September 9, 2020
The American Academy of Nursing (AAN) announced its new 2020 Fellows on August 6, 2020. We warmly congratulate Dr. Sabrina Wong, Professor and Associate Director of Research with the School of Nursing, who will be inducted as a new Fellow along with 229 distinguished nurse leaders from the United States, Canada, and 12 other countries.
Dr. Wong is recognized for her significant contributions to health and health care. Her research examines the organization and delivery of health care services within the context of primary health care. She is currently the Science Lead in BC for the Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research Primary and Integrated Health Care Innovation Network and Director of the BC Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network. A recognized leader in research involving patient-reported experiences and outcomes care, her work contributes to informing practice and system-level interventions that seek to decrease health inequalities among Canadian residents. Dr. Wong's expertise was integral in forming the Faculty of Applied Science's response to the Covid-19 pandemic at the onset of the crisis, and we are as always, proud and grateful to call her a colleague.
Dr. Wong will be inducted as a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing (FAAN) in their first virtual ceremony, to be held during the annual policy conference from October 29 to 31, 2020. As a virtual event, the AAN 2020 Virtual Policy Conference: In Crisis and Calm: Leading with Purpose is now open to colleagues, friends, and family who may not have had the opportunity to attend before, and will feature a personalized video to honour each inductee.
We heartily cheer Dr. Wong as she receives this prestigious honour.