The School of Nursing congratulates doctoral trainee Bonnie Leung on her Health System Impact (HSI) PhD Fellowship.

November 23, 2022
The School of Nursing congratulates doctoral trainee Bonnie Leung on her Health System Impact (HSI) PhD Fellowship. The Canadian Institutes of Health Research HSI program provides highly qualified PhD trainees (and postdoctoral fellows, and now early career researchers) with the opportunity to develop embedded research projects that address the most pressing problems faced by health system organizations to support evidence-informed decision-making.
In partnership with BC Cancer, Bonnie's project, Improving access to diagnosis and care of cancer-related spinal cord injury for patients with language barriers, is supported by Dr. Leah Lambert, as the embedded health system supervisor. Bonnie is also supported by her academic doctoral co-supervisors Dr. Sally Thorne and Dr. Kristen Haase.
My doctoral HSIF project will study the disparities in care and care outcomes of cancer-related spinal cord injury among patients with limited English proficiency in British Columbia. Clinical resources and policies will be developed with patient partners and an interdisciplinary care team to address the identified barriers.
~ Bonnie Leung