April 4, 2022
Congratulations to Ismália De Sousa, a PhD student at the School of Nursing, on receiving the UBC Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Award.
The Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant award is bestowed on Graduate Teaching Assistants who have excelled in creating a productive learning environment for their students. With over two thousand Teaching Assistants at the university, this award honors the most remarkable candidates who have improved their academic programs at UBC. Successful candidates will have demonstrated a high level of respect from undergraduate students and supervisors as the award is adjudicated within faculties.
Ismália De Sousa is one of the 2021-2022 recipients of the award for her dedication to teaching excellence at UBC. Her pedagogy strives to critique Eurocentric schools of thought while promoting an environment that allows students to recognize discrimination and analyze social and health inequities. Ms. De Sousa’s responsibilities include NURS 504 “Research and Evidence-based Practice”, NURS 330 “Theoretical Perspectives in Nursing (Adults/ Older Adults and their families)”, NURS 540 “Educational Processes in Nursing”, NURS 502 “Ethics and Politics in Nursing”, NURS 552 “Methods in Nursing Science”, NURS 504 “Research and Evidence-based Practice”, NURS 508 “Pathophysiological Processes for Nurse Practitioners”, and NURS 511 “Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice.”
The awarding of the 2022 UBC Killam Laureates will take place in late April along with winners of other Killam awards.