This bi-annual competition is open to UBC-Vancouver School of Nursing graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and faculty.
- Dr. Kristen Haase - Perceptions of Geriatric Oncology Patient Navigation Roles Worldwide
- Dr. Rachel Ollivier & Dr. Fuchsia Howard - Exploring Sexual Health Beyond the Immediate Postpartum Period: A Qualitative Study Using Feminist Poststructuralism
- Shams M.F. Al-Anzi (Supervisor: Dr. Elizabeth Saewyc) - Ten-year Trends in Mental Health Outcomes Among Youth in Highly Affected Wildfire Regions Compared to Their Peers in Less Affected Regions in BC
- Kerry Marshall (Supervisors: Dr. Vicky Bungay & Dr. Lydia Wytenbroek) - Contraceptive care in British Columbia: A critical discourse analysis
- Calvin Fernandez (Supervisor: Dr. John Oliffe) - Connecting multiple minority stress, masculinities and suicidality among Canadian-based racialized Two-Spirit, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer (2SGBTQ) men
- Ash Scott - Revolutionizing Nurse Practitioner Training: Integrating Virtual Reality and Large Language Models for Enhanced Clinical Education
- Dr. Scott Ramsay - Looking for ANSwers in the Autonomic Nervous System of Children with Concussion
- Ismália De Sousa (Supervisors: Dr. Sandra Lauck, Dr. Sally Thorne, Dr. T. Field) - Towards equitable stroke care for young women stroke survivors
- Bukola Mary Ibitoye (Supervisors: Dr. Bernie Garrett & Dr. Manon Ranger) - Development and evaluation of BoriZafi: A web-based pain management toolkit to improve sickle cell crises pain in Nigerian adolescents (Phase 1 and 2)
- Amela Ali (Supervisor: Dr. Alison Phinney) - Contextual understanding of unmet needs and challenges among Arabs during cancer care in British Columbia
- Dr. Shahin Kassam (Supervisor: Dr. Vicky Bungay) - Women's Stories of Forced Migration and Connection to Canadian Systems
- Dr. Rubee Dev - A global perspective on cardiovascular health interventions: What works and for whom?
- Dr. Manon Ranger - Exploring the Effects of Kangaroo Care on Mothers of Preterm Newborns
- Eunice Bawafaa (Supervisors: Dr. Suzanne Campbell & Dr. Alison Phinney) - Women’s Experiences and Perception of Access to Reproductive Healthcare in Rural Ghana
- Alysha McFadden (Supervisors:Dr. Annette Browne & Dr. Judy Lynam) - Disrupting the colonial status quo: A critical ethnographic study on the pathways to child health and well-being
- Trevor Goodyear (Supervisor: Dr. Emily Jenkins) - Out on the street: A community-based study with homeless 2SLGBTQ+ youth who use drugs
- Kelly Nguyen (Supervisor: Dr. Lydia Wytenbroek) - A decade of progress in juvenile idiopathic arthritis treatments and outcomes in Canada: Results from ReACCh-Out and the CAPRI Registry
- Flavia Cionca (Supervisor: Dr. Colleen Varcoe) - Nurses' Awareness of, and Action on, Poverty
- Chloe Crosschild (Supervisor: Dr. Colleen Varcoe) - IITSIM’KAATSITA : Improving Nursing Relations and Health-Related Experiences within Perinatal Context for Indigenous Women
- Amal Alharbi (Supervisor: Dr. Susan Dahinten) - The Saudi Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture 2.0
- Catherine Liao (Supervisor: Dr. Colleen Varcoe) - Burn Injuries in Underserved Communities
- Dr. Saima Hirani - Social support interventions for mental health promotion of newcomer women and children living in Canada: A scoping review protocol
- Dr. Nassim Adhami & Dr. Elisabeth Bailey - Self and Collective Care Series: An Intersectional Exploration of Interventions to Support Undergraduate Nursing Student Wellbeing
- Dr. Kristen Haase - Environmental scan of contextual and clinical factors affecting care for older adults with cancer in British Columbia
- Catherine Ojerinde (Supervisors: Dr. Fuchsia Howard & Dr. Sally Thorne) - Cervical Cancer Screening Uptake and Experiences of Black African Immigrant Women in The Context of a Comprehensive Provincial Screening Program in BC Canada
- Celeste Percy (Supervisor: Dr. Sandra Lauck) - Learning from Older People Treated for Heart Valve Disease: Insights from Their Experiences in the Procedure Room
- Meghan Asher (Supervisor: Dr. Helen Brown) - Assessment of Cultural Safety Learning using Modified Reflexive Visual Arts
