Dr. Saewyc Receives Distinguished Alumni Humanitarian Award

Elizabeth Portrait

Congratulations to Dr. Elizabeth Saewyc, UBC School of Nursing Director and Professor, on being named the recipient of the 2021 Distinguished Humanitarian Award by the University of Minnesota School of Nursing's Alumni Society on April 15, 2021. This year is, incidentally, the 25th anniversary of Dr. Saewyc's 1996 graduating class at the University of Minnesota.

Dr. Saewyc's research focuses on health issues of youth, with a particular emphasis on how stigma, violence, and trauma affect adolescent health and risk behaviours, and the environmental assets and protective factors that foster resilience among vulnerable young people in spite of stigma and trauma. Her research has influenced public health and policy in Canada, the US, and internationally. She led Stigma and Resilience Among Vulnerable Youth Centre (SARAVYC) in conducting the first Canadian national health survey of transgender youth in 2014, as well as follow-up surveys, all of which have influenced clinical practice, human rights cases, and laws.

Dr. Saewyc says she was nominated for the Distinguished Humanitarian Award by two of her alma mater's faculty members, "one of whom was a former doctoral student of mine, and it was completely unexpected!"

We are delighted that our director can add this recognition to her growing list of accolades. Well done!


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