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April 24, 2018

Primary Health Care for All: What Nursing Contributes Matters


Time: 8-9am

2018 marks the 40th anniversary of the Alma-Ata Declaration. Strong primary care systems, based in local communities, are essential to achieving health care for all. Nurses make up the largest workforce in the community, yet remain an underutilized in primary care. With the lack of access that continues to exist in primary care and unsustainable pressures faced by hospitals, there is now keen interest in the creation and implementation of primary care networks; these networks are meant to link community based services with primary care (patient medical homes) and use a team-based care approach. Dr. Wong will discuss the strengths of nurses in contributing to primary care in BC.

BIO: Sabrina Wong is a professor in the School of Nursing and director of the Centre for Health Services and Policy Research. Her work focuses on the delivery and organization of primary health care, particularly to those who are vulnerable by multiple intersecting determinants of health. She has recently done work examining the implementation of nursing practitioners, collaboration between primary care and public health, and improving the science and reporting of performance in primary care. She is the co-chair for the pan-Canadian Strategy for Patient Oriented Research Primary and Integrated Health Care Innovation Network and Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network. In BC, she is part of the leadership teams that oversee both of these network nodes.


Date & Time

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