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Dementia Without Borders

July 3, 2019

Dementia Without Borders

Global News at Peace Arch park



First-of-Its-Kind “Dementia Without Borders” Event at Peace Arch Park

Public Festival Honors Creativity, Advocacy Efforts and Social Citizenship of Persons With Dementia

PEACE ARCH PROVINCIAL PARK, SURREY, BC, July 3 — UBC Centre for Research on Personhood in Dementia (CRPD) and the UW Medicine Memory & Brain Wellness Center (MBWC) invite persons with dementia, family and friends, and all who support a dementia-friendly community to come together for this first-of-its-kind celebration. Dementia Without Borders will take place from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. on Wednesday, July 3, at Peace Arch Provincial Park. The event includes food, live music, poetry performances, art and short films by persons with dementia. It is free and open to the public, and accessible from both sides of the border without a passport.

The culmination of a growing collaboration between the UBC and UW centers, Dementia Without Borders reflects efforts both centers are making to reinforce the rights, strengths and social citizenship of community members who live with dementia.

“We’ve found a shared interest in exploring ways persons with dementia can shape and define their own experience – from contributing to community initiatives that impact their lives, to using the creative arts to leave a legacy,” says Marigrace Becker, program manager for community education and impact at the UW MBWC. “It was a natural next step to plan an event together that shines a spotlight on ways persons with dementia, their families, and their communities, are making a difference.”

“We have been doing research in this area for some time, and it is exciting to be putting it into action in this way. People from all walks of life are coming to participate.” says Alison Phinney, co-director of the CRPD.

The event aims to acknowledge work being done by persons with dementia to raise awareness and challenge stigma, and recognize supportive programs available in communities in WA and BC. Along with other activities, the event features resource tables from Dementia Support Northwest, the Alzheimer’s Society of Canada, the Alzheimer’s Association – Washington State Chapter, and Momentia Seattle.

Ultimately, it’s a chance to connect.

“For me, Dementia Without Borders is about the shared experience of living with dementia, or caring for someone with dementia. I’m excited to share with other people what we’re doing here in Seattle, and to find out what they’re doing in Canada,” says Paula Schwimmer, a planning committee member whose husband lives with dementia.

Over 5.8 million people live with dementia in the US, and over 700,000 people live with dementia in Canada. For many, and for too long, a diagnosis has meant fear, shame and social isolation. It shouldn’t be this way – and it doesn’t have to be this way.

Across the world, communities are coming together to become “dementia-friendly.” Through dementia awareness training, and increased community resources like post-diagnosis support, accessible transportation, and social programs, persons with dementia are beginning to receive the respect and inclusion they deserve.

This is the progress being recognized at Dementia Without Borders. Join the celebration! For more information, or to register, visit

Dementia Without Borders was organized by a planning committee including Alison Phinney (UBC), Gloria Purveen (UBC), Rebecca Hung (UBC), Lee Burnside (UW), Marigrace Becker (UW), Linda Anderson (UW Volunteer), Paula Schwimmer (UW Volunteer).

Join us for a public festival bringing together persons with dementia, family, friends, and all who support a dementia-friendly community.

The festival will honour the creativity, advocacy efforts and social citizenship of persons with dementia on both sides of the border and celebrate a growing cross-national collaboration between UBC and UW in support of dementia-friendly communities. Dementia Without Borders features a brief optional community walk, BBQ lunch, art exhibit and musical performances by persons with dementia, and more!

A free event July 3 at 11 am; includes limited transportation from Vancouver or Seattle. Event location, Peace Arch Provincial Park, is accessible from both sides of the border without a passport or border crossing.

Dementia Without Borders is organized by the UBC Centre for Research on Personhood in Dementia and the UW Medicine Memory & Brain Wellness Center.


Seattle: Marigrace Becker | Email: Phone: 206 744 2017

Vancouver: Alison Phinney | Email: Phone: 604-822-7484

Date & Time

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