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March 10, 2016

Social justice and maternal health in post-conflict northern Uganda

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High maternal mortality rates persist throughout sub-Saharan Africa. In this talk, Sarah Rudrum discusses the social organization of maternity care and birth in rural, northern Uganda. The challenging context for maternity care and childbirth is exacerbated by poor infrastructure and ongoing social distress in the aftermath of the protracted conflict between the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) and government forces that ended in 2006. She will also explore how compulsory couples’ HIV testing challenged participants’ access to antenatal and delivery care and how maternity care is shaped by the mama kit project (distribution of a non-profit ‘gift’ of baby-care basics to mothers) with discourses of deservingness, scarcity, and uncertainty.

BIO: Sarah Rudrum received her PhD from the UBC Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice in 2014. Her doctoral research focused on maternity care and birth in rural post-conflict northern Uganda, and examined how gendered and other intersectional power dynamics were constituted through features of care provision including couples' HIV testing and the involvement of international non-governmental organizations. Sarah's research interests include transnational aspects of sexual and reproductive health and health care. Her doctoral supervisors were Dr. Helen Brown and Dr. John Oliffe.

Hosted by the Critical Research in Health & Healthcare Inequities (CRiHHI) unit:

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