September 29, 2021
The Michael Smith Foundation announced its Reach and Convening and Collaborating (C2) awards for 2021 on September 29, 2021. These awards "will create pathways from research evidence to practice" for three School of Nursing faculty and several other colleagues. Congratulations to Dr. Helen Brown, Dr. Jennifer Baumbusch, and Dr. Kristen Haase.
- Dr. Helen Brown and team | C2 | Kitchen table justice: Co-developing Indigenous-informed food justice participatory action research strategy to support holistic health and redress health inequities with paroled women in BC.
- Dr. Kristen Haase and team | C2 | Cancer and aging research engagement: Identifying priorities to enhance research and care of older adults with cancer and their caregivers
- Dr. Jennifer Baumbusch and team | Reach | Civility matters: Co-creation of an online toolkit for long-term care home staff
Additional congratulations go out to:
- Dr. Brown is also named as a team member in the Amanda Slaunwhite study (BC CDC) | C2 | Building capacity to reduce overdose among formerly incarcerated people in British Columbia
- Trevor Goodyear, who is a team member on the Marilu Gagnon study (UVIC - Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research) | Reach | Safer Washroom Campaign
- Dr. Natasha Prodan-Bhalla, who is a team member on the Sarah Munro study (BC Women's, WHRI) | C2 | Contraception and abortion in BC meeting: Experience guiding research guiding care