- Caitlyn Cater (Supervisor: Dr. Annette Browne) - Beyond Security and Surveillance: Using an Equity Lens to Understand Organizational Responses to Aggression and Violence in Emergency Departments
- Dr. Saima Hirani - Psychosocial interventions and mental health in patients with cardiovascular diseases living in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs): A systematic review
- Dr. Manon Ranger - Exploring the experiences of NICU mothers during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Dr. Emily Jenkins - Assessing the mental health impacts of COVID-19: A national survey study
- Dr. Jon Avery (Supervisor: Dr. Fuchsia Howard) - Supporting Young Adults with Advanced or Incurable Cancer
- Dr. Leah Lambert (Supervisor: Dr. Sally Thorne, Dr. Fuchsia Howard) - Pilot Study Using an Online Patient-Reported Outcome Measures Portal to Optimize Breast Cancer Follow-up Care
- Wellam Yu Ko (Supervisor: Dr. John Oliffe) - Establishing return to work accommodations post-prostatectomy: Clinicians and employers’ perspectives
- Abdul-Fatawu Abdulai (Supervisor: Dr. Leanne Currie, Dr. Fuchsia Howard) - Development and validation of anti-stigma design principles for use in sexual health-related technologies
- Lori Block (Supervisor: Dr. Leanne Currie, Dr. Sabrina Wong, Nick Hardiker) - Wound Infection Ontology
- Courtney Devane (Supervisor: Dr. Emily Jenkins) - Understanding The Experience Of Peer Support At Integrated Health And Social Service Centres For Youth: A Qualitative Study
- Krista Sferrazza (Supervisor: Dr. Suzanne Campbell) - Undergraduate Nursing Students’ Experience in the Clinical Learning Environment Since COVID-19 in British Columbia
- Caitlyn Pirker (Supervisor: Dr. Jennifer Baumbusch) - A proposal for the qualitative exploration of the transition to adult healthcare services for young persons with medical complexity and their caregivers
- Meghan Asher (Supervisor: Dr. Helen Brown) - Assessment of Cultural Safety Learning using Modified Reflexive Visual Arts
- Neda Hamzavi (Supervisor: Dr. Helen Brown) - Exploring the experiences of Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour (BIPOC) graduate nursing students in white academic spaces
- Dr. Jennifer Baumbusch - Parents’ Experiences of Providing Care for Children and Youth with Medical Complexity during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Jillian Harding - Indigenous Peoples’ Experiences with and Perceptions of Culturally Safe Health Care
- Sunny Jiao (Supervisor: Dr. Vicky Bungay) - Harm Reduction in BC Emergency Departments
- Julie de Salaberry (Supervisor: Dr. Helen Brown) - Neonatal nurses' caregiving relationships with mothers and infants in a single-family room neonatal intensive care unit
- Elizabeth Straus (Supervisor: Dr. Helen Brown) - The Experiences of Young People Living with Home Mechanical Ventilation
- Mariko Sakamoto (Supervisor: Dr. Alison Phinney) - Dementia and the Alternate Level of Care Experience
- Dr. Emily Jenkins - Facilitating educational dialogue about cannabis use between “at risk” parents and their adolescent children
- Dr. Jennifer Baumbusch - Exploring First-Time Cannabis Use among Community-Dwelling Older Adults
- Allie Slemon (Supervisor: Dr. Vicky Bungay) - Equity-promoting practices in emergency department nurses’ everyday work: A critical ethnography
- Christine Ou (Supervisor: Dr. Wendy Hall) - Examining Maternal and Infant Sleep Quality and Maternal Emotions
- Patrice Wright (Supervisor: Dr. Colleen Varcoe) - Opportunities for Care: Providing Equitable Healthcare in the Emergency Department
- Anna Lee (Supervisor: Dr. Fuchsia Howard - Integration of the Nurse Research Scientist Role into the Clinical Setting
- Pam Turnbull (Supervisor: Dr. Bernie Garrett) - Exploration of a Pre-Surgical Risk Assessment Tool to Identify Pressure Injury Risk in Cardiac Surgical Patients
- Dr. Emily Jenkins - Assessing the impact of a self-care assignment on undergraduate nursing students' management of stressors and ongoing well-being
- Max Ferguson (Supervisor: Dr. Elizabeth Saewyc) - Health, Hidden Homelessness, and Gender: A Multivariate Analysis
