June 3, 2019
Icons, Trailblazers, and Symbols of Virtue: Nurses in Public Memory
Time: 1:30-3pm
Map: Wayfinding
This roundtable centers on the commemoration of nurses in public memory across a number of contexts. By critically examining representations of nurses as icons, trailblazers, war heroes, and symbols of virtue, discussants will unpack the power and meaning of the commemoration of nursing, and, more broadly, women’s caring work. In the context of current public debates on the nature – and political correctness – of historical plaques, monuments, and statues, and the broader symbolism of assigning place names, this roundtable explores the multiple uses of commemoration in and of nursing and health-related caring work.
Brief presentations by five historians of medicine and nursing (Jill Campbell-Miller, Carleton University; Sioban Nelson, University of Toronto, Sarah Glassford, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick; Andrea McKenzie, York University; and Peter Twohig, St. Mary's University) will be followed by discussion with the audience.
Learn more: www.congress2019.ca/calendar/1254
Date & Time