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September 17, 2018

Lunch & Conversation


Time: 12-1pm
RSVP to: onrts at

Join us for Lunch and Conversation with Gary Geddes, author of Medicine Unbundled, and Joan Morris, Songhees Elder.

This lunch session, to explore the nursing education implications of Gary’s work, is the first of a series of engagement opportunities hosted by the UBC Nursing Indigenous Cultural Safety Strategic Initiatives committee.

Gary Geddes has written and edited close to 50 books of poetry, fiction, drama, non-fiction, criticism, translation, and anthologies and won a dozen national and international literary awards, including the Commonwealth Poetry Prize (Americas Region), the Lt-Governor's Award for Literary Excellence, and the Gabriela Mistral Prize. He has a PhD from U of T and has taught at Concordia, Western Washington University, and University of Missouri-St. Louis and has been writer-in-residence at U. of Alberta, UBC’s Green College, Ottawa U. and the Vancouver Public Library. He lives on Thetis Island, BC with his wife, the novelist Ann Eriksson.

Joan Morris is a Songhees elder who has worked tirelessly for two decades to educate Canadians about the segregated Indian Hospitals. She is much in demand as a speaker and resource person in schools and universities and has been the subject of many interviews, including "State of Care” on CBC radio's The Current. She is a national treasure.

Date & Time

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