In this document, you will find the view the UBC School of Nursing, related to the potential conflict of interest when deciding or not to agree for gifts from students, or other engagements.
This document provides the guidelines followed by faculty to grade work submitted to them, following the assessment and evaluation criteria of specific assignments in the course. It includes Grading Levels and Percentages assigned to them.
This policy offers some insight on how the Clinical Practice Competencies are graded, in light of their own nature and the students’ own skill and ability, as well as all circumstances involved in each situation.
Guidelines for Differentiated Time Accommodation for Assessments
This document outlines the understanding of the School with respect to accommodation in the form of extra time during assessment for students in both: Undergraduate and Graduate Programs. It has been approved by UBC Centre for Accessibility.
Guidelines for Professional Responsibility & Accountability for Students in the BSN Program
Theses guidelines provide examples of what professional responsibilities and accountability expectations look like for students in the BSN Program at UBC Vancouver, based on BCCNM’s Professional Standard 1: Professional Responsibility and Accountability.
This document describes how to get answers to your questions and find resolution to challenges you many encounter. It will show where to start when you have a concern that needs attention.
This policy offers some insight on the nature of Clinical Practice Competencies, the process to acquire them, and how the School ensures each student is assessed accurately. The Clinical Practice component of any course is grade as Pass or Fail.
The use of photography at the School of Nursing requires careful attention to balance between effective communication and respect of privacy. Students, who do not want their photo taken at the SoN, can fill out the form on this document.
In this document, you will find the rationale observed by the SoN that supports the University's view that Plagiarism represents academic misconduct of a serious nature. It outlines plagiaristic behaviours and how they are handled at the School.
Professional Appearance for Practice Learning Experiences
This policy provides guidance to present a professional image in the clinical practice setting, based on principles for professionalism, infection control, personal safety and role identification.