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UBC Nursing Rounds

January 30, 2024

Nursing students’ perceptions of teaching practices that develop awareness and engagement with social justice



"They bring the topic [of social justice] but stop there": Nursing students’ perceptions of teaching practices that develop awareness and engagement with social justice 

Presenters: Ismália De Sousa, Dr. Lydia Wytenbroek, Dr. Elisabeth Bailey, Dr. Suzanne Campbell 

Abstract: Pedagogical frameworks grounded in social justice, such as decolonizing and anti-racist educational practices, are essential in nursing programs. Yet, there remains a lack of knowledge about student perspectives regarding nurse educators’ approaches to incorporating social justice in education. We will present the findings from our scholarship of teaching and learning project focused on understanding nursing students' perceptions about educational strategies that develop critical awareness and engagement with social justice and positively influence professional practice. In the spirit of creating a teaching community open to unlearning and learning, we will collectively reflect on the uptake of these strategies in different educational courses and contexts and how to enact social justice in nursing education. 

Date & Time

Tue, January 30

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