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May 23, 2019

Nursing Leadership in Promoting Equity: Trauma and Violence Informed Care, Harm Reduction and Cultural Safety


Time: 12-1pm

NEW DATE: Rescheduled to Thursday, May 23, 2019

The EQUIP Team is an interdisciplinary team that uses a tripartite leadership model (practice, research and Indigenous leadership) to study and advance equity in health care. This presentation will overview how the team is using the model and an integrated Knowledge Translation approach to support the uptake of these three key dimensions of equity oriented care in direct care and throughout the health care system. We further illustrate how shared commitment to health equity and the importance of Front Line Ownership for real and sustainable change are essential to the success of this work.

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To attend via UBC Nursing webcast: In advance of the session, download the GoToMeeting app onto your computer/tablet/smartphone if you don't have it installed already.

Date & Time

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