June 14, 2017
Engaging with Critical Theoretical Perspectives in Nursing Research, Practice and Policy
Time: 12-1pm
Critical theoretical perspectives are widely taken up as a lens to inform social justice and equity-oriented research and practice in nursing. Yet, the complexity and range of theoretical perspectives that constitute a critical orientation can challenge even the most ambitious graduate students who seek to apply and integrate these ideas into their work.
This seminar will share insights from two graduate students who are currently examining critical theoretical perspectives during directed studies in the MSN and PhD programs. During this session, the two presenters will provide an overview of selected critical theoretical perspectives and discuss how these perspectives can be integrated into mental health and substance use policy, and practice, and health care transition research with young adults with complex care needs.
Elizabeth Straus is a PhD student being supervised by Dr. Helen Brown. She holds a Master of Nursing in Advanced Practice Leadership from the University of Victoria. In her doctoral studies, she aims to extend her previous work in pediatric and young adult complex care and transitions through engagement with critical theoretical perspectives to explore the contextual influences on the daily living experiences and service usage of young adults with life-sustaining respiratory technology transitioning to adulthood and adult care.
Marina Kolar is a MSN student working within a directed studies course with Dr. Helen Brown. Marina is a practicing RPN working within mental health and addictions outreach in the DTES. Within the MSN program, Marina is focusing on gaining a deeper understanding of structural violence and policy processes within the context of health care for people living with mental health challenges and substance use.
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