We are proud to announce that Dr. Suzanne Hetzel Campbell was promoted to full professor on July 1, 2022.

July 5, 2022
Suzanne arrived at UBC in 2012 in the role of Director of the School of Nursing. Undaunted by the prospect of transitioning to a new country, university, health care system, and the nuances of nursing education and practice in British Columbia, Suzanne led the school until 2016. She perceived the growing, global trend toward recognizing that nursing leadership is absolutely necessary for the development of safe practice environments and quality care, and she strove to ensure that the school was able to meet this need. Under her tenure, the PhD program celebrated 25 years, the Master of Health Leadership Programs developed in Seniors Care and Clinical Education, and the first Edge Film Festival celebrated nursing research. Building on the work of her predecessors, Suzanne continued to lay the groundwork for a building for nursing that would support community health and well-being and she looked forward to creating more professorships to support clinician-scientists and faculty while strengthening relationships with partners and health authorities.
Suzanne is an Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant who incorporates technology and emerging pedagogy in her teaching. Her experience stems from her career in high-risk maternity centres, in the community supporting and promoting breast/chestfeeding, and as a nurse practitioner in a private medical practice. She holds an International Nurses Association of Clinical Simulation Learning (INACSL) Excellence in Academic Setting – Mentor Award received in 2011. In 2018 the INACSL inducted Suzanne as VP of International Affairs. More recently, after the publication of Suzanne's latest book, Lactation: A Foundational Strategy for Health Promotion, it received recognition from The American Journal of Nursing as one of the "The most valuable texts of 2021" under History and Public Policy. Later that same year, Suzanne was inducted as a Fellow of the Canadian Nurse Educator Institute.
Suzanne's influence as nurse leader, educator, and advocate for breast- and chest-feeding parents has been invaluable, and we look forward to her further contributions to the school as a full professor. Congratulations!
Suzanne's promotion is one of three promotions to full professor that the School is celebrating in July 2022.