March 15, 2022
Congratulations to Natania Abebe, third year student in the MPH-MSN dual degree program on receiving the Professor Jessie Gordon MacCarthy Memorial Scholarship.
The Professor Jessie Gordon MacCarthy Memorial Scholarship recognizes a student in the final year of any pre-licensure health science program who best combines academic excellence, demonstrated interest, and leadership in the field of community health. The scholarship was established through an endowment in memory of Jessie Gordon MacCarthy, long-term contributor to the development of health sciences at UBC.
The 2021 recipient is Natania Abebe, who is a third-year student in the Master of Public Health and Master of Science in Nursing dual degree program in the School of Population and Public Health in the Faculty of Medicine and the School of Nursing in the Faculty of Applied Science. Natania was recognized for her leadership in public health, anti-racism, and equity-based mental healthcare. She has worked with people with lived and living experience, researchers, and policymakers to advocate for healthy public policy that is co-created and driven by community to improve mental health. Among her many accomplishments, Natania is a co-founder of the Coalition of African, Caribbean and Black nurses in British Columbia, which works to address racism and discrimination experienced by African, Caribbean, and Black nurses in the province as well as a co-founder of Stars in a Jar, which promotes the mental wellbeing of pediatric cancer patients through community supports.