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January 17, 2018

The effective academic: Key approaches, tools and resources


NEW Time: 12-1pm (noon hour session)

Description:  The demands on academic settings and those working in them continue to rise. Publishing, funding, engagement, and mentorship - social media, mass media, leadership and teaching - the demands on academics increase, diversify and evolve. Concurrently: jobs, resources, and institutional / research funding are becoming more scarce. More needs to be done better with less and by fewer academics.

In this intro session, engage with and harness the best and latest thinking, research and approaches to help support you and your workplace be effective in the new realities of the modern University. Consider how you can meet the diverse demands of the changing academic workplace and take your career, research, and teaching to the next level amidst this complex and demanding context.

Forthcoming book, March 2018: How to be a Happy Academic (SAGE Publications)

No fee, but space is limited, so registration is requested: REGISTRATION

To attend via UBC Nursing webcast: In advance of the session, download the GoTo Meeting app onto your computer/tablet/smartphone if you don't have it installed already.

Facilitator Bios:

Alexander M Clark, PhD, RN, BA(Hons), FCAHS:  Alex Clark is a Full Professor at the University of Alberta.  His research draws on complexity theory to research aspects of heart disease – it has been published in some of the world’s most influential journals, including: the British Medical Journal, Heart, Social Science & Medicine, The Lancet, Journal of Advanced Nursing and Sociology of Health & Illness. This work uses qualitative and quantitative methods, includes systematic review, and incorporates theory.  Dr. Clark chairs or has served on numerous scientific grant review panels in Canada and is the Chair of the Board for the International Institute for Qualitative Methodology. For his contributions to the development of young scientists across disciplines, he was recognized in 2011 as a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader. @DrAlexMClark 

Bailey J Sousa, BA(Hons), PMP:  Bailey Sousa is the Director of the International Institute for Qualitative Methodology (IIQM) based at the University of Alberta.  Bailey has worked as a project manager and team leader for over a decade in a variety of entrepreneurial ventures and roles in corporate, social enterprises and academic settings.  Her interests and contributions relate to workplace effectiveness, leadership, and teamwork in complex settings and she facilitates workshops around the world in the area. In 2015 Bailey was also named one of Edmonton's Top 40 Under 40 for her contributions to the city. @BaileySousa

Date & Time

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