UBC Vancouver School of Nursing doubles nurse practitioner program, becomes largest in Canada

This September, UBC’s School of Nursing in Vancouver welcomed twice as many new students to its Master of Nursing-Nurse Practitioner (NP) degree program. Funded as part of a significant provincial expansion of nurse practitioner seats, the School admitted 60 nurses to the 2-year graduate program, which will prepare them to work in communities across BC as family nurse practitioners.  

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According to the School’s Director Elizabeth Saewyc, this increase makes the program the largest in Canada, and helps fill an urgent need for more primary care providers across the province.  

“Growing demands on BC’s health care system mean we need more nurses and other health care providers in all settings. Primary care is a key solution to this critical issue,” Dr. Saewyc explained.  

“As a first point of contact, primary care providers like nurse practitioners and family doctors diagnose and treat common illnesses and injuries, screen for cancer and chronic conditions, and provide preventive care for people of all ages. Without a primary care team, people may wait too long before being seen, and end up in the emergency department or in hospital.”  

By graduating an even greater number of NPs each year to join team-based primary clinics or start their own practices across the Lower Mainland, the program will improve access to services and reduce strain on crowded emergency rooms. 

The 60 new students are currently learning at UBC’s Point Grey Campus, joining second-year NP students. Next year, once new space that UBC has secured in Surrey is ready, half of the new cohort will shift to complete all classes and clinical placements in the Fraser Health region.  

“Many of our students come from Surrey and other cities throughout the Fraser Health region,” Dr. Saewyc said. “UBC’s commitment to expand the Nurse Practitioner program in Surrey, with classes and clinical practice experiences closer to where students live and plan to set up practice, will help ensure more health care for the growing population in the Fraser region.”  

Nurse practitioners are an important part of BC’s healthcare system,” said Lisa Beare, Minister of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills. “The new seats at UBC will help give more people the opportunity to train for much-needed, rewarding careers providing the high-quality health-care services that BC’s communities need.

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