May 11, 2018
Evidencing scholarship in all its forms
Time: 12-1pm
The intention of the workshop will be to share some insights into the nature of scholarship, based around Ernest Boyer’s scholarship model with the intention of generating discussion about what constitutes academic work, what is valued and what else might well be valued. Time will be provided to share ideas about how one goes about evidencing the quality and impact of one’s academic work.
BIO: Professor Patrick Crookes is currently the National Head of the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedicine at the Australian Catholic University. This is the largest nursing school in Australia with over 6500 students on 5 campuses across 4 states. Previously Patrick was Dean of the Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences at the University of Wollongong (UOW), where he became interested in ‘Evidencing the work of Academics’ building on the work of Ernest Boyer. Subsequently Patrick facilitated a programme of work to enhance the reward and recognition for teaching in Australian and UK Universities, for the Australian Government, before he became the founding Director of the Wollongong Academy for Tertiary Teaching and Learning Excellence (WATTLE) at UOW.
Date & Time