- Trisha Manio (Supervisor: Dr. John Oliffe) - Uncovering teamwork in a pediatric emergency department
- Priscilla Taipale (Supervisor: Dr. Bernie Garrett) - Exploring recovery experiences after elective thoracic endovascular repair
- Jae Yung Kwon (Superviosr: Dr. Jennifer Baumbusch) - Use of Registry Data to Evaluate Patient-reported Outcome Measures in the Management of Atrial Fibrillation
- Charlene Ronquillo (Supervisor: Dr. Leanne Currie) - MOBile-health and Implementation Leadership Evaluation (MOBILE) Nurse Study
- Janet Currie (Supervisor: Suzanne Campbell) - Using domperidone to treat insuffiecient milk supply
- Kathy O'Flynn-Magee - Actors in nursing education: Using cognitive rehearsal as an approach to address bullying in nursing education
- Dr. Fuchsia Howard - Adult Childhood Cancer Survivor Responses Following Recall to a Survivorship Clinic: An Interpretive Description Pilot Study
- Amal Alharbi (Supervisor: Dr. Susan Dahinten) - The Impact of Nurse Work Environment in Saudi Arabia
- Allie Slemon (Supervisor: Dr. Emily Jenkins) - Nursing students' experiences in mental health practicums: A narrative inquiry
- Shelley Canning (Supervisor: Dr. Alison Phinney) - Understanding the Experience of Emotional and Social Engagement for People with Advanced Dementia Living in Long-term Care
- Dr. Emily Jenkins - Mothers’ stories of their child’s substance passing: A qualitative interview study
- Holly Kerr (Supervisor: Dr. Wendy Hall) - Central venous Access Device-Associated Skin Impairment: A Pilot Study Comparing Dressing to No-Dressing in Adult Allogeneic Stem Cell transplant Recipients
- Dr. Olivier Ferlatte (Supervisor: Dr. John Oliffe) - Depression and suicide literacy among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer adults
- Paula Foster (Supervisor: Dr. Colleen Varcoe) - Cultural Safety Champions
- Kelly Newton (Supervisor: Dr. Fuchsia Howard) - Facing the Unknown: Infertility in Young Adult Survivors of a Childhood Cancer
- Beth Clark (Supervisor: Dr. Elizabeth Saewyc) - Trans Youth Hormone Therapy Decision Making Study
- Paul Magennis (Supervisor: Dr. Maura MacPhee) - Integrating Evidence-Based Information about Electronic Cigarettes into School-Based Smoking Prevention Programs
- Patrina Lo (Supervisor: Dr. Leanne Currie) - Action Item Completion Time Using an Electronic Handover Tool
- Olivier Ferlatte (Supervisor: Dr. John Oliffe) - Sparking a Community Conversation to Destigmatize Mental Illness and Lobby Suicide Prevention for Gay to Bisexual Men
- Kelsey Timler (Supervisor: Dr. Colleen Varcoe) - From prison to plate: How connections between incarcerated men and Indigenous families impact food security, food sovereignty and health
- Nathanial Roxas (Supervisor: Dr. Vicky Bungay) - Exploring the Healthcare Experiences of Peritoneal Dialysis Patients with their Nurses
- Kathy O'Flynn-Magee - A Study of Educational Institutions’ Processes and Resource Addressing Bullying Experienced by Nursing and Health Care Professional Students
- Dr. Jennifer Baumbusch - Support, Education, Networking & Sustained Engagement (SENSE): Knowledge-to-Action with Families of the Frail Elderly Living in Residential Long-term Care
- Claire Pitcher - Street Involved and Homeless Youth Access to Primary Health Care Services: What Helps and What Gets In the Way?
- Bindy Kang - Sahee Sehayth (Our Health) Project
- Vininder Bains - SEA-ICU: Safety and Efficacy of Acetaminophen in the Intensive Care Unit
- Lori Block - Speech Recognition for Nurses' Wound Documentation
- Tracy Truant - Exploring High Quality Cancer Survivorship Care
- Catherine Hanev - Nurses and Their Work in Canadian Abortion Services: 1960s to 1990s
- Damaris Grunert - Decision making for breastmilk donors: Attitudes, motivations and barriers of BC women toward donating to the Milk Bank
- Dr. Bernie Garrett - Immersive virtual reality for management of chronic pain - A case series
- Nancy Gunn - Public health nurses' assumptions about families living with disadvantages
- Catriona Hippman - Promoting perinatal mental health: Personalizing treatment strategies through decision-making support
- Dr. Jennifer Krzyckowski - Home visits by a cardiac nurse clinician and patients diagnosed with heart failure