June 16, 2016
Canadian Association for the History of Nursing Conference
Exploring connections between health, nursing and leadership, the conference welcomes papers that analyze the various ways in which nurses have negotiated their roles as educators, practitioners or entrepreneurs, testing new paths of work and practice as the context of health care changed and demanded new responses. Questions of education, practice, health policy and power will be examined, looking at critical areas of nursing’s past. How did nurses negotiate new domains of work, authority and knowledge? What tensions arose over claims of knowledge, quality training, skill and professional identity? Abstracts on other topics are also welcome.
The CAHN-ACHN Hannah Lecture will be given by Dr. Linda Bryder, Professor, University of Auckland, New Zealand. The Title of Dr. Bryder’s presentation is: Multiple Pathways to Nursing History Scholarship.
For more information, check out Nursing History.
Date & Time