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October 11, 2018



Here to Stay will be running at the Playground from October 11 to 14 (from 12 to 5 pm)  

Please join us for the opening of "Here to Stay", a powerful exhibit showcasing the realities of gay and bisexual men living with HIV who have struggled with HIV stigma, mental illnesses, and suicidality.   

The intent of this exhibit is to de-stigmatize suicide among those living with HIV, as well as to raise awareness and generate conversations about the need for targeted mental health programs for this population.     

Where: The playground, 433 Columbia Street, Vancouver BC
Opening:  Thursday October 11th, 2018, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm 

Space is limited, to attend the opening please RSVP by clicking the button 
If you are unable to join us for the opening, you may still view the exhibit.

About Here to Stay  
Here to Stay is a collection of narratives and photographs contributed by gay and bisexual men living with HIV to the Still Here Project. We worked with 22 gay and bisexual men living with HIV and affected by suicide to take photographs to share their experiences, stories, and perspectives about suicide.

Here to Stay is made possible thanks to the generous support from the Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research. 

Still Here was a project supported by the Men's Health Research program at the School of Nursing at the University of British Columbia via funding from the Canadian Institutes for Health Research and Movember. Here to Stay is a partnership with the British Columbia Centre on Substance Use, the Health Initiative for Men (HIM), and the Pacific AIDS Network.

Date & Time

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