Hauck, Y. L., & Hall, W. A. (2016). Home or hospital? Midwife or physician? Preferences for maternity care provider and place of birth among Western Australia students. Women and Birth, 29, e33-e38. doi.org/10.1016/j.wombi.2015.07.187
Stoll, K., Edmonds, J., & Hall, W.A. (2015). Fear of childbirth and preference for cesarean section among young American women prior to childbirth: A survey study. Birth, 42(3), 270-276.
Hall, W.A., Shah, S., Sterr, L.M., & Macdonald, S. (in press). Incorporating patients’ voices in health professional education. Keeping reflections fresh: Educators share their innovations in health professional education. Kent State Press. Eds: Allan Peterkin and Pamela Brett-MacLean.
Hall, W.A. (2015). The high-risk postpartum woman. In R. J. Evans, Y. M. R. Brown, & M. K. Evans (Eds.), Canadian Maternity, Newborn, & Women’s Health Nursing, 2nd edition (pp. 741-773). Philadelphia, Wolters Kluwer.
Segaric, C. & Hall, W.A. (2015) Progressively engaging: Managing nurses’, patients’ and families’ relationships in acute care settings. Journal of Family Nursing, 21, 35-56. doi:10.1177/1074840714564787
Speth, T.A., Coulombe, J.A., Markovich, A.N., Chambers, C., Godbout, R., Gruber, R., Hall, W., Reid, G., Stremler, R., Weiss, S., Witmans, M., & Corkum, P.V. (2015). Barriers, facilitators and usability of an internet intervention for children aged 1-10 years with insomnia. Translational Issues in Psychological Science, 1(1), 16-31.
Zaidman-Zait, A. & Hall, W. A. (2015) Children’s night waking among toddlers: Relationships with mothers’ and fathers’ parenting approaches and children’s behavioral difficulties. Journal of Advanced Nursing. Article first published online: 18 FEB 2015. doi: 10.1111/jan.12636
Hall, W. A., Liva, S., Moynihan, M., Saunders, R. (2015). A comparison of actigraphy and sleep diaries for infants’ sleep behavior. Frontiers in Psychiatry, Special topic: Frontiers in Sleep Disorders, 6(19), 1-7. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2015.00019
Graduate Supervision
Ou, Christine - PhD Nursing, 2021
Using mixed methods to explain maternal anger : examining the relationships between sleep and anger and exploring mothers' development of anger
Kerr, Holly - MSN (thesis), 2019
Central venous access device-associated skin impairment : a pilot study comparing dressing to no-dressing in adult allogeneic stem cell transplant recipients
Clark, Esther MSN, 2019
W. Hall & S. Vedam (co-supervisors)
Identifying indicators of respect in maternity care in high resource countries : a Delphi study
Colby, Lindsay - MSN, 2018
Preschool outcomes in infants born less than or equal to 25 weeks gestational age : an integrative review of the literature
Popa, Michaela - MSN, 2018
An integrative review of the role, challenges, and facilitators of clinical nurse educators in labour and delivery units
Liva, Sarah - PhD, 2017
Reconciling resistance: women's postnatal physical activity decision-making
Auxier, Jennifer - MSN, 2017
The influence of environments on fear of childbirth during women’s intrapartum hospital stays
Chang, Sylvia Hsi-Ching - MSN, 2016
Experiences of Chinese immigrant women following zuo yue zi in the lower mainland of British Columbia
Lande, Laura - MSN, 2015
A comparison of factors associated with occiput posterior positioning and outcomes for women delivering infants in persistent occiput posterior versus occiput anterior position
Kook, Joanna - MSN, 2014
Second generation Korean daughters : decision making in regards to caring for their elderly parents
Lau, Annie S. P. - MSN, 2014
Safe sleep, day and night: the experiences of parents regarding infant sleep safety
Rahmati, Nadia - MSN, 2014
An exploratory study of women’s experiences of fear about childbirth